Friday, January 15, 2010

Contemporary Labour Migration: National and International Perspectives

Contemporary Labour Migration: National and International Perspectives
Anglo-Irish Population Conference

12-13 MAY 2010
Hosted by NUI Galway under the auspices of the Population Geography Research Group of the RGS-IBG and Population Commission of the International Geographical Union
Papers are invited for an Anglo-Irish population conference on Labour Migration.
Major changes have taken place in the scale and character of labour migration in the UK and Ireland since the early 1990s, involving both national and international workers. Established patterns of movement have continued within and between rural and urban regions; both countries also experienced dramatic increases in overseas labour immigration from the early 1990s on, to fill vacancies in highly skilled and lower skilled employment. Both countries opened their borders immediately in 2004 to members of the new accession states of the European Union to meet labour deficits. In response to reduced rates of economic growth since 2008, demand for labour has fallen and new challenges have emerged for labour, employers and governments. New migration patterns are apparent, associated with migrant return to countries of origin and relocation within and between regions. Ireland and the UK provide similarities but also contrasts in terms of labour migration, in particular the diversity of the former’s immigrant flows. Both countries are currently facing crises in their labour markets which are finding expression in changing migration patterns. This experience provides a context for exploring and developing existing and new theoretical perspectives relating to internal and international migration. Papers are invited on the following themes in particular:
  • (i) the socio-economic and political contexts of recent labour migration, including the role of employers, national governments and international agencies in the migration process;
  • (ii) the composition of migration flows at an international scale and impacts in source and reception areas;
  • (iii) the internal and transnational labour migration experience within urban and rural settings;
  • (iv) the transnational labour migrant experience in the broader host society.Abstracts (max. 300 words) are invited by Friday 12th February 2010,

Professor Adrian Bailey, School of Geography, University of Leeds, will present a Guest Plenary Lecture on the 12th May.


The organisers acknowledge gratefully the financial support of the Conference provided by the following at NUI Galway: Dean of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies; Millennium Fund; Social Sciences Research Centre.

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