Monday, September 9, 2013

Call for papers on Contextual Perspectives. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship's special issue

Call for papers

Special issue of Journal of Social Entrepreneurship

Contextual Perspectives

Submission deadline: 31 January, 2014

Guest editors: Anne de Bruin and Kate Lewis
New Zealand Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Centre,
Massey University

Scholarly understanding of social innovation and social entrepreneurship is in its infancy. The theme of this special issue is intended to highlight the significance of context for novel thinking and understanding in this emerging scholarly field. As Moore, Westley and Nicholls (2012: 122) aptly point out, ‘…the process of innovation will emerge out of the coalescence of contextual factors that may not have discernible, linear cause-effect relationships. Yet, it seems possible that the contextual factors that create opportunities and constraints for social innovation are not infinite; that is, patterns will exist.’ As such, the editors seek manuscripts that draw on regional, national and community specific social innovation and entrepreneurship insights, in order to springboard conceptually robust frameworks for advancing the field.

Generalisable empirical findings from Australasia are particularly welcome. New social innovation and entrepreneurship perspectives from under-researched regional and national as well as cultural contexts, e.g. emerging market economies such as China, are also welcome. Explorations of novel, spontaneous or critical contexts e.g. relating to one-off events, or times of national crisis and/or natural disaster, are similarly welcome.

A suggested, though not an exhaustive, list of topics includes:
  • Contextual settings and collaborative dynamics of effective partnerships
  • Transformational leadership typologies and contexts
  • Social entrepreneurship and innovation of Māori; other indigenous and ethnic groups
  • Institutions and systemic reconfigurations
  • Innovative governance models
  • Transcending the local for ‘scaling out’ or new forms in different contexts.
  • The community embeddedness-social innovation nexus
  • The impact of demographic characteristics (e.g. age, gender) on socially entrepreneurial endeavours.

Interested authors should submit manuscripts to by 31 January, 2014 indicating that they would like the submission to be considered for this special issue by designating the Manuscript Type as “Special issue: Contextual Perspectives

The Guest Editors would also draw attention to the Massey University Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference conference, which explores themes related to this Special Issue and will be held at Massey’s Albany Campus, New Zealand, 27-29 November 2013 (see Informal enquiries on the special issue are welcome; please email and


Moore, M-L., Westley, F. & Nicholls, A. (2012) The Social Finance and Social Innovation Nexus, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 3(2): 115-132.

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