12th INFINITI Conference on International Finance
A Trinity College Dublin & Monash University EventMonash University Prato Centre, Prato, Italy on 9-10 June 2014
Submission Deadline: 12 January 2014
“Global Finance – Integration or Mere Convergence”
Keynote Speakers:
- Fabio Canova, European University Institute, Italy &
- Dirk Schoenmaker, Duisenberg School of Finance, The Netherlands
This year, not just one but *four* Special Issues of Journals:
- Journal of Banking and Finance: “International Financial Integration and Transnational Banking”.
- Emerging Markets Review: “Emerging Markets and Global Financial Integration”.
- International Review of Financial Analysis: “Research Design and Methodology in International Integration Studies”.
- Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance: “Behavioral and Experimental Insights into Financial Crises”.
See our website www.infiniticonference.com for more details or go directly to our online paper submission site: https://www.openconf.org/infiniti2014/openconf.php.