Monday, March 31, 2014

Call for Special Issue Journal: Sustainability, Institutions, and Internationalization in Emerging Markets: Role of Sustainable Innovation for Sustainable World Development

Sustainability, Institutions, and Internationalization in Emerging Markets: Role of Sustainable Innovation for Sustainable World Development

Special Issue Call for Papers for the International Journal of Emerging Markets (IJoEM)

Firm innovation and internationalization in emerging markets are intertwined with sustainability and the need for sustainable world development. The economic dimension of sustainability focuses on increased ROI, revenue and market share increases, lower costs, reduced risk, etc. The environmental dimension encompasses activities to preserve, protect, conserve and restore ecosystems and natural resources (e.g., climate change policies, preservation of natural resources, and minimization and prevention of toxic wastes). The social dimension addresses conditions and actions that specifically affect humanity (e.g., poverty, unemployment, education, health, human rights, etc.). Sustainability is critical for the developing world to ensure long-term business success while significantly contributing towards sustainable world development through a healthy environment and a stable society. Institutions, both formal and informal, facilitate or hinder sustainable business practices. Hence the need to incorporate the institutional lens, consisting of regulatory, cognitive and normal dimensions, in exploring sustainable business practices in emerging markets (Scott, 1995)[1]

In this special issue of the IJoEM, we intend to raise questions of sustainability, institutions and internationalization in emerging economies akin to those raised by Peng, Wang, and Jiang (2008)[2]: (1) What drives firm strategy in emerging markets? (2) What role do sustainable business practices and innovation play in firm success and failure? and 3) “How to play the game, when the rules of the game are changing and not completely known?” (Peng et al., 2008). Any contribution that furthers these topics, or related ones, in the context of MNCs in emerging markets is most welcome. In line with the above topic, we are editing a special issue of the IJoEM examining these issues. The special issue will feature the best papers from the Academy of International Business Southeast (AIB-SE) chapter meetings to be held in Miami, Florida in October 2014as well as submissions in response to the general call for papers.

Potential Topics of Interest (among others)

We welcome papers within the broadly defined subject theme area from all the major disciplines in business and management studies, including: strategy, international business, organizational behavior and cross-cultural management, marketing, operations and decision sciences, finance and accounting, international trade and business economics. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • · Sustainability as a driver for innovation, growth and internationalization in developed vs emerging markets
  • · The role of institutions in promoting or constraining sustainable innovation in emerging markets
  • · Factors impacting the geographic clustering of internationalization efforts in sustainability worldwide
  • · The impact of distance on sustainable innovation and internationalization
  • · The effect of internationalization on sustainable innovation within a company or geographic region
  • · The role of institutions in promoting or constraining inward and outward internationalization
  • · Managerial mindsets needed for sustainable innovation and internationalization in emerging markets
  • · Cross-cultural collaboration in sustainable innovation efforts
  • · The marketing of sustainable innovations in emerging markets vis-à-vis the developed world
  • · Theoretical and Empirical contributions to the field of sustainability, institutions, and emerging markets

Deadlines, Submission Guidelines and Editors’ Information

Submissions for the special issue will be sourced from the best papers of the 2014 AIB-SE conference as well as responses to a general call. Based on editorial review, top rated papers will be invited to go through additional peer review to be considered for publication. Manuscripts for the special issue should be submitted through the IJoEM website:

The deadline for submissions is December 15, 2014.

For general submission guidelines, see:

For additional information on the 2014 AIB-SE Conference, see:

Dr. Anshu Arora (Special Issue Editor)
Associate Professor - Marketing
Director of Global Logistics & International
Business Education and Research Center
Savannah State University, Georgia, USA

Dr. Nicole Hartley (Special Issue Editor)
Lecturer - Marketing
University of Queensland Business School
University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3346 8022

Dr. Rangamohan V Eunni (Consulting Editor)
Professor & Chair, Management Department
Director: Emerging Markets Initiative
Williamson College of Business Administration
Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio
Phone: (330) 941-7180


  • Scott, W.R.1995. Institutions and Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Peng, M., Wang, D, & Jiang, Y. (2008). An institution-based view of international business strat­egy: A focus on emerging economies. Journal of International Business Studies, 39, 920–926.

[1] Scott, W.R.1995. Institutions and Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
[2] Peng, M., Wang, D, & Jiang, Y. (2008). An institution-based view of international business strat­egy: A focus on emerging economies. Journal of International Business Studies, 39, 920–926.

Call for special issue papers: Learning and Knowledge Management In and Out of Emerging Markets

Journal of World Business

Call for papers for a special issue
Submission Deadline: September 1, 2014

Learning and Knowledge Management In and Out of Emerging Markets

  • Guest Editors: Preet S. Aulakh, Sumit K. Kundu, and Somnath Lahiri
  • Supervising Editor: Mike Peng

Significant attention has been devoted in recent years to understand how MNCs from developed nations enter and compete in various emerging markets. A growing body of research has also focused on how MNCs from emerging markets internationalize to compete in the global arena. There is unanimity amongst scholars that competing within emerging markets and internationalizing out of these markets require strategic choices that are markedly different from those prescribed in traditional models of MNC behavior (Aulakh & Kotabe, 2008; Contractor et al., 2007; Hoskisson et al., 2013; Luo & Tung, 2009; Meyer et al., 2009). But how MNCs learn and manage knowledge as they compete in and out of emerging markets has gained little scrutiny in the contemporary international business research (Lahiri, 2011; Peng et al., 2010). The aim of this JWB special issue is to foster scholarship that develops new theory and promotes novel empirical and practitioner insights on MNC learning and knowledge management (LKM) strategies in the context of emerging markets.

The importance, processes, and outcomes of LKM have been well documented in the literature. Organizational learning theory considers firms as cognitive enterprises. Although some overlaps exist between learning and knowledge management, the former can be considered a precursor of the latter. Through learning, organizations are able to create, acquire, and transfer knowledge and accordingly modify their behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights. Knowledge acquired as a result of learning allows firms to either reinforce or change organizational routines. Scholars have forwarded the notion of learning organizations, wherein individual-level learning is transferred to the organization level resulting in shared mental models. These mental models allow organizations to update their beliefs about various cause-effect relationships relating to themselves, their markets, and competitors, and devise strategies to adjust and respond to internal and external environments. Learning and consequent knowledge development is facilitated by firms’ experience, both positive and negative (Chang et al., 2012). Scholars agree that properly implemented LKM processes can be a source of competitive advantage. However, they also caution that firms can make erroneous strategic decisions if learning is based on biased representation of past reality.

To compete in foreign markets MNCs need to learn and gather knowledge about the local business environment including roles played by various stakeholders, business partners and competitors. Dealing with various components of learning (information acquisition, information dissemination, shared interpretation, and development of organizational memory) and knowledge management can be tricky as host nations may present institutional environments that may be ambiguous and uncertain to foreign MNCs. Therefore, MNCs may need to frame different LKM strategies that fit local contexts and allow them to compete over local rivals by grafting new knowledge or engaging in learning and knowledge gathering from others. Given that business environments in emerging markets are markedly different from those in developed nations, question arises as to how MNCs engage in LKM as they compete in and out of emerging markets and whether LKM processes differ owing to differences in MNCs’ home market attributes.

This special issue solicits scholarly contributions that advance our understanding of LKM strategies that (a) MNCs from developed nations deploy to enter and compete within emerging markets, and (b) MNCs from emerging markets utilize in their own internationalization processes. The following is an illustrative list of questions:
  • How do developed nation MNCs (DMNCs) learn and build knowledge from their prior entries into emerging markets? What strategies and structures do they employ to use existing knowledge to compete in emerging markets? 
  • How do emerging market MNCs (EMNCs) learn and build knowledge from their prior internationalization moves out of their home markets? What strategies and structures do they employ to use existing knowledge to compete in developed markets or other emerging markets (Peng, 2012)? 
  • How and why LKM strategies of DMNCs and EMNCs differ? In addition, how do these strategies differ across manufacturing and service sectors (Kundu & Merchant, 2008)? 
  • Does affiliation with specific networks or business groups influence the KLM strategies of firms? 
  • What role does distance (institutional, organizational, geographical) (Berry et al., 2010) play in the LKM strategies of DMNCs and EMNCs? 
  • How do DMNCs and EMNCs organize resources and capabilities (Lahiri et al., 2012) to efficiently formulate and implement LKM strategies? 
  • How do DMNCs and EMNCs institute policies, structures, and processes to facilitate LKM (Sun et al., 2012)? 
  • How do LKM strategies affect global competitiveness and performance of DMNCs and EMNCs? 

Submission process

Authors should email their manuscripts in Word (no PDF please) to all three Guest Editors (and copy Supervising Editor) with the subject labeled “Submission to JWB SI: Learning and knowledge management” by September 1, 2014. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the Guide for Authors available at The anticipated publication date is 2016. All submitted manuscripts will be subjected to JWB’s blind review process.

Submitted manuscripts may be conceptual or empirical (quantitative or qualitative). Questions about the special issue may be directed at any of the following guest editors:


Aulakh, P.S., & Kotabe, M. (2008). Institutional changes and organizational transformation in developing economies. Journal of International Management, 14(3): 209-216.

Berry, H., Guillén, M.F., & Zhou, N. (2010). An institutional approach to cross-national distance. Journal of International Business Studies, 17: 1-26.

Chang, Y., Gong, Y., & Peng, M.W. (2012). Expatriate knowledge transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity, and subsidiary performance. Academy of Management Journal, 55(4): 927-948.

Contractor, F.J., Kumar, V., & Kundu, S.K. (2007). Nature of the relationship between international expansion and performance: The case of emerging market firms. Journal of World Business, 42(4): 401-417.

Hoskisson, R.E., Wright, M., Filatotchev, I., & Peng, M.W. (2013). Emerging multinationals from mid-range economies: The influence of institutions and factor markets. Journal of Management Studies (In Press).

Kundu, S.K., & Merchant, H. (2008). Service multinationals: Their past, present, and future. Management International Review, 48: 371-377.

Lahiri, S. (2011). India-focused publications in leading international business journals. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28(2): 427-447.

Lahiri, S., Kedia, B.L., & Mukherjee, D. (2012). The impact of management capability on the firm resourceperformance relationship: Evidence from Indian offshore outsourcing service providers. Journal of World Business, 47(1): 145-155.

Luo, Y., & Tung, R.L. (2007). International expansion of emerging market enterprises: A springboard perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(4): 481-498.

Meyer, K.E., Estrin, S., Bhaumik, S.K., & Peng, M.W. (2009). Institutions, resources, and entry strategies in emerging economies. Strategic Management Journal, 30(1): 61-80.

Peng, M.W. (2012). The global strategy of emerging multinationals from China. Global Strategy Journal, 2(2): 97-107.

Peng, M.W., Bhagat, R.S., & Chang, S-J. (2010).Asia and global business. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(3): 373-376.

Sun, S.L., Peng, M.W., Ren, B., & Yan, D. (2012). A comparative ownership advantage framework for crossborder M&As: The rise of Chinese and Indian MNEs. Journal of World Business, 47(1): 4-16.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Call for papers: Theoretical and Empirical Research on the Internationalization of Latin American Enterprises

Theoretical and Empirical Research on the Internationalization of Latin American Enterprises

Call for Papers for a special issue of the Journal of Business Research

Guest Editors: 

  • Luciano Ciravegna (King’s College, University of London; INCAE), 
  • Sumit K. Kundu (Florida International University), 
  • Luis Lopez (INCAE)

Deadline: September 15, 2014


Since 2008-2009 emerging markets generate the lion share of the world’s economic growth. As a result, managers and business scholars have focused their attention on studying the dynamics of emerging markets (Buckley, Clegg, Cross, Liu, Voss, and Zheng, 2007; Cavusgil, Ghauri, and Akcal, 2012; Guillen and Garcia-Canal, 2012; Khanna and Palepu, 2010: Ciravegna, Fitzgerald and Kundu, 2013; Wright, Filatotchev, Hoskisson, and Peng, 2005). The rise of multinational companies from emerging markets is becoming a major phenomenon (Ramamurti and Singh, 2009; Cuervo-Cazurra, 2012; Luo and Rui, 2009; Yamakawa, Peng and Deeds, 2008).

Emerging market multinationals (EMNEs) internationalize differently from developed economy multinationals (Guillén and García-Canal, 2009; Luo and Rui, 2009; Matthews, 2007; Yiu, Lau and Bruton, 2007). According to Luo and Tang’s (2007) “springboard perspective”, EMNEs internationalize before reaching a stage of maturity in domestic markets because internationalization nurtures the acquisition of capabilities and assets that they may lack. Some scholars reject this view, positing that EMNEs behave similarly to multinationals based in developed economies, only they have different sets of country specific and firm specific advantages (Narula, 2012). Finally, some scholars point that EMNEs may internationalize in order to escape from difficult conditions in their domestic economies or to pursue opportunities in an entrepreneurial fashion (Khanna and Palepu, 2010; Madhok and Keyhani, 2012).

Most of the studies on which EMNEs theories focus on a very small number of emerging markets especially China and India (Ciravegna, Fitzgerald, and Kundu, 2013). Several Latin American firms have internationalized in aggressive and innovative ways, often outcompeting established players (Casanova, 2009). Latin American firms are now among the world global players in several industries, ranging from cement (Cemex), to aerospace (Embraer), bread (Bimbo), sweets (Arcor), and wine (Concha y Toro) (Guillén and García-Canal, 2009). However, our understanding of internationalization strategy of Latin American firms remains shallow (Pérez-Batres, Pisani, & Doh, 2010). International business scholars point that Latin American firms internationalize rather regionally, though the number of empirical studies examining the phenomenon is limited, and tends to focus on a few well known cases, whereas the majority of Latin American firms, including mid-sized multinational companies, have thus far been under the radar of scientific research (Casanova, 2009; Lopez, Ciravegna and Kundu, 2009; Rugman and Verbeke, 2004). The result is an empirical gap with regards to the generalizability of EMNE theories to Latin American firms.

Do Latin American firms behave similarly to the Chinese and Indian firms that have been discussed more thorougly by the international business literature? Or do they behave more in line with developed economy multinationals, internationalizing gradually as they accumulate resources and capabilities?

This special edition of JBR aims to contribute to the debate on emerging market multinationals by inviting scholarly articles focusing on the internationalization of firms based in Latin America. We are particularly interested in new studies, which use fresh empirical evidence to examine whether and how the internationalization of Latin American firms corresponds to the EMNE theories (e.g. springboard perspective, institutional void perspective, linkage-leverage-learning perspective), or whether they follow conventional IB theories (e.g. eclectic paradigm, resource based view, gradual internationalization process model, internalization theory, and network theory).

The guest editors seek studies focusing on firm internationalization based on one or multiple countries of Latin America. The contributions can tackle, among others, the following research questions:
  • Which theories from the international business, international entrepreneurship, and international marketing fields are suited to explain the internationalization of Latin American companies?
  • Does the internationalization of Latin American enterprises contribute to the development of emerging markets multinational enterprises (EMNEs) internationalization theories? How?
  • Do the springboard and linkage-leverage-learning perspectives apply to Latin American firms?
  • What explains the speed and scope of internationalization of Latin American firms?
  • What are the motives for internationalizing of Latin American firms?
  • How important are ownership and the composition of the management team for the internationalization of Latin American firms?
  • Does the eclectic paradigm explain the internationalization of Latin American firms?
  • Do institutional characteristics contribute to explain the international behavior of Latin American companies?

To submit your work, please email your paper to Luciano Ciravegna

All papers accepted in an initial screening will enter double-blind peer review process.

Submissions will be limited to 50 pages of text and up to ten figures and tables. Submissions must comply to the JBR style requirements. For JBR style requirements, go to


Buckley, P. J., Clegg, L. J., Cross, A. R., Liu, X., Voss, H., & Zheng, P. (2007). The determinants of Chinese outward foreign direct investment. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(4), 499-518.

Casanova, L. (2009). Global Latinas [Electronic book]: Latin America's emerging multinationals. Palgrave Macmillan.

Cavusgil, S. T., Ghauri, P. N., & Akcal, A. A. (2012). Doing business in emerging markets. Sage.

Ciravegna, L.; Fitzgerald, R., & Kundu, S. (2013) Operating in emerging markets. Financial Times (FT) Press, Pearson, New York, USA.

Ciravegna, L.; Lopez, L. & Kundu, S. (2013) “Country of origin and network effects on internationalization: A comparative study of SMEs from an emerging and developed economy”, Journal of Business Research,

Ciravegna, L.; Lopez, L. & Kundu, S. (2009) “Born Global or Born Regional? Evidence from an exploratory study in the Costa Rican Software Industry”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 40 (7): 1228-1238.

Contractor, F. J., Kumar, V., & Kundu, S. K. (2007). Nature of the relationship between international expansion and performance: The case of emerging market firms. Journal of World Business, 42(4), 401-417.

Cuervo‐Cazurra, A. (2012). Extending theory by analyzing developing country multinational companies: solving the goldilocks debate. Global Strategy Journal, 2(3), 153-167.

Guillén, M. F., & García-Canal, E. (2009). The American model of the multinational firm and the “new” multinationals from emerging economies. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 23(2), 23-35.

Guillén, M. F., & García-Canal, E. (2012) Emerging markets rule. McGraw Hill, US.

Khanna, T., & Palepu, K. G. (2010). Winning in emerging markets: A road map for strategy and execution. Harvard Business Press.

Hoskisson, R. E., Eden, L., Lau, C. M., & Wright, M. (2000). Strategy in emerging economies. Academy of Management Journal, 43(3), 249-267.

Luo YD, Rui HC. 2009. An ambidexterity perspective toward multinational enterprises from emerging economies. Academy of Management Perspectives 23(4): 49–70.

Luo, Y., & Tung, R. L. (2007). International expansion of emerging market enterprises: A springboard perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(4), 481-498.

Mathews, J. A. (2006). Dragon multinationals: New players in 21st century globalization. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23(1), 5-27.

Madhok, A., & Keyhani, M. (2012). Acquisitions as entrepreneurship: asymmetries, opportunities, and the internationalization of multinationals from emerging economies. Global Strategy Journal, 2(1), 26-40.

Narula, R. (2012). Do we need different frameworks to explain infant MNEs from developing countries? Global Strategy Journal, 2(3), 188-204.

Peng M.W., Wang D.Y.L., Jiang Y. 2008. An institution-based view of international business strategy: a focus on emerging economies. Journal of International Business Studies 39(5): 920–936.

Pérez-Batres, L.A., Pisani, M.J., & Doh, J.P. 2010. Latin America’s Contribution to IB Scholarship. Academy of International Business Insights, 10(1): 3-7.

Ramamurti, R., & Singh, J. V. (Eds.). (2009). Emerging multinationals in emerging markets. Cambridge University Press.

Ramamurti, R. (2012). What is really different about emerging market multinationals? Global Strategy Journal, 2(1), 41-47.

Rugman, A. M., & Verbeke, A. (2004). A perspective on regional and global strategies of multinational enterprises. Journal of International Business Studies, 35(1), 3-18.

Yamakawa, Y., Peng, M. W., & Deeds, D. L. (2008). What drives new ventures to internationalize from emerging to developed economies? Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 32(1), 59-82.

Yiu, D. W., Lau, C., & Bruton, G. D. (2007). International venturing by emerging economy firms: the effects of firm capabilities, home country networks, and corporate entrepreneurship. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(4), 519-540.

Wright, M., Filatotchev, I., Hoskisson, R. E., & Peng, M. W. (2005). Strategy Research in Emerging Economies: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom*. Journal of Management Studies, 42(1), 1-33.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Call for papers. Journal Special Issue: Large Systems Change, Transformations and Transitions: An emerging field

Journal of Corporate Citizenship

Special Issue: Large Systems Change, Transformations and Transitions: An emerging field

Deadline for abstract submissions: 1 April 2014

The Editorial Team

This issue is being developed by the GOLDEN Ecosystems Lab Paper Group:

Lead Editor: Steve Waddell, Lead Steward – GOLDEN Ecosystems Labs; Principal – NetworkingAction, USA

• Sarah Cornell, Planetary Boundaries Coordinator – Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden
• Domenico Dentoni, Assistant Professor – Agribusiness Management and Strategy, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
• Malcolm McIntosh, Asia Pacific Centre for Sustainable Enterprise, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia
• Milla Mclachlan, Frmr. Director – Research and Information Division of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University and Director – Southern Africa Food Lab, South Africa
• Greta Meszoely, Director – Center for Business Complexity and Global Leadership - Suffolk University, USA
• Sandra Waddock, Galligan Chair of Strategy, Carroll School Scholar of Corporate Responsibility, and Professor of Management – Carroll School of Management at Boston College, USA

The Topic

There is a new field of knowledge and practice emerging with various names, such as large or whole systems change, transitions management, transformation science, and earth systems governance. It is arising as our conventional theoretical frameworks and planning and management approaches fail to inspire and inform change to the degree necessary to tackle twenty-first century problems. Unprecedented technological developments and increases in connectivity, which give us ‘big data’ and vastly enhanced opportunities for global collaboration must be matched by robust theoretical frameworks and social technologies if human and earth systems are to flourish. The task is urgent, as societies roar through dangerous carbon emission levels and witness unprecedented bio-diversity loss, communities live with pernicious rates of poverty, food insecurity and inequality, and experience continuing civil unrest, terrorism and war. That change is possible and is seen where communities and societies are overcoming poverty, firms and governments are shedding the yoke of corruption, and people are living longer, healthier, more hopeful lives.
As these cases show, there is increasing knowledge about how to address complex issues, yet much greater knowledge and capacity is needed, if we are to successfully make the necessary transitions for a thriving future for all. We use the phrase large system change (LSC) to mean the transformation or fundamental reframing of human systems involving multiple interrelated and connected organizations, institutions, norms, and behaviors at individual, organizational, societal, and global levels. We use the term ‘system’ to mean interacting and connected, interdependent entities, i.e., institutions, that comprise a complex network—or what Koestler (1968) called holons (wholes consisting of other ‘wholes’ as their parts). In this special issue we look to advance this field by further describing it and identifying state-of-the-art knowledge and practice of LSC. This call for papers seeks conceptual, empirical, and case-based papers that contribute to building our collective understanding of LSC, including what it is, when and how it is useful, , when and how it is harmful, what approaches work (or do not work), what types of issues are best addressed through LSC efforts, and related topics.


We invite submissions that draw from the broad range of relevant traditions including: socio-economic development, business in society, management, learning and assessment, health and education, peace-making and conflict management, spiritual and individual growth, cultural, and psychological, earth system governance, systems dynamics, strategy, change management, sociology, law, political science and related areas. Illustrative topics include, but are not limited to:

  • • Analysis and approaches to LSC addressing significant challenges such as power, scale, entrenched opposition, inequity, poverty, resilience and sustainability or topical challenges in fields such as food and agriculture, energy, social protection, health, urbanization, climate change, economic development, jobs, and others. 
  • • LSC theory, conceptualization, and frameworks
  • • Methodologies, approaches, and tools for effective LSC
  • • Scaling LSC
  • • Cases analyzing LSC approaches

Contributions of 4,000 – 6,000 words should be submitted for double-blind review.


This special issue will be the June, 2015 issue of the Journal of Corporate Citizenship. Key dates are:
• April 1: Deadline for submission of max. 500-word abstracts (optional) to Steve NOTE: responses to abstracts will be sent within one week of their receipt
• April 7: Latest response to abstracts
• June 30, 2014: Deadline for submission of full papers via the online submission form (
• November 1, 2014: Second/final draft due. : Submission of revisions, if requested.
• Jan. 20, 2015: All revised papers due.

JCC is published in print and online formats. It is also included as part of the Sustainable Organization Library (
Contact Details

For more information, or to discuss ideas or submit an abstract, contact Steve Waddell:

Guidelines for contributions available at or contact

Call for conference papers: 6th International CSR Conference

The 6th International CSR Conference will be held in Berlin @ Humbolt University on 8/9 October 2014. A Doctoral Workshop will precede the conference. The Theme of this year’s conference is “Innovating for Sustainability” — with the goal of linking work by those addressing innovation issues with those doing work on sustainability.

Although the theme of the conference is “Innovating for Sustainability” we invite submissions which contribute to advanced knowledge creation in the diverse area of CSR from a scientific, practical and/or political point of view. We encourage submissions from sociologists, psychologists, philosophers, political scientists, legal scholars, economists, management scholars and others who want to bring the logic and empirical techniques of their science to bear on issues of CSR.

Information on the conference is given at Submission to the conference is via a proposal (one-page) that will be reviewed by the conference committee.

In addition to the conference there is a doctoral workshop prior to the conference:

As well as a special issue of Long Range Planning that is being edited by T. Devinney, J. Schwalbach & D. Siegel:

Submission to the LRP special issue is separate from the conference but the theme is linked and there is value to presenting at the conference should you be thinking about submitting to the special issue.


  • Joachim Schwalbach (Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin), Chairman

  • Timothy Devinney (Leeds University Business School)

  • Robert Eccles (Harvard Business School)

  • Wanjun Jiang (Peking University Business School)

  • Gregory Jackson (Free University Berlin)

  • Anja Schwerk (Humboldt‐Universität zu Berlin)

  • Tanji Tanimoto (Waseda University, Tokyo)

  • Sandra Waddock (Boston College) 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Call for papers. Thunderbird International Business Review. Special Issue

Thunderbird International Business Review.
Strategic Talent Management in Emerging Markets

Papers should be submitted by March 31, 2015

Guest Editors:

  • Keith W. Glaister, Professor Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK
  • Mohammad Faisal Ahammad, PhD Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK
  • Riikka M. Sarala, PhD Bryan School of Business and Economics, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, USA
  • Alison J. Glaister, PhD Aston Business School Aston University, UK

Since a group of McKinsey consultants coined the phrase the “War for Talent” in 1997 (Axelrod, Handfield-Jones, & Michaels, 2002), academic and practitioner interest in strategic talent management continues to grow and business leaders consider the search for talented people as the single most important managerial preoccupation for this decade (Deloitte, 2010; Guthridge, Komm, & Lawson, 2008). Strategic talent management is defined as ‘activities and processes that involve the systematic identification of key positions which differentially contribute to the organisation's sustainable competitive advantage, the development of a talent pool of high potential and high performing incumbents to fill these roles, and the development of a differentiated human resource architecture to facilitate filling these positions with competent incumbents and to ensure their continued commitment to the organisation’ (Collings & Mellahi, 2009, p.304). Strategic talent management offers a distinct approach to the management of human resources and a response to the changes occurring in a turbulent operating environment, a means of improving firm performance (Joyce and Slocum, 2012), reducing employee turnover (Ballinger, Craig, Cross and Gray, 2011) and achieving sustainable competitive advantage (Iles, Priest and Chuai, 2010; Chatman, O’Reilly and Chang, 2005).

While the interest in talent management is growing (see for example Oltra and Lopez, 2013; Minbaeva and Collings, 2013; Joyce and Slocum, 2012;Guerci and Solari, 2012), the current assumptions and concepts in the strategic talent management literature are strongly embedded in the context of multinational, private, and US-based organizations, and may not be appropriate for describing and examining talent management in organizations operating in emerging market contexts (Collings et al., 2011), Consequently, further research is required from different perspectives and traditions.

The growing importance of emerging economies has led to an upsurge of strategy research on the topic (Wright, Filatotchev, Hoskisson, & Peng, 2005); however, research on strategic talent management has not kept pace with the research on multinational companies (MNCs) from emerging economies. While there has been an accelerated interest in emerging markets and emerging market MNCs studies in recent special issues in international business/management journals focus on internationalization, market entry strategy, and location choice aspects (Luo & Tung, 2007; Aulakh, 2007). It is widely agreed that the motivations behind emerging market MNC’ international operations, particularly in developed markets, are related to capability building. Strategic talent management, therefore, can play a crucial role in building absorptive capacity, which helps firms develop ability to recognize the value of new information, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends. In addition, strategic talent management may facilitate reverse knowledge transfer to emerging market multinationals’ other subsidiaries and play crucial role in the success of the firm in diverse cultural environments.

Although strategic talent management has been investigated by scholars from a variety of theoretical perspectives (see, for example, Scholz, 2012), practitioners, researchers and teaching academics are still in need of case studies and empirical research from emerging markets that examine the relevance, successes, and failures of particular talent management practices and strategies. Research needs to address the question of how organizations actually define talent in emerging market context and the roles and impact of various stakeholders, beyond HR and management, on talent management policy and practice. While employee retention strategies were investigated in a developed country context (Ahammad, Glaister, Weber and Tarba, 2012), talent retention strategies in the emerging market context received limited attention. Moreover, research needs to distinguish any attributional tendencies (Vaara, Junni, Sarala, Ehrnrooth, & Koveshnikov, 2013) in the managerial determination of the effectiveness of strategic talent management in the emerging market context. Gaining insight into these issues will not only help advance strategic talent management as a field of academic study, but will also provide practitioners with the insight and ideas to handle strategic talent management issues faced by their organizations.

The purpose of this special issue is therefore to generate a collection of papers on how emerging market companies understand the concept of talent management and how they plan and execute strategic talent management initiatives. This special issue should foster additional conversation on this important subject among academics and practitioners alike. Moreover, it should provide ideas for best practice implementation across different cultural contexts, and case material for executive education, as well as catalyze further cross-disciplinary study.

This special issue seeks to contribute to the emerging body of literature on strategic talent management through publishing articles with fresh insights, particularly on the varieties of talent management strategies encountered in emerging market contexts. This special issue encourages submissions on the following themes and approaches:

  • What makes emerging market multinationals different in terms of strategic talent management?
  • Emerging market multinationals’ talent management practices in developed and developing country subsidiaries.
  • International acquisitions of emerging market multinationals and strategic talent management such as talent identification and retention strategies.
  • Emerging market multinationals and strategic talent management’s role in reverse knowledge transfer.
  • Role of managerial attributions in shaping an understanding of talent management, the implementation of talent management systems and the effectiveness of talent management systems within the emerging market context.
  • Strategic talent management practices in private and state-owned organizations.
Articles that help bridge the gap between theory and practice by providing both practical implications of empirical research on emerging market MNCs and capture leading examples of practitioner-initiated strategic talent management via theoretically grounded case studies.


Ahammad, M. F., Glaister, K. W., Weber, Y. and Tarba, S. Y. (2012) Top management retention in cross-border acquisitions: the roles of financial incentives, acquirer’s commitment and autonomy. European Journal International Management, 6(4), 458-480.
Aulakh, P. S. (Ed.) (2007) Special issue on emerging market multinationals from developing economies: motivations, paths, and performance, Journal of International Management, 13(3), 235-402.
Axelrod, B., Handfield-Jones, H., & Michaels, E. (2002) A new game plan for C players, Harvard Business Review, January, 81–88.
Ballinger, G., Craig, E., Cross, R. and Gray, P. (2011) A Stitch in Time Saves Nine: Leveraging Networks to Reduce the Costs of Turnover, California Management Review, 53(4), 111-133.
Chatman, J., O’Reilly, C. and Chang, V. (2005) Cisco Systems: Developing a Human Capital Strategy, California Management Review, 47(2), 137-167.
Collings, D. G., & Mellahi, K. (2009) Strategic talent management: A review and research agenda, Human Resource Management Review, 19(4), 304–313. Collings, D. G., Scullion, H., & Vaiman, V. (2011) European perspectives on talent management, European Journal of International Management, 5(5), 453–462.
Deloitte (2010) Talent edge 2020: Blueprints for the new normal. Accessed on 12 June 2013. Available at:
Guerci, M. and Solari, L. (2012) Talent management practices in Italy-implications for human resource development. Human Resource Development International, 15(1), 25-41.
Guthridge, M., Komm, A. B., & Lawson, E. (2008) Making talent a strategic priority, McKinsey Quarterly, Issue. 1, 48–59.
Iles, P., Preece, D., & Chuai, X. (2010) Talent management as a management fashion in HRD: Towards a research agenda, Human Resource Development International, 13(2), 125–145.
Joyce, W. and Slocum, J. (2012) Top management talent, strategic capabilities, and firm performance. Organizational Dynamics, 41, 183-193.
Luo, Y. & Tung, R. (2007) International expansion of emerging market enterprises: A springboard perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(4), 481-498.
Minbaeva, D. and Collings, D. (2013) Seven myths of global talent management. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(9), 1762-1776.
Oltra, V. and Lopez, S. (2013) Boosting organizational learning through team-based talent management: what is the evidence from large Spanish firms? The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(9), 1853-1871.
Scholz, T. M. (2012) Talent Management in the Video Game Industry: The Role of Cultural Diversity and Cultural Intelligence. Thunderbird International Business Review, 54(6), 845-858.
Vaara, E., Junni, P., Sarala, R. M., Ehrnrooth, M. and Koveshnikov, A. (2013), Attributional tendencies in cultural explanations of M&A performance. Strategic Management Journal (forthcoming).
Wright, M., Filatotchev, I., Hoskisson, R. E. and Peng, M. W. (2005) Strategy research in emerging economies: challenging the conventional wisdom. Journal of Management Studies, 42, 1-33.
Wright, P. M., Dunford, B. B., & Snell, S. A. (2001) Human resources and the resource based view of the firm, Journal of Management, 27(6), 701–721.

About the guest editors:

Keith W. Glaister
Professor of International Strategic Management. Keith W. Glaister joined Warwick business school in July 2013. Professor Glaister joined from the University of Sheffield where he was Dean of the Management School from 2005. As a leading researcher in the field of international strategic management, he has published 5 books and over 80 articles and book chapters. His main research focuses on the analysis of formation, partner selection, management and performance of international joint ventures and strategic alliances. Prof. Glaister has published in Strategic Management Journal, Journal of World Business, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, British Journal of Management, Management International Review, and others. He is an Editorial Board member of the British Journal of Management and several other journals. He was recently re-elected to be a member of the Council of the British Academy of Management.

Mohammad F. Ahammad
Dr Ahammad is a senior lecturer at Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK. Dr Ahammad is an active researcher in the field of international business strategy, in particular, in the area of cross border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on which he holds a PhD degree from the University of Sheffield. Dr. Ahammad has published his research studies in Human Resource Management (USA), International Business Review, International Studies of Management & Organization, European Journal of International Management, and others. He currently serves as a guest-editor for the special issue on cross-cultural collaboration at International Studies of Management & Organization.

Riikka M. Sarala
Dr. Sarala is an assistant professor of international business at University of North Carolina, Greensboro. Her research focuses on the socio-cultural integration process of mergers and acquisitions and on the management of knowledge and innovation in multinational corporations. Dr Sarala has published in Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Perspectives, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Thunderbird International Business Review, and others.

Alison J. Glaister
Dr. Glaister is Lecturer in Strategic Human Resource Management at Aston Business School, Aston University, UK. She holds a PhD from the University of Leeds. She has over ten years industry experience in the private, public and voluntary sectors, working in roles that focused on international CRM and economic regeneration initiatives including: employability, new business start-ups, business diversification and export mentoring. Dr. Glaister is an active researcher in the field of strategic human resource management and her research interests include the development of international talent management systems, the impact of international business strategy on the HR transformation ‘project’, the evolving role of the HR professional and progress towards strategic partnership.

Thunderbird International Business Review


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Questions may be emailed to Dr. Mary Teagarden, Editor, Thunderbird International Business or to Ms. Suzy Howell, Managing Editor
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If the article is accepted for publication, instructions on final submission will be sent to the author.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Call for papers: Latin American Economic Review

Latin American Economic Review aims to be the leading general interest journal on topics relevant to Latin America. The journal welcomes high-quality theoretical and quantitative papers on economic, social and political-economy issues with a regional focus.
LAER is fully sponsored by the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica (CIDE) and is published under the SpringerOpen brand.

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Call for JIBS special issue: Widening the less: Rethinking distance diversity and foreignnes in International Business through positive organizational scholarship


Special Issue of the Journal of International Business Studies

Call for JIBS special issue: Widening the less: Rethinking distance diversity and foreignnes in International Business through positive organizational scholarship

Special Issue Editors

Deadline for submission: November 17, 2014
Tentative publication date: Spring 2016


Essentially, international management is management of distance.

Zaheer, Schomaker and Nachum (2012: 19)

The notion that difference and distance are liabilities, whether they are national, cultural, geographic, or semantic, is pervasive in international business (IB) research and practice. Constructs such as “cultural distance” (Kogut & Singh, 1988; Shenkar, 2001), “psychic distance” (Johnson & Vahlne, 1977, 2009), “institutional distance” (Kostova 1996; Kostova, 1999), and “liability of foreignness” (Zaheer, 1995; Miller & Parkhe, 2002) have guided much of the IB literature. Barriers, difficulties, costs, and risks associated with working and doing business across national borders are emphasized, resulting in a “problem-focused view” of diversity in IB research (Stevens, Plaut & Sanchez-Burks, 2008). Many issues arising in IB contexts have been explained in terms of “foreignness,” “unfamiliarity costs,” “organizational misfit,” “culture novelty,” “institutional gaps,” and related concepts, and IB research commonly focuses on discordance, incompatibility, friction, and conflict, and the negative impact of distance, diversity, and difference on various outcomes. In short, current theory and research in IB may have overly emphasized a negative view on distance and diversity of all kinds (national, cultural, organizational, and institutional) with an emphasis on liabilities and adverse outcomes associated with such differences. While existing research is certainly valuable, focusing on mostly negative processes and outcomes has hindered our understanding of the processes and conditions that leverage the benefits of diversity in a wide range of contexts, such as development of strategic capabilities, foreign direct investment decisions, synergy creation in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, cross-border knowledge-sharing and learning, and unleashing the creative potential of diverse teams (Brannen, 2004; Shenkar, 2001; Stahl et al., 2010; Tung & Verbeke, 2010; Zaheer et al., 2012).
The goal of this special issue of JIBS is to encourage research that is in line with a Positive Organizational Scholarship perspective (POS). POS aims “to develop rigorous, systematic, and theory-based foundations for positive phenomena. [It] draws from the full spectrum of organizational theories to understand, explain, and predict the occurrence, causes, and consequences of positivity” (Cameron et al., 2003: 5-6). POS does not represent a single theory, but rather offers a fresh lens and encourages scholars to look at commonly considered phenomena in new ways, as well as to explicitly consider new phenomena. For example, recent calls to pay greater attention to the potentially positive outcomes of IB activity and to enhance the benefits of IB studies for real-world stakeholders (Jonsen, et al. 2010), including viewing “foreignness as an asset” (Brannen, 2004: 596), exploring the “upside of cultural distance” (Stahl & Tung, 2013), and “consider(ing) it as an opportunity for arbitrage, complementarity or creative diversity” (Zaheer et al., 2012: 26) are examples of looking at phenomena in new ways. Explicitly considering positive concepts like thriving, resilience, compassion, and virtue in IB research on differences illustrates consideration of distinctly different phenomena. Examining the positive side of differences is not only intellectually beneficial in terms of filling the gap in the IB literature, but is also crucial for IB practice in light of the increasing globalization of the world economy as well as growing intra-national heterogeneity in many countries.


We invite theoretical and empirical papers using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods approaches. As aspects of distance, diversity, and foreignness occur at multiple levels, submissions investigating micro, meso, macro, or cross-level phenomena are welcome. Research submitted to the special issue does not need to explicitly apply POS, but can use the POS perspective as a generative lens to theorize about positive outcomes. Other existing theoretical perspectives in IB could be linked to theorize why distance, diversity, and foreignness matter; under what circumstances they are likely to be beneficial rather than challenging or harmful; how their effects play out and what motivational and enabling mechanisms are or could be at work in the process. As such, it is also not necessary for research submitted to consider only positive outcomes.

Papers could address a wide range of issues, including but not limited to topics that

  • Infuse the IB literature with new constructs generated in POS research such as resilience, meaningfulness, positive emotion, altruism, relationship transformation, and high-quality connections, and study how these constructs enable individuals, groups, and organizations to gain the benefits of diversity, distance, and difference. 
  • Consider positive outcomes investigated in POS like thriving, virtue, and abundance. These could support investigation of questions like: What does organizational thriving mean in diverse institutional contexts? 
  • Consider traditional organizational outcomes in IB and examine the contexts and conditions under which foreignness enhance a corporation’s legitimacy, reputation, attractiveness, or brand value. 
  • Integrate theories that traditionally haven’t been simultaneously considered to reconcile challenges and benefits, such as research on the multinational advantage versus liability of foreignness. Integrating such perspectives could illuminate the conditions generating value from difference, diversity, and distance. 
  • Unpack mixed results and curvilinear findings to develop theory about enabling processes that “bend the curve” from negative to positive, or delay inflection points to extend positive benefits of diversity. This could support investigations of the relationship between differences and innovation, for example, which show an inverted-U-shaped relationship. What could support benefits of diversity to innovation at very high levels of diversity? 
  • Investigate further how research on diversity in organizations has shown that individuals vary in how much they value diversity. Can concepts like happiness, joy, fulfillment, self-esteem, or other positive states alter the extent to which individuals value diversity rather than feel threatened by difference? 
  • Apply different research methodologies and designs than traditionally used in IB research to study topics like cross-border alliances, mergers, and acquisitions. Process research or qualitative research may reveal important insights into how firms develop valuable capabilities and reap synergistic benefits from these activities and uncover new understanding of difference, diversity, and distance by examining positive processes that create beneficial outcomes/patterns. 
  • Consider positive individual traits and behaviors like character, talent and responsible behavior and investigate their role in leader effectiveness in diverse contexts. 
  • Investigate what is positive global leadership, developing a framework that goes beyond cultural similarities and differences and identifies common ground for leveraging diversity, both locally and globally. 
  • Explore how the experience of being foreign and/or marginal, typically considered negative, could lead to enhanced creativity and help individuals develop a global mindset. 
  • Refine theories of adaptation to consider how concepts like replenishment and resilience can support phenomena like emerging market multinationals learning from their foreign operations, particularly their activities in developed markets. 
  • Examine the idea of abundance gaps created by distance, diversity, or difference in research on international entrepreneurship and “born global” organizations. 
  • Differentiate between when difference and distance have a positive effect on MNEs and when they don’t. For example, are there some instances when an outsider perspective (such as the use of global teams from subsidiaries) is valuable in regards to sustainable corporate renewal or growth and when having a more culturally integrated team would be more effective? 

The main contributions sought with the special issue include: analyzing the reasons for possible overemphasis on the negative in current research on foreignness, diversity, and distance, and identifying ways to overcome this imbalance; motivating the development of new theoretical perspectives or the application of theoretical perspectives seldom used in the international business literature to refine the distance and diversity constructs and shedding new light on the positive outcomes of differences in the context of IB; exploring situational contingencies (moderators), intervening mechanisms and processes (mediators), and non-linear relationships between foreignness, diversity and distance and outcome variables – possibly drawing on POS research to introduce new constructs to IB; reassessing whether “foreignness,” “diversity,” and “distance” are appropriate metaphors with which to describe, analyze, and assess the impact of difference variables in international business.

Submission Process

All manuscripts will be reviewed as a cohort for this special issue. Manuscripts must be submitted in the window between November 3, 2014, and November 17, 2014, at All submissions will go through the JIBS regular double-blind review process and follow the standard norms and processes.
For more information about this call for papers, please contact the Special Issue Editors or the JIBS Managing Editor (


Brannen, M. Y. 2004. When Mickey loses face: Recontextualization, semantic fit, and the semiotics of foreignness. Academy of Management Review, 29(4): 593-616.

Cameron K. S., Dutton, J. E. & Quinn, R. E. 2003. Foundations of positive organizational scholarship. In K. S. Cameron, J. E. Dutton and R. E. Quinn (Eds), Positive organizational scholarship. Foundations of a new discipline: 3-13. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.

Johanson, J., & Vahlne, J. E. 1977. The internationalization process of the firm – A model of knowledge development and increasing market commitments. Journal of International Business Studies, 8(1): 23-32.

Johanson, J., & Vahlne, J. E. 2009. The Uppsala internationalization process model revisited – From liability of foreignness to liability of outsidership. Journal of International Business Studies, 40: 1-21.

Jonsen, K. et al. 2010. Scientific mindfulness: A foundation for future themes in international business. In T. Devinney, T. Pedersen, and L. Tihanyi (Eds), Advances in International Management: The Past, Present and Future of International Business & Management (Vol. 23, pp. 43-69). Bingley, UK: Emerald.

Kogut, B. & Singh, H. 1988. The effect of national culture on the choice of entry mode. Journal of International Business Studies, 19(3): 411–432.

Kostova, T. 1996. Success of the transnational transfer of organizational practices within multinational companies. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Minnesota.

Kostova, T. 1999. Transnational transfer of strategic organizational practices: A contextual perspective. Academy of Management Review, 24(2): 308-324.

Miller, S. R., & Parkhe, A. 2002. Is there a liability of foreignness in global banking? An empirical test of banks' X-efficiency. Strategic Management Journal, 23(1): 55-75.

Shenkar, O. 2001. Cultural distance revisited: Towards a more rigorous conceptualization and measurement of cultural differences. Journal of International Business Studies, 32: 519–536.

Stahl, G. K., Maznevski, M. L., Voigt, A., & Jonsen, K. 2010. Unraveling the effects of cultural diversity in teams: A meta-analysis of research on multicultural work groups. Journal of International Business Studies, 41, 690-709.

Stahl, G.K., & Tung, R. 2013. Negative biases in the study of culture in international business: the need for Positive Organizational Scholarship. Academy of Management Conference, Orlando, August 9-13, 2013.

Stevens, F. G., Plaut, V. C., & Sanchez-Burks, J. 2008. Unlocking the Benefits of Diversity. All-Inclusive Multiculturalism and Positive Organizational Change. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 44: 116-133.

Tung, R. L., & Verbeke, A. 2010. Beyond Hofstede and GLOBE: Improving the quality of cross-cultural research. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(8): 1259-1274.

Zaheer, S. 1995. Overcoming the liability of foreignness. Academy of Management Journal, 38(2): 341-363.

Zaheer, S., Schomaker, M. S., & Nachum, L. 2012. Distance without direction: Restoring credibility to a much-loved construct. Journal of International Business Studies, 43: 18-27.

Special Issue Editors

Günter K. Stahl is Professor of International Management at Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna). Prior to joining WU Vienna, he served for eight years as a full-time faculty member at INSEAD, and was a visiting professor at Duke University, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Northeastern University, and Hitotsubashi University. His research interests include the socio­cul­tural processes in teams, alliances, mergers and acquisitions, and how to manage people and culture effectively in those contexts. He has served on the editorial boards of several academic jour­nals and recently was a co-guest editor for special issues of Academy of Management Learning & Education on “Cross-Cultural Management Education: Exploring Multiple Aims, Approaches, and Impacts,” of Academy of Management Perspectives on “Responsible Leadership,” and of the European Journal of International Management on “Global Leadership.”

Rosalie L. Tung is the Ming & Stella Wong Professor of International Business, Simon Fraser University. In 2003-2004, she served as President of the Academy of Management. She was formerly a Wisconsin Distinguished Professor, University of Wisconsin System. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the Academy of Management, the Academy of International Business, and the British Academy of Management. She has published many books and articles on international human resource management, international business negotiations and comparative management. She serves on the editorial board of many academic journals.

Tatiana Kostova is the Buck Mickel Chair and Professor of International Business at the University of South Carolina's Darla Moore School of Business. Her research is in the areas of international management, macro-organizational behavior, and organization theory. In particular, she studies cross-border transfer and adoption of organizational practices, MNC legitimacy, headquarters-subsidiary relationships in MNCs from an agency and social capital perspective, multiculturalism, psychological ownership, dual identification, and others. She is also interested in conceptualizing and measuring contextual embeddedness of MNCs with an emphasis on the institutional environment, its multiplicity and complexity. Dr. Kostova has served as Vice President of AIB, Chair of the International Management Division of the Academy of Management, as well as on the editorial boards of many international business and management journals. She is AIB Fellow.

Mary Zellmer-Bruhn is Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. Her research focuses on knowledge and learning, and composition and diversity in teamwork and workplace collaboration, with particular interest in cognitive and cultural diversity. Her recent work emphasizes the role of context in team learning and knowledge management, and language and cultural diversity social cognition. She has particular interest in multi-level and longitudinal research. Zellmer-Bruhn is Area Editor for the Journal of International Business Studies. She has served on the editorial boards of several leading journals, including currently Organization Science and Management International Review. She currently Chairs the Executive Committee of the College of Organization Science (INFORMS), and was a past board member of INGROUP.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Call for conference papers: 7th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

7th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Co-organised by

  • National Entrepreneurship Research Centre, Tsinghua University
  • Technology and management for Development Centre, University of Oxford

Call for papers:

The 7th Annual Conference for the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (AIE2014) will be held in Beijing,China,on 5th-7th September 2014. The National Entrepreneurship Research Center based in School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, will host the event on the Tsinghua campus. The AIE conference has been successfully held since 2008, and attracted more than 1,500 scholars from more than 27 countries. The AIE Conference provides a broad platform to convene scholars from around the world to present research and to stimulate discussions on critical research issues and new developments in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.


The conference focuses on discussions mainly covering the following topics of interest but is not limited to:
  • Innovative and entrepreneurial strategies for firms in global markets
  • Industrial focus in innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Management of technological innovations
  • Patenting and licensing management
  • Innovation and corporate venture
  • New business creation process
  • Technology-based venturing
  • Venture capital and entrepreneurial finance
  • Creation and management of family business
  • Entrepreneurship environment and policy

Award and Publication

The conference committee will award one Best Paper Award co-sponsored by Emerald Publishing, the publisher of the Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. This award will be made at the conference to a paper selected from among the full papers submitted to the conference. When submitting a full paper, please indicate whether you wish your paper to be considered for the Best Paper Award. Submission for the Best Paper Award will be treated as consent to publish the paper in the Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies.
Authors are invited to submit full papers and Professional Development workshops (PDW) proposals. Papers and proposals will be selected by the Conference Committee consisting of a panel of international scholars. The submitting authors will be notified of the Conference Committee’s decision by June 30, 2014. Please submit the paper and proposals in electronic format (PDF files only) to:
For general help and administrative matters, please contact AIE Support at

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Call for conference papers: Euromed. The future of entrepreneurship

The EuroMed Academy of Business announces the 7th Annual EMAB Conference

The Future of Entrepreneurship

Kristiansand, Norway

September 18th-19th, 2014

EMRBI Presidents
Prof. Demetris Vrontis, Prof. Yaakov Weber
University of Nicosia, School of Business Administration
Nicosia, Cyprus College of Management, Israel

Conference Chair

Dr. Rotem Shneor
Associate Professor, School of Business and Law,
University of Agder, Norway

Organized by:
University of Agder
Venue: University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway
Conference website: click here (!academic-conference/cngi)

Conference Goals

The EuroMed Academy of Business annual conference has established itself as one of the major Business Management conferences of its kind in the EuroMed region (European and Mediterranean), in terms of size, quality of content, and standing reputation of attendees. Many of the papers presented contribute significantly to the business knowledge base. Its Book of Proceedings is highly recognized and accepted to be under citation. Many papers are published in Special Issues in leading journals, and are driving international research and teaching programs.
Our goal is to create a friendly and approachable academy and environment, a strong network, whereby its members (including senior worldwide scholars, faculty members, doctorate students, researchers and business practitioners) are guiding and mentoring each other. We differentiate as we assist participants to network and publish their valuable work (see below: a. Publication Opportunities, b. Authors’ Network and Collaboration Workshop and c. Meet the Editors Session). Our participants also form specialised teams applying and getting involved in EU project funding. EMRBI network has submitted over 11 new projects last year. You can visit our Research Project Workshop (see below) that will take place during the conference.

Author Guidelines

* Submission Deadline: March 24th, 2014

Please submit your paper or abstract to and to by strictly adhering to the author guidelines.

All manuscripts (including abstracts) will be double blind reviewed.

Please indicate, on the first page of the manuscript, the track number for submission. All conference tracks are included at the end of this call (brief track descriptions can be found at the conference website). Should you feel that your submission does not exactly fit in any of the tracks please indicate General Track. Alternatively, you may indicate the general area that you would like to have your manuscript reviewed under (eg Marketing, HRM, Strategic Management, Finance etc).

The maximum number of submitted papers or abstracts accepted per author (either single or co-author) is three.

Important Dates

* Notification to authors (for early submissions by March 17th)by April 28th, 2014

* Notification to authors (for submissions after March 17th) by May 16th, 2014

Early-bird registrationUntil July 18th, 2014

Late registrationAfter July 18th, 2014

Deadline for inclusion in Book of Proceedings **

August 31th , 2014

**Only papers or abstracts of participants registered until August 31st, 2014 will be included in the Book of Proceedings that will be distributed at the conference. Papers and/or abstracts of participants who will register after the above date will be included in the final book of proceedings that will be distributed after the conference.

Publication Opportunities

All accepted papers and abstracts will be published in the Book of Proceedings (with an ISBN number) which is approved for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index — an integrated index within Web of Science. This distinction is given only to the most significant papers, in terms of academic excellence, conferences-conventions worldwide.

A selection of the best conference papers will also be considered for publication in the following journals (presented in alphabetic order), most of which are internationally ranked or/and ISI/Scopus approved. Some of these journals will devote and publish a special issue based on conference papers.

1. EuroMed Journal of Business - EMRBI’s official Journal

2. Baltic Journal of Management

3. Global Business and Economics Review

4. International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics

5. International Journal of Emerging Markets

6. International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives

7. International Journal of Globalization and Small Business

8. International Journal of Online Marketing

9. International Journal of Organizational Analysis

10. International Journal of Technology Marketing

11. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development

12. International Marketing Review

13. International Studies of Management and Organization

14. Journal of Customer Behaviour

15. Journal for Global Business Advancement

16. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development

17. Journal of Promotion Management

18. Journal of Transnational Management

19. Journal of the Knowledge Economy

20. Knowledge and Process Management

21. Managing Service Quality

22. Sinergie

23. Social Business

24. The International Journal of Human Resource Management

25. The Marketing Review

26. Thunderbird International Business Review

27. Transnational Marketing Journal

28. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management & Sustainable Development

For more information please see publication opportunities on the conference website.


1. Research Project Workshop
2. Authors’ Networking and Collaboration Workshop
3. Academic Business Consulting (ABC) Nexus
· Symposium and Professional Development Workshops (SPDW)
· Executive Workshops on M&A and Global Strategies
4. Meet the Editors Session
5. Doctoral Seminars
Doctoral Seminar on M&A
· Doctoral Seminar on Management
Doctoral Seminar on Marketing

Additional information can be found on the website.

  • · Conference Best and Highly Commended Paper Awards
  • · Conference Best and Highly Commended Student Paper Awards
  • · Conference Best Track Chair and Commended Track Chair Awards
  • · Conference Best Reviewer Awards
  • · EuroMed Journal of Business Best and Highly Commended Paper Award

Additional information can be found on the website.

Conference Venue – University of Agder, Kristiansand Campus

The 7th EuroMed Conference will take place on the 18th and 19th of September 2014, at the University of Agder’s Campus in Kristiansand, Southern Norway.

Kristiansand, informally considered to be the capital city of southern Norway, is easy to travel to and enjoy. The town and surrounding villages offer a wide range of pleasant holiday experiences. The region of Kristiansand has for decades been Norwegian’s favourite destination for leisure and recreation.