The book will be divided in two parts. First, an overview of the theory on enhancing teaching and learning in International Business through the use of experiential learning projects.
Second, specific applications of experiential learning in International Business and related fields. The idea is that each chapter of the book will talk about one experiential learning project (e.g., large-scale international collaboration projects, joint projects with international businesses), simulations, experiential activities or other experiential projects you use in your IB-related courses.
Each co-author will describe in detail the hands-on project(s) he/she uses to improve learning in his/her IB-related courses or training programs, project background and history, challenges, best practices, and suggestions for future IB educators who may want to incorporate experiential learning in their courses. A chapter can describe a big project that covers entire semester, a small one that spans only a few days, or an exercise or series of exercises that take only a few minutes to a few hours to run. The project can also be part of a formal course or training program, or be unrelated to formal courses and offered as an extra-curricular option for the students (competitions, internships, etc.), as long as the activity is experiential and contributes to learning IB-related concepts.
The book is aimed to be a one-stop source for educators and trainers who seek to either select and use an existing experiential learning project, or develop new projects and exercises of this kind.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- · Theory of Experiential learning and its application in IB education
- · Description of experiential learning projects in IB.
- · Experiential learning versus traditional classroom
- · Limitations for experiential learning in IB
- · Learning styles and experiential learning
- · Other topics you feel would add value to a book on experiential learning in IB.
Important dates:
- · Submission deadline for chapter proposals, emailed to November 5, 2013
- · Notification of acceptance/rejection of chapter proposals: November 15, 2013
- · Deadline for full chapter: March 15, 2014
- · Notification of acceptance/rejection of chapter: April 20, 2014
- · Deadline for submission of final chapters: June 1, 2014
Chapter proposals:- · 250-500 words
- · Should contain provisional title
- · Author(s) information (name, affiliation, contact details)
- · 300-500-word abstract with either
- · Summary of chapter including main idea, preliminary conclusions, and list of references
- Project description (background, history, main idea, participants, covered subjects, etc.). Optional at this stage: initial list of challenges and best practices of running the projects
- Up to 10,000 words (up to 15,000 words may be allowed in exceptional cases)
- APA manuscript formatting
Accepted chapters will be compiled in a book, which will be published by Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Editors and contact details:
- Dr. Vasyl Taras, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, United States (
- Dr. Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad EAFIT, Colombia ( – corresponding co-editor.
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