Monday, May 25, 2015

Call for chapters: Dead Firms: Causes and Effects of Cross-Border Corporate Insolvency

Call for Book Chapters

Dead Firms: Causes and Effects of Cross-Border Corporate Insolvency

Advanced Series in Management

Co-edited volume by:
  • · Miguel Torres, Leeds University, UK
  • · Virginia Cathro, University of Otago, New Zealand 
  • · Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia

New deadline for chapter’s proposal (Up to 300 words): 8 October 2015

New possibility for mini-cases on:

· Internationalised versus failed to internationalise firms
· Company autopsy: Case studies that speak from the grave

New deadline for submission of full chapters: 15 December 2015

In general lines, insolvency is a state in which the debtor is proven unable to pay corporate debtors. We aim to explore the contemporary causes and effects of corporate cross-border insolvency (CCBI). This state occurs when the debtor’s assets or liabilities are located by virtue of being cross-border in more than one country, or if the debtor is subject to the jurisdiction of courts from two or more countries (UNCITRAL, 2014). In the realms of international business, CCBI could be mediated by events experienced during the internationalization of the firm, which may encompass a loss of capital, loss of revenue and loss of credit. Problems experienced that ‘drag on’ and are exacerbated by a tangled web of interconnected occurrences, like credit problems resulting from waiting for promised payments that never happen, accumulating unpaid bills and the accrual of situations that reduce the firm’s credit at home and abroad. The potential for small events to compound and morph in firms that control and manage production establishments located in two (or more) countries is greater than the same potential for those that keep a domestic profile (Teece, 1985; UNCITRAL, 2014). If unaddressed, these ‘business, as usual’ issues reach a point where a viable organisation is transformed into a dead firm. Although many businesses are too well aware of these potential problems, some (albeit perhaps in hindsight) fail to deal with these issues effectively. This is conceivably a result of the lack of applied literature on this topic. Academic literature points to a significant number of firms are unable to deal with these types of obstacles and as a result die prematurely (Boswell, 1972; Cressy, 2006; Mata & Portugal, 1994; Saridakis, Mole & Hay, 2013). These obstacles which might be called ‘contributing factors’ or ‘cause of death’ in a post mortem are in the context of business a lack of productivity (Frazer, 2005), financial constraints (Musso & Schiavo, 2008; Bridges & Guariglia, 2008), failure of effective institutions (Girma, Gorg & Strobl, 2007), absence of functioning markets or lack of competitiveness (Johnson, Price & Vugt, 2013), population density at the time of founding (Utterback & Suárez, 1993), lack of innovation (Fernandes & Paunov, 2014) and obsolesce (Ramseyer, 1981). These contributing or attributable factors that explain CCBI and ‘organisational death’, is the “raw material” of this edited volume that aims to achieve and answer to the bigger picture question of “Why do firms die?” This volume seeks to explore international and cross-disciplinary perspectives, if you like a forensic examination, autopsy or post mortem of ‘how and why’ companies die. This alternate perspective flips the focus on survival, as all existing firms are in truth survivors, to consider through the metaphors of death, (with forensic analysis, autopsy, post mortems and crime scene investigations) the lessons ‘dead firms’ might offer. Contributions to this volume could herald from a range of different literatures including, but possibly not limited to, management, international business, economics, and international law. Empirical analyses based on primary and secondary data from different countries that add value to comtemporary understanding of CCBI are encouraged. 

Theoretical contributions will also be considered, along with contributions considering the ‘cold-blooded murder’ of a cross-border company ensuing mergers and acquisitions.

Topics that may fit this volume’s editorial intentions include (but are not limited to) the following:
  • • The Nature and Impact of “Death Firms” on International Business
  • • Causes and effects of death of internationalized firms
  • • State-of-the-Art in Death Firms
  • • Internationalised versus failed to internationalise firms
  • • Company autopsy: Case studies that speak from the grave

As a volume in the Advanced Series in Management, this scholarly book will contribute to researchers’ understanding of the development, antecedents, processes and consequences of corporate insolvency around the world. It may also be used as a reference in executive education programs or as a textbook in graduate (or advanced undergraduate programmes) in Business Schools.

Full chapters are expected to have between 10,000 and 12,000 words; and mini cases around 4,000 words ( (including references, figures, and tables). Only original work whose copyright is owned (or cleared) by the chapter authors, and not considered for publication elsewhere, can be considered for inclusion in the ASM series.
Scholars whose work is likely to fit this call for chapters are invited to contact the editors via email (;; to discuss their ideas and in preliminary form assess whether their contribution would be included. Brief descriptions (300 words or less) of the main contents of their chapter, their methodology and about 200-word author(s)’ bio(s) highlighting their expertise in the area should be sent to all editors for initial consideration, before October 8, 2015.

Important deadlines

  • Preliminary screening of ideas for chapters: 8 October 2015 (up to 300 words abstract) 
  • Full chapters: 15 December 2015 (around 10,000 words)
  • Acceptance notifications or requests for revisions: about four weeks after full chapter manuscript is received; 
  • Submission of revised manuscripts: No later than 20 January 2016. 

Publication of volume: about four months after final, revised chapters have been received by the volume editors; expected in  mid-2016.

Books in the Advanced Series in Management may be obtained in both electronic and paper form and are included in Thomson Reuters Book Citation Index. The Book Citation Index is a product within the Thomson Web of Science. Web of Science includes citation databases such as the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and the Conference Proceedings Citation Index. The Book Citation Index (BKCI) means that scholars can now access citation data across all major publication formats. This title is indexed in Scopus. For more information on the Advanced Series in Management, please visit:

For information pertaining to Emerald’s style guide refer to


  • Agarwal, R. & Audretsch, D. B. (2001). Does Entry size Matter? The Impact of Life Cycle and Technology on Firm Survival, Journal of Industrial Economics, 49(1), 21-43. 
  • Audretsch, D. B. (1991). New-Firm Survival and the Technological Regime. Review of Economics and Statistics, 73(3), 441-450. 
  • Audretsch, D. B. (1995). Innovation, Growth and Survival. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 13(4), 441-457. 
  • Audretsch, D. B. & Mahmood, T. (1995). New Firm Survival: New Results Using a Hazard Function. Review of Economics and Statistics, 77(1), 97-103. 
  • Boswell, Jonathan (1972). The Rise and Decline of Small Firms. London, UK, George Allen & Unwin Limited. 
  • Bridges, S. & Guariglia, A. (2008). Financial constraints, global engagement, and firm survival in the United Kingdom: evidence from micro data, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 55(4), 444-464. 
  • Cefis, E. & Marsili, O. (2006). Survivor: The Role of Innovation in Firms’ Survival. Research Policy, 35(5), 626-641. 
  • Cressy, R. (2006). Why do most firms die young? Small Business Economics. 26(2), 103-106. 
  • Fernandes, A. M. & Paunov, C. (2014). The risks of innovation: Are innovative firms less likely to die? The Review of Economics and Statistics (accepted for publication). 
  • Frazer, G. (2005). Which firms die? A look at manufacturing firm exit in Ghana. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 53(3), 585-617. 
  • Girma, S., Gorg, H. & Strobl, E. (2007). The Effects of Government Grants on Plant Survival: A Micro-Econometric Analysis, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 25(4), 701-720. 
  • Johnson, D P., Price, M. E. & Van Vugt, M. (2013). Darwin’s invisible hand: Market competition, evolution and the firm. Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, 90(1), S128-S140. 
  • Mata, José and Portugal, Pedro (1994). Life Duration of New Firms.Journal of Industrial Economics, 42(3), 227-245. 
  • Musso, Patrick & Schiavo, Stefano (2008), The impact of financial constraints on firm survival and growth, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 18(2), 135-149. 
  • Ramseyer, J. Mark (1981), Letting obsolete firms die: Trade adjustment assistance in the United States and Japan. Harvard International Law Journal, 22(3), 595-619. 
  • Saridakis, G., Mole, K. & Hay, G. (2013), Liquidity constraints in the first year of trading and firm performance. International Small Business Journal. 31(5), 520-535. 
  • Teece, D. (1985), Multinational Enterprise, Internal Governance, and Industrial Organization. The American Economic Review. 75(2), 233-238. 
  • UNCITRAL (2014), UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency with Guide to Enactment and Interpretation, Vienna, Austria, United Nations. 
  • Utterback, J. M. & Suárez, F. F. (1993), Innovation, competition and industry. Research Policy, 22(1), 1-21.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Call for papers. Special Issue: Global Entrepreneurship: Past, Present & Future

Call for Proposals

Advances in International Management 2016

Global Entrepreneurship: Past, Present & Future


  • Timothy Devinney (University of Leeds)
  • Gideon Markman (Colorado State University)
  • Torben Pedersen (Bocconi University)
  • Laszlo Tihanyi (Texas A&M University)
The role that small- and medium-sized enterprises play in the economic development and growth of cities, regions and nations has been an increasing subject of debate and study for the last half century. Concomitant with the concern with the larger social and economic impact of these firms there has been interest in the factors that lead to their formation, growth, and decline. We know that startups face daunting economic factors that result in their high failure rates. These risks are exacerbated by the economic developments over the last half century that have created conditions where the economic pressures facing small and medium sized firms have become increasingly global. Hence, it is critical that such firms account for how they can compete at larger scale more quickly and do so in a geographically wider domain. In addition, the increasing global nature of competition means that entrepreneurs need to develop business models that can thrive not just in their local markets, but also adapt to a variety of cultures, social, and economic ecosystems that might be quite different. In short, while the complexity of building a global startup and expanding a small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) globally are well appreciated, our understanding of these complexities remains quite limited.

The 2016 volume of the Advances in International Management—the most-downloaded annual scholarly publications in business and management—will focus on the opportunities and challenges that entrepreneurs and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face in a world of global competitions. We have outlined four goals for this volume. First, we would like to provide an overview of successful strategies that global entrepreneurs and SMEs have employed that have allowed them to establish regional and international footprints. Second, we wish to examine how local resources, culture and managerial capabilities have contributed to startups’ global success (or the lack thereof). Third, we would like to study the interactions between SMEs and multinational enterprises (MNEs) both at the level of MNEs as incubators for entrepreneurial ventures and as competitors to those ventures. Fourth, we aim to publish a collection of chapters with original, even edgy ideas and theoretical advances that will provide the foundation for future doctoral dissertations and other research projects on international entrepreneurship.

We hope the volume will provide a forum for thought-provoking empirical research, theoretical ideas, discussions, and reviews owing to its format and our review process. We are open to theoretical papers and empirical submissions using different methodological approaches and diverse macro and micro perspectives.

Submission Information

  • Authors should submit an electronic copy of their proposal (5 single-spaced pages) to the Editors of the volume ( by July 1, 2015. Our suggestion is to not submit your abstract before 1 June, as we will not be examining them in sequence.
  • Workshop for abstracts accepted for consideration: 7-8 October 2015 (immediately following the SMS Conference). The workshop will be held in Denver.
  • Submission deadline for full papers: November 15, 2015.
  • Submission deadline for revised papers: February 10, 2016.
  • Publication date of volume: July 1, 2016.

The Advances in International Management (AIM) is a research annual devoted to advancing the cross-border study of organizations and management practices from a global, regional, or comparative perspective, with emphasis on interdisciplinary inquiry. Information on past AIM volumes and contributors can be found at the following link:

Timothy M. Devinney
University Leadership Chair and Professor of International Business
Leeds University Business School
Maurice Keyworth Building
University of Leeds | Leeds | LS2 9JT | UK

Call for papers: Special Issue on Public‐Private Collaboration, Hybrid Organizational Design and Social Value

Journal of Management Studies

Call for Papers

A Special Issue on Public‐Private Collaboration, Hybrid Organizational Design and Social Value

Submission Deadline: May 31st, 2015

Guest Editors:


In today’s economic environment, novel, innovative forms of collaboration between public and private organizational actors take an increasingly prominent place. Across the world, the provision of public goods and services increasingly relies on public-private sector interaction and cross-sector partnerships, involving firms, governmental or political actors, and social constituents. Industries and sectors as diverse as healthcare, education, defence, utilities and public infrastructure witness growing private sector participation. Likewise, addressing many of the world’s most pressing social concerns, such as poverty and disease eradication, humanitarian aid provision, increasingly falls under the realm of multi-actor constellations involving corporations, as well as non-governmental (NGOs) and citizen organizations. In all these domains, various hybrid organizational arrangements become common-place and raise important questions related to their governance, design, performance implications and effectiveness.

Some of the most critical questions raised revolve around the organizational design and governance mechanisms underlying these novel forms of public-private interaction. Likewise and, critically, they also put into spotlight important trade-offs that may exist between the pursuit of social or public welfare and private interests. As cross-sector collaboration becomes increasingly wide-spread, the capacities for such partnerships to generate and deliver value to underlying stakeholders - public bodies, private and social actors, become of a paramount concern. 

How are public-private or cross-sector contexts different from traditional purely private or for-profit settings? How are various public-private or hybrid organizational forms designed? How do they create economic and social value? Are public and private economic and social interests reconcilable in these settings and how? How are social value or certain public vs. private economic returns generated within such contexts, and distributed among underlying stakeholders?

These are some of the fundamental questions that this Special Issue aims to address. It seeks to tackle the theoretical challenges involved in the analysis of collaboration efforts across public and private domains, and to stimulate innovative research, based on novel conceptual frameworks and analytical tools. It calls for a renewed interest in research that stretches beyond the private interest or for-profit domains, and sheds lights on novel inter-organizational forms as important mechanisms bringing together diverse organizational actors, able to generate, potentially, important economic and social value, and offer solutions to pressing public welfare concerns.


The scholarly contributions for this Special Issue are sought from management and organization science scholars working on any of the research areas that address organizational interactions taking place between firms, public sector actors and non-governmental organizations. In terms of specific theoretical domains, the aim is to draw together and cross-fertilize on the burgeoning strands of literature that exist, albeit, quite separately, on public-private interaction in management studies, sociology and organizational economics.

It welcomes scholarly contributions that draw upon and integrate latest research on areas such as the role of institutional environment, studies on managerial and political strategies, contractual and firm boundary theories, public entrepreneurship, and emergent streams of literature on public-private organizational design, governance and social value.

The spectrum of potential themes covered in the Special Issue includes the emergence and performance of novel boundary spanning organizational arrangements and structures between public and private sectors, such as public private partnerships (PPPs), cross-sector collaborative arrangements and social ventures, and their implications in terms of private as well as, critically, social or public value. The Special Issue, thus, represents a genuine invitation to address more rigorously the nature of ties and organizational forms emerging from the interplay between NGOs, public agencies, governments, private firms and funding institutions. It also invites scholars to shed light on important mechanisms and dynamics able to influence policy conclusions, effective delivery of public or social services, and governance mechanisms.

A list of potential topics that are suitable for this Special Issue includes (but is not limited to) the following:
  • - Public-private partnerships and contractual ties,
  • - Social value, its creation and appropriation,
  • - Governance of multi-layer and multi-actor relationships in public-private context,
  • - Public-private interactions: organizational resources, public and private capabilities and learning,
  • - Innovative organizational design,
  • - Social and/or public entrepreneurship,
  • - Social value and new organizational forms.

A (non-exhaustive) list of specific research questions to be addressed includes:

  • - What are the determinants that explain the emergence and rise of novel organizational forms that fuse and cross the well-established public and private sector boundaries?
  • - How does a changing social context and demands for increasing corporate social engagement affect organizational design and appearance of new, multi-layer, multi-actor relationships?
  • - How are these new forms of organizations designed or structured?
  • - How are underlying public and private resources mobilized?
  • - What are the capabilities required to succeed in managing such new organizational forms? How can public and private actors mutually learn and develop such capabilities? 
  • - How able are such novel inter-organizational forms to change the social landscape in many countries?
  • - Are these novel organizational forms always value-creating?
  • - Under which conditions do they deliver public benefits as opposed to additional costs or welfare losses to both private actors and society as a whole?
  • - What kind of value sharing mechanisms are present or put in place in these new boundary-spanning organizations to respond to broader social needs, as opposed to merely private value creation imperatives?
Both theoretically (or conceptually) as well as empirically-grounded manuscripts will be considered for the Special Issue, provided that underlying research has a potential to deliver significant implications for strategy, organization research and practice.

In line with the objectives for all manuscripts published in JMS, authors are expected to demonstrate solid, topical theory development as well as important empirical contributions. The manuscripts sought-after should demonstrate rigour in the analysis and conceptual development, along with a novelty and innovativeness in the research. Moreover, in the view of the socially significant nature of the phenomena covered by this Special Issue, as well as the emergent nature of the theory surrounding them, the solicited manuscripts are expected to move beyond the conventional knowledge and identify new, original avenues for future research, broaden the range of methodological perspectives and theoretical underpinnings.

In terms of geographical scope, this Special Issue is particularly aimed at attracting papers from a wide range of geographical locations. While the debates on public-private partnerships are especially pertinent in the European context, this Special Issue aims to address public and private sector collaboration as a topical or emergent area also in the Americas, Africa, and Asia and Pacific region. Any contributions from these regions are, hence, particularly welcome.


All papers will be reviewed following the JMS double-blind review process.

The deadline for submitting the papers is May 31st, 2015 by midnight or 24.00 (GMT zone). The papers should be submitted by email to the guest editors using the following address:

All papers should be prepared and formatted following the standard JMS Editorial guidelines (

The guest editors also welcome informal inquiries related to the Special Issue, the underlying topics and potential fit with Special Issue objectives.

Contact Emails:

For inquiries related to submission opportunities and other questions related to the Special Issue, please contact Bertrand V. Quélin (, Ilze Kivleniece (, or Sergio Lazzarini (

Margaret Turner
Editorial Office Coordinator & SAMS Administrator
Journal of Management Studies
Durham University Business School
Mill Hill Lane
Tel: +44 (0)191 334 5395