Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Call for Papers: International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (IJSA)
The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately one month after acceptance. All articles published in IJSA will be peer-reviewed.
Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript within three weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next available issue.
Types of paper
Regular Articles: These should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient details for others to verify the work. The length of a full paper should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly.
Short Communications: A Short Communication is suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques or apparatus. The style of main sections need not conform to that of full-length papers. Short communications are 2 to 4 printed pages (about 6 to 12 manuscript pages) in length.
Reviews: Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Reviews should be concise and no longer than 4-6 printed pages (about 12 to 18 manuscript pages). Reviews manuscripts are also peer-reviewed.
See Instructions for Authors
Call for Papers: International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (IJSA)
Call for Papers IJSA will cover all areas of the subject. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence, and will publish: ·
- Original articles in basic and applied research·
- Case studies·
- Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays
We invite you to submit your manuscript(s) to for publication. Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within four weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue. Instruction for authors and other details are available on our website; IJSA is an Open Access Journal One key request of researchers across the world is unrestricted access to research publications. Open access gives a worldwide audience larger than that of any subscription-based journal and thus increases the visibility and impact of published works. It also enhances indexing, retrieval power and eliminates the need for permissions to reproduce and distribute content. IJSA is fully committed to the Open Access Initiative and will provide free access to all articles as soon as they are published.
Best regards,
Emeje Cynthia
Editorial Assistant
International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (IJSA)
Call for Papers: African Journal of Marketing Management
AJMM is dedicated to increasing the depth of the subject across disciplines with the ultimate aim of expanding knowledge of the subject. Call for Papers AJMM will cover all areas of the subject.
The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence, and will publish: ·
- Original articles in basic and applied research·
- Case studies·
- Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays
We invite you to submit your manuscript(s) to for publication. Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within four weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue. Instruction for authors and other details are available on our website; AJMM is an Open Access Journal One key request of researchers across the world is unrestricted access to research publications. Open access gives a worldwide audience larger than that of any subscription-based journal and thus increases the visibility and impact of published works. It also enhances indexing, retrieval power and eliminates the need for permissions to reproduce and distribute content. AJMM is fully committed to the Open Access Initiative and will provide free access to all articles as soon as they are published.
Best regards,
Emeje Cynthia
Editorial Assistant
Academic Journals
Call for Papers: Research in International Marketing: The state of the art and the art of the state
Call for papers
As usual we invite papers within all fields of international marketing: standardization – adaptation of the marketing mix, competitive advantage, internationalization trajectories (Born Globals – traditional firms), performance of international marketing, entry mode strategies, relationship with foreign partners, role of contracts in international marketing, cross cultural / comparative studies, country of origin effects, global marketing strategies, portfolio strategies, product development, country risk analysis, , the new promotional landscape etc. One “evident” field of research is of course international marketing in the post financial crisis era.
This time however we will particularly encourage participants to submit papers reviewing the state of the art of our discipline. More than thirty years have elapsed since our discipline took off in earnest and we still have to agree on common platform for further theory advancements. Many of our contributions show contradictory results, with more or less the same hypotheses being supported and rejected – much dependent on the context in which the studies have been carried out, and sometimes also due to different methodologies. We invite you to take a critical view on our own contribution and to discuss how we can be useful to academia and business community at large. We therefore also invite participants to present future project ideas, in order to discuss possible collaboration and hence (hopefully) to help us get further in understanding this field of study. All full manuscripts and abstracts in digital form (MS Word file) should be submitted electronically by February 15, 2010 via the conference webpage. Manuscripts should follow the style guidelines of the Journal of International Marketing (Journal of International Marketing Submission Guidelines.pdf?available for downloading from the webpage) and are submitted with the understanding that they are original, unpublished works and are not being reviewed elsewhere.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings in digital format. The authors can choose to publish either their full manuscript or a detailed abstract in the proceedings when first submitting their work. Each participant of the conference will receive a CD containing the conference proceedings. In addition, accepted manuscript will be considered for publication in Advances in International Marketing through a double-blind review process.
CONTACT INFORMATION CIMaR 2010 Joint Conference Contact
Prof. Carl Arthur Solberg
Department of Marketing
BI Norwegian School of Management
Room C4-082Nydalsveien 37N-0442
Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 464 10 569 E-mail:
Call for Papers: GBTA 12th Annual Conference
Full papers, Research-in-Progress, Extended Abstracts, Workshops, Case Studies, and Posters are invited for the Twelfth Annual International Conference of the Global Business and Technology Association.
Kruger National Park Vicinity, South Africa
July 5-9, 2010
Submission Deadline: March 31st, 2010
Dear Colleague: On behalf of the Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA), I would like to invite you and your associates to participate in the Twelfth Annual International Conference. The Conference will be held in Kruger National Park Vicinity, South Africa, July 5-9, 2010 and organized around the theme Generating Innovative Solutions to Recurring Problems in the Global Business Environment – A Multi-, Inter-, and Trans- Disciplinary Approach to Formulating and Maintaining a Competitive Organizational Edge.
The co-sponsors are:
-Faculty of Humanities & Faculty of Management Sciences, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa
-Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa-School of Business, The State University of New York
- OW, New York, USA
-Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
-Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Leiria, Portugal
-Faculty of Creative Industries and Business, Unitec, Auckland, New Zealand
-Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan
-State University of Management & Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
-IBM East Europe/Asia Ltd., Moscow, Russia-Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil-The Robins School of Business, University of Richmond, Virginia, USA
-Coventry University, Coventry, UK
-Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia
GBATA features cutting-edge work and encourages multi-disciplinary as well as discipline-specific research. Many attendees have stated how much they have enjoyed the conferences and the collegiality they foster. Further background on GBATA, the call for papers, programs, and services are available on the website:
I look forward to receiving your submissions for the conference (just a reminder they are due by March 31, 2010. Please forward this notice to any of your colleagues who might be interested.
Once again, thank you for your continuous support and cooperation and I look forward to seeing you at the conference.
Best regards,
Dr. N.J. Delener GBATA Conference Chair Dean and Professor, School of BusinessThe State University of New York at OWP.O. Box 210 / 223 Store Hill Road Old Westbury/Long Island, NY 11568 Voice: 516-876-3408 / Direct: 516-876-3292 Email:;
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Call for Papers: Ethics, Entrepreneurship, and Organizations in an Era of Global Economic and Financial Crisis
King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA
April 22-23, 2010
The interdisciplinary conference “Global Landscapes: Ethics, Entrepreneurship and Organizations in an Era of Global Economic and Financial Crisis” will assemble scholars, educators, graduate and undergraduate students, and community members interested in ethics, entrepreneurship, and organizations.
The global landscapes conference is sponsored by The McGowan School of Business, International Business Program and The McGowan Ethics Center. The objective of this interdisciplinary conference is to promote ethics and deliberation about the ethics of the impact of entrepreneurs and organizations on individuals and communities around the world.
The conference aims to bring together professionals, key decision makers, and leaders committed to ethics, development of entrepreneurship, and evaluation of the role of organizations during crisis.
The submission of student authored papers is also welcome. The undergraduate student research section of the conference is sponsored by the International Business Honor Society, Epsilon Chi Omicron, King’s College Chapter.
Suggested Topics
Papers/Abstracts can be submitted on any topic relevant to Ethics, Entrepreneurship (including social entrepreneurship), or Organizations (corporations, government, NGOs). Papers could emphasize the present scenarios and developments, as well as the emerging issues.
Submissions and Review Process
Proposals for panels and abstracts/papers must be submitted by January 30, 2010. Authors will be notified of the conference committee decision by February 15, 2010.
Submissions: To be considered for the program, please submit one of the following:
- A completed paper with an abstract.
- An abstract (between 100 and 600 words) outlining the topic.
- A proposal (2-3 page summary) for a workshop, special session, or panel discussion, which includes the aims of the panel.
- All submissions should include the title, a contact name, address, and email.
Registration fee: US $80.00 (includes three meals on campus). Additional registration and accommodation information will accompany invitation.
Conference Web site:
Questions or submissions should be directed to:
Conference Chair:
Dr. Bindu Vyas, King’s College
Conference Coordinators:
Attorney James Sysko, King’s College Dr. Margarita Rose, King’s College
E-mail: E-mail:
McGowan School of Business, King's College
133 N. River Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
Phone: 570-208-5900 Ext. 5787
Fax: 570-208-5989
Bindu Vyas, Ph.D.
Associate Professor International Business/Management
McGowan School of Business
King's College
133 N. River Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
Phone: 570-208-5900 Ext. 5787
Fax: 570-208-5989
Call for Papers: International Academy of E-Business
10th Annual Conference International Academy of E-Business
San Francisco-April 1 to 4, 2010
@Sir Francis Drake Hotel
450 Powell Street, San Francisco, California
Proposal/Paper Submission deadline: November 10, 2009
Submit a brief (250 words) proposal to: and cc to: with subject headline: "PROPOSAL 2010"
Full details @ & www.iaeb.o
Dear Colleagues:
Hope you had a great summer break and that you're energized for the current academic year. As always, our best wishes for your academic/ professional success and your good health.
Listed below are some items of interest:
1. November 10, 2009 -- Submission deadline of proposals for the 10th Annual Conference. Please submit each proposal -- about 250 words separately for papers, workshops, seminars, etc... to and (cc to: ) with subject line "Proposal 2010." (Details on our websites: and
In your proposal you should provide an overview of your paper, outlining your specific title, background materials, research problem/objective, methodology, major findings and so forth. Please provide each author's name, organizational affiliation, email, etc.
2. Once again, several outstanding conference papers and student papers will be selected for awards..
3. As in the past, all conference selected submissions will be considered for publication in theE-Business Review, Volume X, (ISSN1550-7793), peer reviewed, refereed journal. Hard-copy and/or electronic copy) Also, authors will be invited to submit for consideration an expanded/revised version of their papers for publication in the Journal of E-Business; (ISSN 1542-0846);, based on the comments received at the conference. Please note that both of these IAEB publications are peer-reviewed (refereed), highly acclaimed and listed in several indexed sources.
4. For our student competition, please contact Professor Nitish Singh at St. LouisUniversity. (His e-mail: ) Nitish recently moved from Californi
5. For questions or information contact Connie at
Warm regards,
Vinay Kothari
IAEB Program Committee, Member
Call for Papers: Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA)
The conference will be hosted by the Discipline of International Business at the University of Sydney.
(Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Submissions open 16 October 2009
Submissions close 23 November 2009
Acceptance notification 15 January 2010
Doctoral colloquium applications 18 January 2010
Early bird registration deadline 15 February 2010
The conference will commence with a doctoral colloquium sponsored by the School of Marketing at the University of Western Sydney.
The conference theme for 2010 is:
We welcome
¨ Competitive Papers (max. 25 pages), suitable for papers at an advanced stage of development;
¨ Workshop Papers (10-15 pages), suitable for work-in-progress papers;
¨ Panel Proposals that explore a common theme in depth; panel proposals that address the conference theme are especially welcome.
¨ Proposals from doctoral students for participation in the Doctoral Colloquium.
All submissions will be subject to a double-blind review process, and will be published in an edited collection of the conference proceedings.
For more information, and to upload submissions, see the ANZIBA website:
Call for Papers: Frontiers of Research in International Business
The 11th Annual International Business Research Forum
Frontiers of Research in International Business: Organizational Form and Function in the 21st Century
April 10-11, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Forum co-chairs
Ram Mudambi, Temple University
Tim Swift, St Joseph’s University
Steering Committee
Preet Aulakh, York University
Donna DeCarolis, Drexel University
Andrew Inkpen, Thunderbird Graduate School of International Management
Mahesh Joshi, George Mason University
Yadong Luo, University of Miami
Vikas Mittal, Rice University
Arvind Parkhe, Temple University
International business focuses on a group of firms that face distinctive decision making problems. Multinational enterprises (MNEs) control value chains that are disrupted by country-specific transport costs, government restrictions differences in tastes and production conditions. Such firms face two fundamental challenges. The first concerns controlling the costs that arise from the complexities of multinational activity. These include a diverse set of tasks such as managing the impact of exchange-rate variations, differences of national culture, customs and law, practices that constrain employee compensation, evaluation practices and so on. The second concerns creating value through leveraging their international networks to foster innovation and knowledge. This includes using their subsidiary networks, which serve as local extensions that tap into knowledge clusters, or develop into geographic centers of excellence. Thus, the subsidiary network can serve as a means of creating new technological, managerial and marketing competencies.
The Research Forum encourages the submission of cutting edge research aimed at defining the future of the multinational enterprise. Submission deadline: January 30, 2010
The following areas of research are illustrative, but not exhaustive:
- Geography and value creation: The global organization of the value-adding activities of multinational enterprises and the interplay between the organization of these activities and the characteristics of their locations. This includes off-shore value production and international logistics systems.
- Knowledge integration: MNEs are typically large firms that excel at combining and recombining diverse bodies of knowledge in order to create value. This process of knowledge integration is still not well understood. Research proposals studying these processes are particularly welcome.
- International corporate entrepreneurship: It is now recognized that MNE innovation requires a considerable degree of entrepreneurship within the confines of the firm. How is such entrepreneurship fostered, nurtured and managed?
- Multinationals from Emerging Market Economies: In recent years, we have seen the evolution and emergence of high profile multinationals from emerging market economies. This phenomenon creates interesting research opportunities related to the motivations and paths of the emergence of these new multinationals, their management of foreign subsidiaries, inward and outward knowledge flows, among others. Research that provides new theoretical and empirical insights on these multinationals as well as cross-national comparative research on emerging MNEs from diverse developing countries is welcome.
- Technological clusters: Highly tacit R&D-based knowledge resides in certain geographic areas known as “technological clusters,” where R&D work that involves highly tacit knowledge can be performed by R&D scientists that are co-located. Yet extant research offers contradictory insights on the value of locating R&D activities within technological clusters. Do firms that locate their R&D activities within technological clusters have different levels of innovative performance than firms that do not?
- Radical vs. incremental innovation: A common perspective is that innovation can be characterized as either breakthrough or incremental. Are MNE’s better suited to conduct radical or incremental innovation? How do MNE approaches to radical vs. incremental innovation differ?
- Networks: The study of international networks, both intra- and inter-organizational, their strategies, consequences, and performance outcomes.
- Boundary-spanning: MNEs must facilitate cooperation across national and cultural boundaries. Boundary spanners are entities that facilitate relationships between groups with divergent aims. How do boundary-spanners function within MNEs? In what ways do boundary-spanners enhance interaction between MNE business units? Do boundary-spanners influence the effectiveness or efficiency of the MNE value chain?
The forum will consist of competitive sessions, panels and poster sessions. If you are submitting a panel, please ask all panelists to email indicating that they will attend if the panel is accepted.
Papers and panel proposals should be emailed by January 30, 2010 to:
Kim Cahill
Director, Temple CIBER
& Institute of Global Management Studies
Managing Editor, Journal of International Management
Fox School of Business, Temple University
506 Alter Hall, 1801 Liacouras Walk
Philadelphia PA 19122, USA
Call for Papers: Special Issue of Business & Society
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Business & Society
The United Nations Global Compact –Retrospect and Prospect
Guest Editors: Andreas Rasche, Malcolm McIntosh, Sandra Waddock
The United Nations Global Compact now has nearly 7,000 business and non-business participants, and has in its first ten years of life become the world’s largest corporate citizenship initiative.
Established by former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan in 2000, the initiative will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2010. As a central actor on the world stage of corporate responsibility and citizenship, the Global Compact has played a central role in raising the aspirations of companies, NGOs, and other actors around the implementation of its ten principles, in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment, and anti-corruption (for details about the UN Global Compact and its principles, see <>
Indeed, some have argued that the Global Compact has put corporate responsibility issues, particularly those related to the principles, onto the agenda of many companies.
Although global in reach and intent (with over half of all participants coming from developing economies), the Global Compact also established a strong presence in local economies through its local networks and regional clusters. Driven by constant innovation and improvement (e.g. the addition of the tenth principle in 2004 and the introduction of the Communication on Progress policy in 2003), and a sense of learning about how to build a better world through enterprise, the Global Compact has undergone a variety of changes over its existence. It is now poised to potentially help its signatories effect significant positive change in the future.
Although the initiative has attracted the interest of many businesses and civil society organizations, it also faces a lot of critique, mostly focusing on the absence of any clear compliance standards and the fact that many companies appear to sign the Compact without making significant changes in their strategies or practice.
To explore the possibilities, potentials, and gaps that exist in the Global Compact, this Special Issue invites interested researchers to:
- (a) critically assess the last ten years of the Global Compact and identify both its achievements and the gaps that currently exist and
- (b) to reflect on the future of the initiative by discussing remaining challenges and exploring future paths of development.
We call for papers that deal with all aspects and dynamics of the Global Compact, ranging from comparative case studies, qualitative and quantitative work assessing the Compact’s performance to date, as well as thoughtful essays about the Compact and its past, present, or future. We are interested in both conceptual and empirical studies that draw on a variety of theoretical perspectives (e.g. institutional theory, social movement theory, network theory), and in quantitative as well as qualitative methodological approaches that can flesh out our understanding of the Compact, particularly efforts to assess the Compact’s second ten years in light of the achievements and problems of the first ten years.
Possible topics for contributions include, but are not limited to, the following issues:
- Analyses of existing achievements and remaining challenges with regard to the implementation of the ten Global Compact principles, and the Compact’s other initiatives, partnerships, and alliances.
- The relation of the Global Compact to other existing and emerging corporate
responsibility initiatives (e.g., the Global Reporting Initiative, Social Accountability 8000, and ISO 26000). - The Global Compact’s Communication on Progress (COP) policy and integrity measures.
- The development of the Global Compact as a network-based corporate responsibility initiative combining global issues with local concerns.
- The Global Compact’s role and relationship to global governance.
- The development of local networks throughout the world and the contribution of these networks to implementing the ten principles.
- The role and impact of specialized stakeholders (e.g., academia, unions, NGOs) in the development of the Global Compact.
- The development and impact of Global
Compact issue platforms such as the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), the Caring for Climate leadership initiative and the CEO Water Mandate. - The role of the Global Compact as a “norm entrepreneur” in a world of diffuse power and great instability where social networks are increasingly supplementing international negotiating regimes.
Submission Instructions
The format of the papers must follow Business & Society contribution guidelines. Business & Society uses the American Psychological association citation and reference system (please see any recent copy of the journal for a sample):
Papers should include a 100-150 word abstract followed by 3 to 5 key-words. The paper itself should contain no indications of authorship. A title page containing full author contact information should be sent as a separate document to the coeditors. The citations and references should be APA compliant (see BAS guidelines).
Questions about the Special Issue should be addressed to guest editor Andreas Rasche (<>
Dates and Timetable
The tentative timetable for the special issue is as follows:
- April 1, 2010 Paper submitted electronically to coeditors
- August 1, 2010 authors invited to resubmit revised papers
- October 30, 2010 Revised papers due (incorporating editors’ and external reviewers’ comments)
- January 30, 2011 authors notified if paper selected for special issue
- March 31, 2011 Delivery of full set of papers and guest editors’ introductory paper
Duane Windsor, Ph.D., BAS Editor
The Lynette S. Autrey Professor of Management The Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business Rice University
Regular Mail:
MS-531 P.O. Box 2932
Houston, TX 77252-2932
Physical Delivery Only (FEDEX, UPS, etc.):
McNair Hall 227 (Jones School Building)
6100 Main St.
Houston, TX 77005
Voice 713-348-5372
Fax 713-348-6296
Email <>
Call for Papers: Journal of Business Ethics
"Responsible Leadership"
Special Issue of the Journal of Business Ethics
Guest EditorsNicola Pless, ESADE Business School, Ramon Llull University, Spain
Derick de Jongh, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Thomas Maak, ESADE Business School & University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Submissions due April 02, 2010
During 2011 (tentative) publication of JBE Special Issue
Among the key lessons from the current global crisis is arguably that it takes responsible leadership - and responsible leaders - to build and sustain business that benefits multiple stakeholders rather than just a few risk-seeking individuals. Corporate scandals and the global economic crisis have triggered a broad discussion on the role of markets in value creation (and destruction) and that of business in society - its legitimacy, its obligations and its responsibilities. As a result, business leaders are increasingly held accountable for their actions (and failure to act) by a host of stakeholders and by society at large. These stakeholder expectations extend beyond mere compliance with rules and regulations and sustaining the economic bottom line. They include adhering to ethical standards, acting as good citizens and ensuring safe, fair, equal and respectful treatment of all employees. Moreover, given the power of large corporations in particular, stakeholders expect business leaders to take a more active role in addressing some of the world's most pressing problems such as protecting and fostering human rights, fighting corruption, ensuring sustainability, fighting global warming, helping alleviate, treating diseases like HIV/AIDS and malaria.
In light of these developments a new theoretical approach towards leadership is emerging under the umbrella term Responsible Leadership. (see e.g., Doh & Stumpf, 2005; Maak & Pless, 2006a; Waldmann & Galvin, 2008) It considers the context of leadership, reflects on the ethical underpinnings and makes the link with CSR, or more broadly, corporate responsibility. In this sense responsible leadership broadens the view of leaders' responsibilities from economic matters to environmental and societal issues. It “expands from an internal leadership perspective to a broader world view, from a shareholder mindset to a stakeholder orientation with respect to the leadership mandate” (Maak & Pless 2006b, 100) and operates at multiple levels of analysis, including the individual, group, organizational and societal levels.
We therefore call for papers advancing discussion and research on the nature of responsible leadership and its impact on business and society (see the topics listed below). We invite both theoretical and empirical papers, as well as case studies on exemplary responsible leadership.
The Nature of Responsible Leadership
- What is the purpose of leadership in a global stakeholder society?
- What do we learn from the literature about responsible leadership?
- How does responsible leadership relate to other leadership theories?
- What are the paradigmatic implications of a responsible leadership approach?
- What responsibilities do leaders have with regard to their followers, to the firm, to society and to nature and also to themselves?
- Who are the actors in the leader-follower relationship? What are the ethical underpinnings of this relationship? And what relationship understanding do we need to foster responsible leadership to emerge?
- What hinders responsible leadership from emerging?
Societal level: - Considering the societal context in which leadership takes place
What are the responsibilities of business leaders in society, specifically in dealing with social, environmental and humanitarian challenges? - What role can business leadership play in solving social, humanitarian and environmental problems in developing regions such as Africa?
- How does a responsible leadership approach help solve some of the most pressing problems?
- How can a responsible leadership approach help create sustainable triple-bottom-line performance?
- How can responsible business leaders mobilize different stakeholders to create social change for the better?
- What is the relationship between cultural context and the understanding of responsible leadership?
Organizational level: - Shaping the organizational context of leadership
What are the implications of a responsible leadership approach for a new understanding of corporate governance? - What are the relationships between responsible leadership and ethical climate, stakeholder culture, citizenship orientation?
- What is the role of Human Resource Management (HRM) in fostering a responsible leadership approach in the organization?
- How can HRM systems and processes (performance management systems, selection processes, competency models, remuneration systems) be adapted to foster the practice of responsible leadership?
- How can responsible leadership contribute to the creation of social innovation?
Individual level: - Looking at the leader-follower interaction and into the "inner theater" of responsible leaders
- What are the characteristics of responsible leaders and their followers?
- What leadership style best suits a responsible leadership approach?
- What motivates responsible leadership behavior?
- How do responsible leaders contribute to building social capital?
- How do responsible leaders make decisions, solve problems and cope with dilemmas?
- How to develop talented people to become responsible leaders?
- What is the relationship between responsible leadership and social entrepreneurship?
Timeline, Process & Standards - All submissions will go through a double-blind review process.
Therefore, all author-identifying information should be removed from the paper except for a cover page.
The formatting of the paper has to follow the guidelines of the Journal of Business Ethics.
To be considered for the special issue on "Responsible Leadership" full papers need to be submitted by April 02, 2010.
Full papers should be submitted electronically (word-file) to
Doh, J. P. and S. A. Stumpf (eds.): 2005, Handbook on Responsible Leadership and Governance in Global Business (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham/Northampton, MA).
Maak, T. and N. M. Pless (eds.): 2006a, Responsible Leadership (Routledge, London, New York).
Maak, T. and N. M. Pless: 2006b, ‘Responsible Leadership in a Stakeholder Society. A Relational Perspective’, Journal of Business Ethics 66, 99–115.
Waldman, D. A. and B. M. Galvin: 2008, 'Alternative Perspectives of Responsible Leadership. Organizational Dynamics', Organizational Dynamics 37(4), 327-341
Dr. Nicola M. Pless
Associate Professor
ESADE Business School
Ramon Llull University
Av. Pedralbes, 60-62
E-08034 Barcelona
Tel: +34 935 670 194
Direct: + 34 935 543 516
Fax +34 932 048 105
Call for Papers: Seventh Annual ICCSR Symposium
The ICCSR is interested in conceptual, theoretical or empirical papers that present new research, ideas on business models, strategies and stakeholder engagement processes that a) respond to factors contributing to poverty; and b) advance sustainable community development in developing countries.
We are inviting multidisciplinary papers which contribute knowledge on how companies are transforming value chain activities to benefit local communities.
The papers can cover, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- · Corporations and community (and, or social) enterprise development
- · Corporations and community asset-building
- · Business approaches towards community empowerment and capacity building
- · Social partnerships and Stakeholder engagement.
Authors interested in submitting a paper for presentation at the symposium should submit an abstract of 1000 words to by Friday, 11th December 2009.
The ICCSR will also be preparing a special issue of Business & Society on this topic, to be edited by Prof. Jeremy Moon, Dr. Judy Muthuri and Dr Uwafiokun Idemudia. Papers presented at the symposium will be considered along with those responding to the journal's own call for papers.
A more extensive outline of the symposium to be held on Tuesday 27th April 2010 is now available to download from