Monday, March 3, 2014

Call for conference papers: Strategic Management in Latin America Bi Annual Conference (SMLA)

SMLA 2015

Strategic Management in Latin America Bi Annual Conference. San Jose, Costa Rica

INCAE Business School and The Journal of Business Research

Call for conference papers

Program Chairs: Esteban R. Brenes and Arnoldo Camacho - INCAE Business School

The Sixth International Conference on Strategic Management in Latin America, co-sponsored by INCAE Business School and the Journal of Business Research, will be held on January 8 and 9, 2015, in San José, Costa Rica. The theme for this Conference is:“Strategies for Growth, Regional Expansion and Global Competition

Extended abstracts of no more than 1500 words must be submitted no later than March 17th, 2014.
Acceptance of abstracts will be notified before April 21st, 2014. If your abstract is accepted you can submit your full paper starting as soon as April 22nd, 2014 but no later than July 29th, 2014.

Abstracts and papers must be submitted electronically to and attached to this mail you can find extended information about tracks. .