Thursday, December 17, 2009

Call for Papers: Innovation in the Global Marketplace

Journal of International Marketing --- Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Innovation in the Global Marketplace”

Innovation has become increasingly important to marketing academics and practitioners as firms operate in a larger number of markets and organic growth becomes the watchword in the executive suite. The specific goals of this special issue are to present new insights into the concepts of innovation, innovation management, and the innovation-customer linkage that is relevant to marketing scholars and practitioners concerned with the challenges of innovation in global markets.

This issue intends to extend the current understanding of innovation in the field of marketing. Manuscripts may be theoretical or empirical. This special issue seeks to publish leading research on innovation in global markets from the perspectives of strategy, modeling and consumer behavior. A primary criterion for assessing fit with “Innovation in the Global Marketplace” is that manuscripts enhance the field of marketing’s understanding of innovation issues in the global context using rigorous theoretical and or empirical method.

Potential topics of interest would, but are not limited to:

· Product and service innovation challenges in the global marketplace
· Employment of technology in innovation for enhancing global market effectiveness
· Global and/or cross-national diffusion of innovations (product, service and/or process)
· Effectively coordinating innovation activities across borders
· Process innovation for global marketing effectiveness
· Globalizing organizational process innovations for enhancing marketing capabilities
· Innovating markets for strategic global growth
· Challenges to entrepreneurial innovation across markets
· Cross-cultural or cross-national consumer responses to product and service innovations
· Role of mergers and acquisitions in global innovation
· Product- and service-innovation alignment with corporate sustainability efforts
· Linkages among innovation, branding, and product line proliferation in global efforts

Deadline for Submission: February 8, 2010.

Submitted manuscripts should follow the format indicated in the submission guidelines at:

Manuscripts should be submitted at: All manuscripts will be entered into the review process beginning February 9, 2010. Questions pertaining to the special issue should be directed to David A. Griffith, Editor, Journal of International Marketing (

Check out some of the latest on innovation related topics published in the Journal of International Marketing.

Global Consumer Innovativeness: Cross-Country Differences Demographic Commonalities
Gerard J. Tellis, Eden Yin, and Simon Bell
Journal of International Marketing, (2009), 17(2), 1-22.

Despite extensive research on consumer innovativeness, the literature does not contain a parsimonious construct that has been validated for use across countries, demographics, and categories. This study attempts to fill this gap by studying consumer innovativeness across 15 major world economies. Significantly, the authors find that four negatively valenced items constitute a construct of innovativeness that seems reasonably applicable across most countries. Although this construct of innovativeness varies systematically from country to country, common demographic antecedents emerge across countries. Within these commonalities, a measure of innovativeness shows some distinct category × demographics and category × country differences.

The full article can be viewed at:

Product Development Strategy, Product Innovation Performance, and the Mediating Role of Knowledge Utilization: Evidence from Subsidiaries in China
Junfeng Zhang, C. Anthony Di Benedetto, and Scott Hoenig
Journal of International Marketing, (2009), 17(2), 42-58.

This study examines the interplay of product development strategy, knowledge utilization, and product innovation performance in the context of Chinese subsidiaries of multinational companies. When firms strive to develop highly innovative products (breakthrough focus), the amount of resources allocated has a U-shaped relationship to subsequent product innovation performance (i.e., market rewards of new products). When the aim of product development activity is to reinforce and maintain moderately innovative products (platform focus), increased resource allocation shows a positive relationship to product innovation performance. The amount of resources allocated to minor revisions (incremental focus) shows no significant relationship to product innovation performance. Knowledge utilization is an important predictor of the benefits of developing highly and moderately innovative products. Moreover, it helps to mitigate the drawbacks of a breakthrough focus and strengthens the positive impact of a platform focus.

The full article can be viewed at: JIM Zhang Di Benedetto Hoenig.pdf

Persistence and Learning: Success Factors of Taiwanese Firms in International Markets
Joseph Johnson, Eden Yin, and Hueiting Tsai
Journal of International Marketing, (2009), 17(3), 39-54.

A relatively recent trend in international marketing is the rising number of firms from nontriad countries seeking growth and profits from foreign markets. Yet no study has examined the international performance of these firms. How successful have their efforts been? What factors drive their success? The authors examine these questions by building a theory-based conceptual framework that links firm international performance to its antecedents. They test the framework using a sample of 110 Taiwanese firms. The key findings are as follows: (1) The internationalization–performance relationship is characterized by a joint U + N shape, (2) learning capacity is positively associated with international performance, and (3) research and development intensity is not a key driver of performance. Though based on a sample of Taiwanese firms only, these results imply that nontriad firms embarking on internationalization must persist despite early setbacks, must develop their learning capacity, and should not develop extensive research and development capabilities while internationalizing. The authors conclude with a discussion of the reasons for these findings.

The full article can be viewed at:

Knowledge Transfer Between Multinational Corporations' Headquarters and Their Subsidiaries: Influences on and Implications for New Product Outcomes
Ruby P. Lee, Qimei Chen, Daekwan Kim, and Jean L. Johnson
Journal of International Marketing, (2008), 16(2), 1-31.

A multinational corporation's (MNC's) competitive advantage depends increasingly on control over intangible resources, such as knowledge and relational capital. Although prior research has suggested that cross-border knowledge transfer in MNCs is critical to their new product outcomes, the conditions under which such knowledge transfer can serve to induce positive outcomes remain unclear. This study builds on resource-based theory to suggest that knowledge and MNC network strength are the two critical firm resources individually and collectively influencing new product outcomes. Because MNCs are subject to the pressures on various environmental changes, the authors rely on the contingency theory to examine when knowledge transfer works in differential global market and technological turbulence. The results of a survey of MNC headquarters show that the impacts of cross-border knowledge transfer on new product outcomes are not always positive, depending on the levels of network strength and environmental turbulence.

Full text available at:

Call for Papers: Intercultural Colaboration

We invite you to join the Third International Conference for Intercultural Collaboration (formerly IWIC), to be held at Copenhagen Business School August 19-20 2010.
This multidisciplinary conference explores the broad nature of intercultural collaboration and ways to improve intercultural collaboration processes and outcomes. Deadlines for submission: full papers and panels by February 1 2010, late-breaking papers and demonstrations by April 15 2010. Papers presented will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Please see attachment for more details, and please contact one of the program chairs if you have further questions.

Conference Co-Chair

  • Pamela Hinds, Stanford University, USA
  • Anne-Marie Søderberg, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
  • Ravi Vatrapu, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Program Co-Chairs

Call for Papers: International Human Resources Management

Aston Centre for Human Resources

Invites Submissions For

11th International Human Resource Management Conference
9-12 June 2010, Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK

Emergence of New Economic Powers:
Management of Human Resources in the Challenging Global Context

The quarter century just past has seen International Human Resource Management (IHRM) evolve into an important field of research, teaching and practice. A number of significant global developments are currently taking place that have serious implications for IHRM. These include the growth of multinationals in emerging markets, ever increasing levels of foreign direct investments, the growing intensity of cross-border alliances (M&As) involving firms from emerging markets, an increasing trend in business process outsourcing and indeed the challenges created by the present financial crisis and how best to manage in difficult times. As a result of these developments, an emergent phenomenon is the ever-increasing movement of people around the globe and the issue of how best to manage them. These can be expatriates, inpatriates, transpatriates, self-initiated expatriates or self-initiated repatriates.

The emerging global economic scenario, in which emerging markets are becoming economically stronger, is creating on the one hand, serious challenges for IHRM policy makers, but on the other hand, immense opportunities for IHRM researchers. Overall, these are exciting times for the field of IHRM as the established patterns of managing human resources (based predominantly on Western MNEs) are now challenged and researchers have the opportunity to explore patterns of HRM systems appropriate to the emergent landscape of global business.

We invite submissions that cover conceptual, theoretical and empirical investigations that adopt different methodologies and highlight the context-specific nature of IHRM systems. Papers that address but are not necessarily restricted to the following topics are especially invited:
  • Emerging patterns of IHRM systems
  • Cross-national comparative HRM
  • Global transfer of HRM practices
  • Expatriate and repatriate management
  • HRM and firm performance in different settings
  • Convergence-divergence or cross-vergence of global HRM
  • Outsourcing and IHRM
  • HR issues in cross-border strategic alliances
  • People management practices (e.g., staffing, performance management, leadership and diversity management)
  • Peculiarities and defining characteristics of HR models unique to emerging markets
  • Sector specific people management strategies
  • Emerging patterns of employee-employer relations
  • Work-life balance in different cultural settings
  • Organisational learning, talent management and dynamic capability in the global marketplace
  • The teaching of IHRM in the business curriculum
  • Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and IHRM

The conference programme will consist of keynote speeches, symposia, competitive paper sessions, interactive paper sessions, and career development workshops for doctoral and early career researchers.

Submissions are invited for the following:
Competitive papers (Up to 7000 words as per Academy of Management Journal submission style).
Working and developmental papers (Abstracts of up to 700 words).
Symposia/workshops/panel discussions (Outlines of up to 5 pages).

All submissions must be original and should not have been previously accepted for publication in a journal, or presented in another conference. All papers will be blind reviewed. Papers presented at the conference will be published in the proceedings of the conference.

Special Issues: Selected papers will be considered for publication in special issues of Thunderbird International Business Review and International Journal of HRM.

Please submit your papers electronically to the conference secretariat at

Important Dates:

Deadline for all submissions: 31 January 2010
Acceptance/rejection letter: 30 March 2010
Final paper submission: 30 April 2010

Key Note Speakers:
So far following colleagues have confirmed to deliver keynotes at the conference:
1. Professor Rosalie Tung, Simon Fraser University, Canada (Possible focus of Talk: on Expatriation).
2. Professor Chris Brewster, Reading University, UK (Possible focus of Talk: learning from Cranet research and way forward).
3. Professor Felix Brodbeck, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany (Possible focus of Talk: learning from GLOBE project and way forward).
4. Dr Santrupt Mishra, CEO, Carbon Black Business & Director, Group HRAditya Birla Management Corporation Pvt Ltd (Possible focus of Talk: learning and HR challenges for Indian MNCs overseas).

Organising Committee:
Professor Pawan Budhwar, Professor Samuel Aryee, Ms. Carole Parkes, Dr. Helen Shipton, Dr. Ann Davies, Dr. Jonathan Crawshaw, Ms. Charmi Patel and other colleagues at Aston Centre for Human Resources.
Work & Organisational Psychology Group, Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK, Tel: +44 (0) 121 204 3049, Fax: +44 (0) 121 204 3327, E-Mail: and

Conference Website:

IHRM Conference Secretariat: Associate Professor Paul Davidson, QUT, Brisbane, Australia. Tel: +61(0) 731384108; E-mail:

Call for Paper: 4th China Goes Global

Call for Papers
4th China Goes Global Conference
October 6 – 8, 2010
Harvard University, Cambridge,

This century has been dubbed the Chinese Century. But will the naming of this Century be congruent with the country’s performance in the global political economy? As part of a series of conferences on the topic China Goes Global, held at Harvard Kennedy School and Rollins College, we issue a new call for papers on the globalization of China and Chinese companies, focusing on the following broad questions:
1. What are the social, political and economic influences of China’s globalization?
2. How will China’s globalization effect the business environment of firms in developed and emerging countries?
3. Will China really replace the US economic, political and business leadership in the 21st Century?
4. What are the factors associated with China’s emerging global economic prowess?
5. Can Western political/economic models and theories help explain China’s current trajectory, either on a macro or a micro level?

China’s present status in the world economy is already very impressive: The country is the world’s most populous nation, the world’s second largest economy (in GDP PPP) and third largest trader, and the largest recipient of foreign direct investment. China has 170 cities of over 1 million people, 600 million subscribers to wireless phone services, the largest on-line population, and buys over 12% of the world’s luxury goods. In addition, China has almost two trillion dollars in foreign reserves. On the other hand, China fast economic growth is unbalanced and, perhaps, unsustainable. Many Chinese companies are not profitable and near bankruptcy. The environment is in shambles and social pressures both from within and from outside are mounting. In that context, we welcome papers which discuss those topics below.

Some additional topics to be considered:
• Outward Direct Investment (ODI) or Sovereign Wealth Funds of China and Chinese companies
• Chinese global competitiveness and export performance
• Forms of engagement with foreign firms used by internationalizing Chinese firms (e.g. partnerships, acquisitions, OEM, ODM, OBM, etc)
• The impact of Chinese firms on the global political, environmental and business environment
• New models for global enterprise with Chinese context
• Corporate Governance, Ownership and role of State in Globalization of Chinese companies
• Similarities and Differences between SOE and POE firm strategy and performance
• Political transformation, institutional change, and globalization of China
• Product safety, environmental & labor issues related to Globalization of Chinese companies
• China’s policies towards acquisition of natural and strategic resources
• Exchange Rate, foreign currency and the role of China in the global financial markets
• China’s possible roles in a globalized world after the financial crisis
• The impact of new information & communication technologies on the globalization of Chinese companies
· China’s influence on standard setting in different industries and CSR of Chinese companies
· Influence on worldwide mergers and acquisitions, networks and cross-country collaboration
· General marketing strategies of Chinese companies internationalization, market entry modes and brand-building strategies
· Country of origin effect of Chinese brands and China’s country image
· Techno-entrepreneurship, e-commerce, online development of China's globalization
· Civic, political and economic freedoms roles in sustainable competitiveness of China and Chinese companies
· The globalization of Chinese Educational System and Higher Education, joint programs, accreditations and partnerships
· Corporate Social Responsibility of Chinese MNE
· Chinas Global Impact after the Financial Crises

Submitted papers will be double blind reviewed for consideration in the conference. Please submit your paper through our online submission system by no later than May 1st, 2010. Papers should follow the author style and referencing guide provided on the conference website. By submitting a paper, all authors also agree to review up to 3 papers. The best papers from the conference will be recognized and considered for publication in a book volume.

Important Dates
Submission deadline: May 1st, 2010
• Notification of acceptance: June 15th, 2010
• Final registration deadline: August 15th, 2010
• Conference dates: October 6-8th, 2010

Registration Fee
Please note that all presenters and participants must register to attend the conference. The early bird registration fee of USD 495 is due on July 1st, 2010, and the regular registration fee of USD 595 is due on August 15th, 2010. The registration fee includes welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, gala dinner and conference material. Conference registration does not include accommodation or travel costs.

Organizational Committee

Dr. Ilan Alon, Petters Professor, Director Rollins China Center, Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College, Asia Programs Visiting Scholar, Harvard University
Dr. Julian Chang, Executive Director, Asia Programs, Ash Institute, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Dr. Marc Fetscherin, Assistant Professor, Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College, Asia Programs Visiting Scholar, Harvard University
Dr. Christoph Lattemann, Professor of Information Management, Educatis University & Potsdam University, Asia Programs Visiting Scholar, Harvard University
Dr. John R. McIntyre, Professor, Director of Georgia Tech CIBER, Georgia Institute of Technology

For more information, visit the conference website
Rollins College
Crummer Graduate School of BusinessDepartment of International Business & Rollins China Center1000 Holt Avenue - 2723Winter Park, FL 32789United Statesphone: 407-691-1759fax: 407-646-1566

Marc Fetscherin
Visiting Scholar
Harvard Kennedy School
Ash Institute - Asia Program 79 John F. Kennedy Street - Box 130
Cambridge, MA 02138 United States

Rollins College - Crummer Graduate School (MBA) Ranking
Financial Times #59 worldwide
Business Week #23 nationally, #1 in Florida
Forbes #36 nationally, #1 in Florida
The Princeton Review & Entrepreneur Magazine, #22 nationally for Entrepreneur Studies
The Leadership Excellence Magazine # 22 nationally for Leadership

New Book: China Rules: Globalization and Political Transformation

Call for Papers: Triple Helix Conference 2010

The Triple Helix VIII – International Conference on University, Industry and Government Linkages will be held on 20-22 October 2010 in Madrid, Spain.
The main theme of our conference is “Triple Helix in the Development of Cities of Knowledge, Expanding Communities and Connecting Regions”. For submissions see details in call for papers.
Triple Helix VIII will be organized by the International Institute of Triple Helix - IITH and hosted by La Salle Innovation Park of Services for People. The conference program will include different kinds of interactions:
  • - Keynote address plenary sessions with Triple Helix specialists
  • - Discussion panels with members of academy, industry and government
  • - Parallel sessions with paper presentations
  • - Lunch speakers- Special sessions, dedicated to young researchers and specific themes
  • - Thematic workshops
  • - Posters and Exhibit Stand spaces

The main theme of our conference is “Triple Helix in the Development of Cities of Knowledge, Expanding Communities and Connecting Regions”. Submissions on Triple Helix related topics are encouraged and should focus on the following subthemes:

S1 Economic growth and social development in knowledge-based cities and connecting regions:

  • challenge and future
  • Regional innovation systems
  • Triple Helix and regional/local economic growth and social development
  • Public policies for regional innovation and social development
  • Technology and environment issues
  • Technology in society and engineering ethics

S2 Triple Helix study

  • The Triple Helix for sustainable development
  • University-industry-government linkages
  • The formation mechanisms and development dynamics of the Triple Helix
  • People circulation in the Triple Helix
  • Triple Helix evaluation: indicator systems
  • The future of Triple Helix study

S3 Triple Helix in action: unlocking economic and social crises

  • The formation and development of knowledge space, consensus space and innovation space
  • Triple Helix and economic crisis
  • Triple Helix practice and experiences
  • Triple Helix in developing countries
  • Triple Helix in social development

S4 University in regional innovation and social development

  • Entrepreneurial university and university entrepreneurship: university’s third mission
  • Intellectual property or university patenting
  • University technology transfer
  • University incubators
  • University science parks

S5 Government and public policy in the Triple Helix era

  • Government’s roles
  • Public policy and decision making
  • Public education support
  • Consensus space building
  • Innovation space organization, including industrial clusters, high-tech development zones, science parks, incubators, etc.

S6 Enterprises and industrial development in a knowledge-based city or region

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) development
  • Entrepreneurship: start-ups and spin-offs
  • Venture capital
  • R&D: policy driving and the output
  • Government policies for enterprises and industries
  • Open innovation

All the submissions will be evaluated in a blind review by a Scientific Committee composed by international specialists in innovation management and regional development. Part of them will be accepted for parallel sessions. Others will be suggested for poster presentations.
Conference Chairmen are also open to receive proposals for Thematic Workshops. These workshops will consist of four papers in specific Triple Helix topics lead by a Coordinator. This proposal has a free format and must be sent formally until November, 30.

Important Deadlines:
Extended abstract submission: until February 15th, 2010
Notice of acceptance: April 20th, 2010
Full paper submission (including profiles & registration): September 1st, 2010
Conference: October 20-22, 2010

General information for submission:
The extended abstract must have between 800-1000 words, including references. The full papers must have between 4000-6000 words, excluding references. The poster template will be shown in due time.
File format: MS Word 2007 .doc files; A4 size; single space, font: times new roman or arial 10; 3 cm margins.
Extended abstract and full papers must include the following information:
1) Subtheme
2) Up to 5 keywords
3) Structure: introduction (where a specific topic will be presented), state of the art about the topic, research
focus, methodology, findings, contributions and implications.
The evaluation criteria will be if the submission is adherent to the subtheme and the quality in terms of contributions to the Triple Helix.
The submissions must be uploaded in the conference website until 15 February, 2010 until 11 PM (GMT+1). Any file received by email or another way WILL NOT be accepted. The file attached must be written without information from the authors. Names, filiations, emails and other must be informed in the upload tool. Just in the case of student work it´s necessary to inform in the paper (above title) and in the system (when a tag is avaiable). All not tagged submissions will be reviewed as a professional submission. Only tagged submissions will be eligible for student sessions.
All accepted submissions will be published in the conference website. The following paragraph must be included on the cover page of the paper to indicate acceptance of the copyright terms:
Copyright of the paper resides with the author(s). Submission of a paper grants permission to the 8th Triple Helix International Scientific and Organizing Committees to include it in the conference material and to place it on relevant websites. The Scientific Committee may invite papers accepted for the conference to be considered for publication in Special Issues of selected journals.
The absence of legal rights assignment or registration will automatically eliminate the work from the Triple Helix VIII conference.

Call for Papers: Regionalism and Globalisation

CALL FOR PAPERS: 37th Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter)
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 8-10 April 2010

The 37th Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter) in 2010 will be hosted by the School of Business and the Institute for International Integration Studies here at Trinity College Dublin.

The conference theme, “Regionalism and Globalisation”, reflects big challenges facing international business theory, practice and research. The enhanced integration of recent decades has led to increasingly global production, distribution and consumption systems, and to cultural and political ideologies expressed in increasingly global rather than country-specific contexts. This process is not unidirectional. Regionalisation is part of the process of globalisation, but it can also be a counter force to globalisation as stakeholders act to protect their perceived interests. Partly in response to the global slowdown, and partly in response to globalisation, the regional actions of firms, governments, NGOs and other institutions form the complex landscape within which firms operate in the third millennium. Conceptual and empirical papers that explicitly address the conference theme are invited. As always, theoretical and empirical papers on all aspects of international business that advance knowledge or challenge extant theory are very welcome.

Our Keynote Speakers will be Professor Peter Buckley, Professor of International Business and Director of the Centre for International Business at the University of Leeds, and Professor Alan Rugman, Professor of International Business and Director of Research at the School of Management, Henley Business School, University of Reading.

Theoretical and empirical papers on all aspects of international business that advance knowledge or challenge extant theory are welcome. An illustrative list of topics includes:
· Corporate governance, international standards
· Corporate social responsibility and international business ethics
· Economic geography
· Global outsourcing and value chains
· International business history
· International and social entrepreneurship, opportunity, social capital
· International finance and financial services, inward and outward FDI and FPI
· International knowledge transfer
· International management, e.g. risk management, HRM, marketing
· International mergers and acquisitions
· Internationalisation, entry modes
· Mergers and Acquisitions
· Multinational and subsidiary management and performance
· Policy, IGOs, NGOs

The deadline for competitive paper submissions is Monday, 11 January 2010.
The deadline for doctoral colloquium paper submissions is Monday, 8 February 2010.

The online paper submission system is available at

For further details (e.g. Special Sessions, Publications and Journal Special Issues, Important Dates), please see Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards


Linda Soriton
Conference Organiser
AIB-UKI Conference 2010
c/o School of Business
Trinity College Dublin

Call for Papers: Global Economic Crises and International Business

Special Issue of the Journal of International Business Studies


Special Issue Editors
-Lemma W. Senbet, University of Maryland, -Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary,
-Arjen van Witteloostuijn, University of Antwerp, -Srilata A. Zaheer, University of Minnesota,

Deadline for submission: January 29, 2010 (we will accept submissions beginning January 4)

Tentative publication date: Winter 2011

This Special Issue is motivated by and in memory of John H. Dunning (Professor Emeritus, University of Reading and Rutgers University).
Professor Dunning was one of the founders of the modern field of international business (IB) research, with a scholarly oeuvre spanning a 50-year period. His last public message, sent to the Academy of International Business Fellows just before he passed away on January 29, 2009, recommended that JIBS prepare a Special Issue devoted to "the various and unique causes and implications of the current world wide credit crunch and economic slow down; and what might be done to avoid this happening again." He suggested that, "Articles might range from viewing the slowdown in an historical context, to considering a wholesale reconfiguration of international financial organisation, to the need for a moral upgrading of the institutions of global capitalism." His suggestion was triggered by the "last two years [which] have brought about the most amazing chain of events in the global market place that I can remember in my lifetime".

Special Issue Theme

This Call for Papers announces a Special Issue, designed around Dunning's theme, and specifically focused on insights from IB research into the current crisis of the global market economy. The global financial crisis, which struck most of the world's national and regional economic systems in 2008, has led to calls for further reflection on the economizing and value creating properties of both the micro-level and macro-level institutions of capitalism at the heart of this economic crisis. Moreover, the current crisis was preceded by earlier global financial crises, such as the 1997 Asian currency crisis, from which one might draw useful lessons for the current crisis.

John Dunning has undoubtedly been the most important intellectual force in IB research during the past half century. His eclectic paradigm represents the core of modern IB theory and provides the intellectual foundation for much of the research published in JIBS. The eclectic paradigm builds upon three interrelated components: (1) Ownership (or firm-specific) advantages, reflecting the resource-based view (RBV) related part of the framework. (2) Location advantages, reflecting the main variables addressed by international economics, political science and modern institutional theory.
(3) Internalization advantages, using Coasean foundations to explain the existence and governance of MNEs, i.e., firms with value adding activities in two or more countries. Dunning's joint focus on firm-level resources, location characteristics (including macro-level institutions) and internalization/de-internalization challenges provides the scholarly basis for contemporary analysis of international business. In terms of Dunning's eclectic paradigm, eight research questions are proposed for this Special

1. Does MNE activity contribute to the severity of global economic crises or does the multinational character of many firms, on the contrary, allow mitigating some of the worst effects in terms of reducing firm bankruptcies, lay-offs, capital destruction, etc.? For example, to the extent that domestic MNE ownership advantages have been hollowed out because of poor management (as in financial services and automobiles), does this lead to societal spillover effects across borders and across large business networks? Alternatively, does the existence of large, well-run foreign MNEs allow the acquisition, absorption and redeployment across borders of valuable knowledge assets that have been poorly managed?

2. Should MNEs reassess the relative attractiveness of alternative locations for international business generally, and foreign direct investment specifically, depending on the severity of global economic crises and the appropriateness of policy responses in these locations? For example, a number of economic and financial governance mechanisms, including the US capital market, have been described as best practice, created location advantages, to be emulated by other countries. Here, elements such as stringent disclosure rules, sophisticated financial accounting controls, relative absence of excessive government regulation impeding innovation and more generally the resilience and adaptation capability of the governance mechanisms involved, have been viewed as instrumental to a macro-level platform for firm-level success. However, it now appears that the true nature of many of these created location advantages has been misunderstood, and that many economic actors have wrongly assessed the relative attractiveness and risks associated with seemingly optimal locations.

3. How do global economic/financial crises affect the internalization/de-internalization calculus of firms operating across borders (e.g., entry mode choices), especially in terms of de-internalizing activities previously conducted inside the firm, so as to improve flexibility and facilitate internal network control? The effects of economic and technological changes, as well as management innovations, on optimal internalization levels are well understood in the IB field, as are the implications of alternative policy regimes such as patent protection systems, bilateral and regional trading systems, international accounting standards, etc. However, the impact of a "black swan" catastrophic event on firm-level boundaries, especially in the international sphere, deserves special attention if it triggers needs for massive resource re-combinations by MNEs, especially those with international networks.

4. How do global economic crises affect government, public and managerial perceptions of the role of IB and MNEs in the world economy? How do global crises affect MNE-state relations? Are they more likely to be characterized by Dunning's optimistic, cooperative perspective or Vernon's pessimistic, conflictual perspective? Does a global economic crisis increase the legitimacy of stakeholder management models found in firms outside the Anglo-Saxon world, rather than a shareholder management approach? Is there a renewed appreciation for micro-level governance models built on far-reaching cooperation between business firms and financial institutions, and between the firm and its workforce? Does the global crisis trigger a reflection in large MNEs on their moral obligations, if any, vis-à-vis hard-hit local communities abroad where operations must be closed or downsized?

5. How do global crises affect corporate political (non-market) strategies?
What roles do firms engaged in international business play when faced with contradictory demands for increased protectionism and improved regional/multilateral cooperation, triggered by a global or regional economic crisis? Any global crisis upsets existing competitive positions and trajectories, with some firms becoming "winners" and others "losers". Which types of firms are more likely to favor protectionism versus increased policy coordination at the regional and multilateral levels? The related question is how these firms will engage in the policy debate (e.g., firm-level versus industry-level lobbying, active intervention versus funding external actors, focus on domestic governments versus international organizations, etc.). How do MNEs shift the balance between their market and non-market-based strategies in response to global crises?

6. How are the organization and management of the multinational enterprise affected by global economic crises? How are intrafirm and interfirm innovation and knowledge flows affected? Do global economic crises encourage or discourage M&As and international strategic alliances? Are global supply chains being redesigned as a result of these crises? How do global economic crises affect MNE decisions such as the locus of R&D and innovation (centralized/decentralized, location), human resources management (e.g., revisiting the use of expatriates, trade-offs on global retrenchment
decisions) and international marketing (e.g., revisiting standardization/customization and cutting or refocusing long-term branding
efforts) decisions? Do global crises encourage "wait-and-see", early mover or faster exit strategies?

7. Since many global economic crises are launched by financial and/or currency crises (e.g., the 1997 Asian currency crisis), of particular interest are the international financial implications of global economic crises, at the firm, country and international levels. From a firm-level perspective, how is the international finance function within firms affected (e.g., exchange rate management; management of various exposure types; financial structure decisions; sourcing of financial resources, including access to credit and capital markets; comparative corporate governance issues from a finance perspective)? From a national and supra-national perspective, what are the implications for the banking, financing, insurance and accounting systems supporting international trade and investment (both portfolio and foreign direct investment), as well as for international financial markets in general and in emerging economies in particular?

8. From a macro-level perspective, how do global economic crises affect the national and supra-national institutions of capitalism? What roles are played by public international institutions (e.g., the IMF, World Bank, WTO), regulating and rating agencies that affect international transactions (e.g., BIS, IASB, Moody's), and international agreements (e.g., double tax treaties, bilateral investment treaties, codes of conduct)? All economic actors engaged in international business are affected by a variety of macro-level institutions of capitalism, many of these representing exogenous parameters for these actors. Each global economic crisis leads to societal debate on the efficiency, effectiveness and distributive equity impacts of these macro-level institutions, thereby potentially triggering large-scale governance redesign and a new umbrella for micro-level IB transactions. Is there a need for a "wholesale reconfiguration of international financial organisation" or for a "moral upgrading of the institutions of global capitalism", as suggested by Professor John Dunning?

Building upon the above, as IB scholars, we are particularly interested in how the current crisis of the global market economy affects international business through its impact on MNEs, including the entire range of internationally active firms, from entrepreneurial start-ups to the largest, global companies. We are equally interested in new forms of business-government interaction in the context of international policy coordination as well as renewed protectionism. Finally, we also want to gain new insight on changes in the macro-level institutions of capitalism that affect IB transactions. Here, we welcome creative thinking on the design of new, macro-level institutions aimed to prevent future economic crises. From a conceptual perspective, we do expect scholars submitting papers to understand the foundations of modern international business theory, as laid out by Professor Dunning, but do invite creative perspectives informed by any relevant scholarly discipline. Papers may address the antecedents or consequences of global economic/financial crises for international business, the nature of crises as they unfold internationally, and/or the role of international firms and markets in these crises, from both theoretical and empirical viewpoints. Papers may also examine global economic crises and consequences for firms from a comparative institutional or cultural perspective. Moreover, papers may address policy responses to such crises and formulate policy reforms of institutions and markets moving forward based on sound theories and empirics.

The Special Issue Editors have intentionally kept the above list of suggested topics short so as to stimulate creativity and thereby encourage prospective authors to adopt a variety of perspectives in approaching this subject. Key is that all submissions on global economic crises are viewed from an IB perspective. All submissions must fit within the domain statement of the journal and follow the JIBS policy statements including the Statement of Editorial Policy, Information for Contributors, Style Guide and Code of Ethics; see

Submission Process
All manuscripts will be reviewed as a cohort for this Special Issue.
Manuscripts must be submitted in the window between January 4 and January 29, 2010, at Please select the option from the special issue drop-down menu in Manuscript Central that identifies your paper as a submission for the "Global Economic Crises and International Business" Special Issue, and include the words "Global Economic Crises and IB Special Issue Submission" on your title page. All submissions will go through the JIBS regular double-blind review process and follow the same norms and processes. As manuscripts are accepted for publication, they will be posted in the Advance Online Publication system on

For more information about this Call for Papers, please contact the Special Issue Editors or the JIBS Managing Editor (

Anne Hoekman
Managing Editor, Journal of International Business Studies

JIBS Editorial Office
Academy of International Business
Michigan State University
Tel: +1-517-432-1452
Fax: +1-517-432-1009

Call for Posters: GRI Global Conference on Sustainability and Transparency 2010

Call for Posters for GRI Global Conference on Sustainability and Transparency 2010

On 26-28 May 2010, the third Amsterdam Global Conference on Sustainability and Transparency will be organised by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Like the second conference, held in 2008, the conference will include a small-scale academic conference, chaired by Prof. Ans Kolk, University of Amsterdam Business School, The Netherlands. The academic conference will be held in RAI Elicium conference centre (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and will be an integrated component of the overall conference, thus offering ample opportunity for interaction and exchange between academics and practitioners. The previous conference, in 2008, was attended by almost 1,000 participants from diverse constituencies in 56 countries. The 2010 conference theme is ‘Rethink. Rebuild. Report’.

The academic conference will consist of two main elements. A series of debates with invited speakers will focus attention on important topics in sustainability/CSR reporting. These interactive sessions, put together by Prof. Ans Kolk and Prof. Brendan O’Dwyer (both University of Amsterdam Business School), will bring together prominent established scholars and younger researchers under specific themes, including:
  • Trends and issues in sustainability reporting;
  • Assurance on sustainability reporting;
  • Carbon disclosure;
  • Carbon performance and measurement;
  • NGO accountability;
  • Connecting sustainability reporting and international organisational processes.

In addition, poster presentations will provide opportunities for young and senior scholars to discuss their latest research with those present at the conference. The posters will be placed (around A1 size format for each presenter) close to the meeting rooms so the idea is that people will be walking around and engaging in discussions around the boards in an informal and relaxed way. For those unfamiliar with poster presentations, see

Submission requirements

Unlike other conferences, there will be no paper sessions, so all those who want to present their work at this conference can only submit for poster presentations. We are open to academic research on the broad topic of sustainability/CSR reporting and transparency, but will, in the selection process, also in view of the limited number of places, give preference to those that contain high-quality empirical studies.

Abstracts, with a maximum of 800 words (excluding references), should be submitted to before 15 December 2009. Please note that this is the only address to which submissions for posters can be sent – other types of submissions and/or those sent to other addresses will not be considered. When submitting your abstract, please include, in the e-mail message that accompanies your submission, the statement that you will, if the poster is accepted for presentation, indeed come to present it at the conference. If these formal requirements are not met, the abstract will not be considered. Final decisions on poster proposals that are accepted will be sent out around 15 January 2010. The conference fee for one presenter per poster will be waived.

More information on the conference as a whole, including registration, will become available on

Call for Papers: AIB-LAT Annual Conference 2010

Some of the questions that we will explore at the upcoming AIB-LAT 2010 Conference are:

  • What are the dilemmas facing MNCs in Latin America? What are the region’s real long-term opportunities and how can companies adjust their objectives and practices to these?
  • What are the differences and specific strategy needs for MNC’s operating in Latin America and for Multilatinas?
  • What are the causes of disinvestment in the region and how can this be avoided?

We cordially invite you to share your experience in this field of research, by submitting empirical and conceptual papers or symposium presentations explicitly related to these topics. The official language of the conference will be English and track themes will be based on submissions.

Dr. Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra (Scientific Committee Chair)
Dr. José de la Torre
Dr. Joseph Ganitsky
Dr. Afonso Fleury
Dr. Belmiro Joao
Dr. Renato Cotta de Mello
Dr. Karin Fladmoe-Lindquist
Dr. Marcos Amatucci,
Dr. Dirk Michael Boehe
Dr. Lou Anne Barclay
Dr. Angela da Rocha
Dr. João Leitão
Dr. Arnoldo J. de Hoyos
Dr. Suzana Rodrigues
Dr. Ronaldo Parente

Abstract Submission (December 31, 2009): For this submission, we invite abstracts describing the presentation that you intend to make at the AIB-LAT Annual Meeting in 2010. The abstract submission for oral presentations should include the following: title, name of author(s), email address, institution, mailing address, and a 500-800 word abstract. The abstract submission for symposium presentations should include the following: title of the symposium, name of author(s), email address, institution, mailing address, a 500-800 word abstract for the objective(s) of the symposium, and a 500-800 word abstract for each paper or presentation included in the symposium.
Submissions can be sent through the submission system at the following address:

Authors of accepted abstract submissions will be notified by
February 10, and asked to submit their full papers before March 8, 2010.

Call for Papers: The Prison Journal

Call for Papers: The Prison Journal
Special Edition on ‘Prisons in Ireland’

The Prison Journal: An International Forum on Incarceration and Alternative Sanctions

The Prison Journal Special Edition on ‘Prisons in Ireland’ will accept articles on prisons, prisoners, prison officers, gender, psychology, young offenders, training, recidivism, restorative justice and rights issues pertaining to the prison systems in the Republic and Northern Ireland. Articles from other jurisdictions which have a relevance to Ireland or Irish prisoners will also be considered. Please forward a 200 word Abstract to the issue editors by March 25th 2010 to indicate your interest in this special edition.

Papers must be submitted by September 1st 2010 to be included in this Special Edition.
The Prison Journal Special Edition on ‘Prisons in Ireland’ will be edited by the Prison Journal’s Senior Editor Prof. Rosemary Gido, and Co-Edited by Dr. Liam Leonard of Sligo Institute of Technology. Email: or

Manuscript Submissions: Send original manuscript plus three copies, not exceeding 30 double spaced typed pages, with a 100-word abstract and a brief author biographical sketch. Notes, references, tables, and figures should also be double spaced and on separate pages. Manuscript and references should follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition).
Submission to THE PRISON JOURNAL implies that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere nor is it under consideration by another journal. Authors in doubt about what constitutes prior publication should consult the editor. Submission of a manuscript implies commitment to publish in the journal. Submit manuscripts to Rosemary L. Gido, Editor, The Prison Journal, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, G-1 McElhany Hall, Indiana, PA 15705, or Liam Leonard, Dept. of Humanities, IT Sligo, Ireland. A copy of the final revised manuscript saved on an IBM compatible disk should be included with the final revised hard copy. Published by SAGE
Description: The Prison Journal was begun by the Pennsylvania Prison Society, America’s oldest prison reform organization, which was founded in 1787. The Prison Journal has continued to be a central forum for studies, ideas, and discussions of adult and juvenile confinement, treatment interventions, and alternative sanctions. Exploring broad themes of punishment and correctional intervention, The Prison Journal advances theory, research, policy and practice. The Prison Journal regularly supplements its coverage of the field with timely Special Issues devoted to a single topic of current concern. These Special Issues explore areas previously neglected and offer vital new insights and advancements in research, theory and practice. Recent Special Issues have included: Women in Prison and Jails · Education in Correctional Settings · Drug-Involved Offenders. The journal provides you with a comprehensive forum that fully explores current issues, concerns and solutions in the field.
In the pages of the journal you'll read contributions from many areas, such as: criminal justice administration · criminal justice/law · health/mental health · history · political science · psychology · public administration · public policy · sociology. Thomson Reuters 2007 Journal Citation Reports®
2007 Ranking: 21/29 in Criminology & Penology 2007 Impact Factor: 0.360

Call for Papers: International Journal of e-Business Management

Call for Papers: International Journal of e-Business Management

International Journal of e-Business Management (IJeBM) (ISSN: 1835-5412) established in 2007, is an international refereed journal published by RMIT University Publishing Pty (Australia): . We invite your article submission on e-business management concepts, models, architectures, and practices; all areas of e-business management research. Contact Editor-in-Chief: Fang Zhao .

Also, we are also calling for contributions to a special issue scheduled to be published in May 2010. The theme for the special issue is Social Networking Sites. The suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Gender Issues in social networking sites
  • Cross-cultural issues in social networking sites
  • Human-computer interaction in social networking sites

While we solicit papers (5000-8000 words) on all aspects of social networking sites for e-business. All submissions will be evaluated by the guest editors and two external referees.

  • Submission deadline: 30 December 2009
  • Author notification after peer-review: 31 January 2010
  • Final Paper Submission deadline: 28 February, 2010
  • Special issue on social networking Guest Editors:
    Professor Mohamed Khalifa, University of Wollongong in Dubai,
    Dr Kathy Ning Shen, University of Wollongong in Dubai,

Call for Papers: Global Management Journal

CALL FOR ARTICLES: Global Management Journal.
ISSN: 2080-2951
Submissions received by December 28, 2009, will be agilely reviewed so accepted ones can be revised and published in 2010. Submission and formatting requirement are the same as those for our international
conference: see

The Global Management Journal (GMJ) is committed to the publication of original papers ranging from empirical scholarly research to theoretical articles, on the spectrum business management topics, with a global context.

Questions should be directed to Peter Odrakiewicz at .

Call for Papers: AIB 2010 Annual Meeting

AIB 2010 Annual Meeting Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
June 25-29, 2010

Theme: International Business in Tough Times
Submission Deadline: January 15th, 2010

Program Chair: Tatiana Kostova, Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina
We live in historic and conflictual times. On the one hand, the recent global economic crisis that swiftly spread throughout the world has highlighted the risks and challenges of globalization and has emboldened its critics in a powerful way. The value of globalization is now being questioned not only by a few advocate groups but by governments and societies at large and the voices favoring deglobalization are becoming stronger than ever. Powerful nation-states, large multinational organizations, global business leaders, and even free market ideologies are being discredited and blamed for the crisis. On the other hand, the world is unprecedently interconnected through a complex web of product, capital, labor, and knowledge flows and through an increasing number of global governance institutions. Dozens of countries, thousands of companies, and billions of people have now become part of the world of international business. New global players from emerging and developing regions are shaping this world in novel and surprising ways. Given the breadth and the depth of the current state of global integration, it might not be wise or possible to undo the progress we have made, and follow our natural instincts of going back to the old days of protectionism and fragmentation.
The big questions for the Academy are "Do we understand the nature and the impact of these processes and do we stand ready to help companies and managers to not only survive but also thrive in a post-crisis world? How can we as international business scholars contribute to resolving the current tensions by offering ideas or even solutions for minimizing the risks of globalization while leveraging its benefits?" The main goal of the 2010 annual AIB meeting is to address these urgent questions in a novel and constructive way. We can all contribute to this task regardless of our specific areas of inquiry since these questions span disciplinary boundaries and reflect the very core of our scholarly mission to inform the field of international business. We see two main ways in which the conference can move the field forward. First, we need to revisit and reevaluate the applicability of our existing theories in light of the changing conditions of global business that might have invalidated their boundary conditions and assumptions. Second, we need to generate novel theoretical ideas that better reflect the dynamics of a post-crisis world and provide relevant and timely knowledge to global managers and companies as well as to policy makers, governments, and all other participants in the global economy.
To address these challenges, we are inviting submissions to ten topical conference tracks and two special conference tracks described below. Each paper or panel submission should be addressed to only one specific track. Please select the track closest to your proposal.
Paper and Panel Submissions:
Paper and panel submissions for AIB 2010 need to be categorized into one of ten topical tracks. Each paper or panel proposal must be submitted to only one track. A list of the tracks is provided below. Please visit for descriptions and keywords for each track, as well as submission instructions for the conference.

1. Institutions, Governance, and CSRTrack chair: Ruth Aguilera, University of Illinois
2. International Marketing Management and Supply ChainTrack chair: Daniel C. Bello, Georgia State University
3. IB Theory, FDI, and Entry ModeTrack chair: Klaus E. Meyer, University of Bath, UK
4. Global Strategy, Alliances, and CompetitivenessTrack chair: Sumit K. Kundu, Florida International University
5. MNC Management and OrganizationTrack chair: Srilata Zaheer, University of Minnesota
6. Innovation and Knowledge ManagementTrack chair: : Torben Pedersen, Copenhagen Business School
7. Emerging, Transition, and Developing EconomiesTrack chair: Anil Gupta, University of Maryland
8. Cross-cultural Management and International HRMTrack chair: Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser University
9. International Economics, Finance and AccountingTrack chair: Timothy Devinney, University of Technology, Sydney
10. SMEs, Entrepreneurship, and Born GlobalTrack chair: Gary Knight, Florida State University
11. Special Track: Teaching International BusinessTrack chair: P. Roberto Garcia, Indiana University
12. Special Track: Methods in International Business ResearchTrack chair: Kwok Leung, City University of Hong Kong
We will be accepting two types of submissions - papers and panels. Paper and panel submissions need to be categorized into one of the ten topical tracks or into one of the two special tracks described above. Each paper or panel proposal must be submitted to only one track. For the special tracks on teaching and research methods, please contact the track chairs to discuss the preferred format of the sessions.
All submissions will be handled through the AIB online submission system. All manuscripts and proposals must be submitted by January 15, 2010. For additional information on how to prepare and submit your submission, a detailed submission instructions page is available on the AIB website. For up-to-date information about the conference and related events, please check the conference website at Any questions regarding this call for papers should be addressed to the track chairs or the Program Chair, Tatiana Kostova, at
Tatiana KostovaProgram Chair, AIB 2010 Annual MeetingMoore School of BusinessUniversity of South

Call for Papers: Case Method Research & Application

Case Method Research & Application
Investigación y Aplicación – Redacción de Casos, y Educación a Distancia
XXVII Congreso Internacional

Barranquilla, Colombia
Junio 25 - 28, 2010 - Universidad del Norte
"Allianzas Educativas para Cambiar el Mundo"

Con casos, Multimedia, Simulaciones y Otros Métodos Interactivos
El Método de Casos puede desempeñar un papel importante cuando se trata de resolver problemas y enseñar a resolverlos; así como cuando se trata de emprender y administrar cambios. Por lo tanto, este Congreso ofrece a los participantes la posibilidad de aprender aún más sobre pedagogía, utilizando este método y otros métodos de enseñanza relacionados, en diferentes situaciones educativas. Los participantes tendrán una gran oportunidad de conocer a colegas de otros rincones del mundo, con quienes podrán desarrollar grupos de investigación y de enseñanza. Los congresos de WACRA son foros interdisciplinarios y multinacionales para académicos de todas las disciplinas y de todos los sectores profesionales, incluidos la administración de negocios, la comunicación, la educación, la ingeniería, la historia, el derecho, la medicina, la psicología, la administración pública, el trabajo social y para los profesionales dedicados a los negocios y a la industria, a la educación y al gobierno.
Se solicitan artículos que analicen tanto la teoría como la práctica, mediante el uso de casos, simulaciones, videos y otros métodos de educación relacionados con la solución de problemas, la administración del cambio y la innovación. Se dará prioridad a los artículos interdisciplinarios, internacionales y/o comparativos. Se favorecerán artículos que discutan y sitúen la aplicación de casos en la universidad y en los programas de formación profesional en distintos contextos, y artículos que evalúen el Método de Casos. También se aceptarán artículos que traten sobre los desafíos (y soluciones sugeridas) que enfrentan los hombres de negocios y aquellos artículos sobre redacción de casos y el desarrollo de casos reales en situaciones complejas (por ejemplo, casos interculturales). Aunque el enfoque de los congresos de WACRA es el Método de Casos y el uso de este método como una herramienta de enseñanza para la solución de problemas, consideraremos artículos académicos que desarrollen el uso de este método en el campo de la investigación. WACRA está particularmente interesada en artículos académicos que amplíen nuestro conocimiento y colaboración entre las distintas disciplinas y los miembros internacionales. Se reconocerá la presentación más innovadora y el artículo más relevante.

Los proyectos presentados deben incluir:
  • (1) la portada con las siguientes informaciones sobre el o los autores: título, nombre, institución, dirección, números de teléfono y fax, e-mail;
  • (2) un resumen del proyecto (que no exceda las 4 páginas) o el artículo terminado (no excediendo las 12 páginas o 15 páginas incluyendo anexos y referencias). Descargue las guías de preparación de trabajos aquí. El resumen debe indicar, claramente, los objetivos, la estructura, la naturaleza del proyecto y debe responder a los criterios mencionados más arriba. El nombre del autor o autores no debe figurar en el resumen para proteger el sistema de evaluación anónima de los diferentes proyectos.

Se notificará por e-mail la recepción de los trabajos así como el resultado de la revisión. Todas las propuestas y artículos se recibirán hasta el 15 de enero de 2010. Los trabajos completos recibidos hasta el 31 de Marzo de 2010 serán considerados para su publicación en ‘International Journal for Case Method Research & Application’. Idiomas: Inglés, Francés, Español. Para mayores detalles visite la página web de WACRA o contáctese directamente con nosotros.
23 Mackintosh Ave NEEDHAM (BOSTON) MA 02492-1218 U.S.A.
Tel. +781-444-8982 Fax: +781-444-1548
Conference Office: 3817 Tonsley Place High Point, NC 27265-9278 U.S.

Tel. +336-404-256
Email Fax+336-307-3185

Call for Papers: Renewable Energy and Environmental Industries

The Univeristy of Minho (Braga, Portugal) , School of Economics and Management, will be hosting the 9th International Business Week: Renewable Energy and Environmental Industries, from 3 to 7 May 2010.

Deadline for submission of papers & presentations: February 1st, 2010
Invitations to be issued by February 19th, 2010

The 9th International Business Week is dedicated to Renewable Energies and Environmental Industries. It is organized by the under and postgraduate Degree Programs in International Business of the School of Economics and Management at the University of Minho.
The main purpose of the series of International Business Weeks is to gather students, teachers, and practitioners from around the world in order to exchange ideas on approaches to better learn, teach and do international business, improve their performance, and build a network of engaged global citizens.
We share this initiative with our partner universities, Baltimore University - Merrick Business School, USA, and the International University of Cuernavaca, Mexico, as well as with Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Luso-Alemã/DUAL.
The 9th International Business Week organizers are calling for the submission of academic papers or non-technical presentations within the topic of Renewable Energies and Environmental Industries, whose authors will be most welcome to join us in the spring of 2010, in Braga, Portugal. The organizers will publish all accepted and presented papers in a Conference Proceedings CD-ROM.
A social program will be organized for the days after the conference and for some of the conference evenings. Visits to companies and touristic sites are also planned. Most of the transportation will be provided by the conference organization and sponsors.
Submission and Review Process

Papers and presentations should be submitted by February 1st, 2010. Authors will be notified of the conference’s committee decision by February 19th, 2010. A final version of the paper/presentation can be sent by March 15th, 2010.

All submissions should be in PDF or MSWord compatible files and include the title and an abstract outlining the topic.

Questions or submissions should be directed to:
Maria João Thompson
Assistant Professor
Phone: 00351-253601936
Fax: 00351-253601380
E-mail :

Registration fee: No registration fee will be charged. All personal expenses are the responsibility of each 9th International Business Week participant. Additional information on registration and accommodation will accompany invitation.

Call for papers for Asia: The Engine for Development and Growth of Global Economy (AEDGE | IC 2010) conference.

This occasion, jointly hosted by H.K. Institute of Management Studies and Research (HKIMSR), Oriental Institute of Management (OIM), in collaboration with College of Business, Universiti
Utara Malaysia, (Kedah), Malaysia, would be solemnised on March 4th, March 5th and
March 6th of 2010 at Mumbai (India).

The substantial deregulation and competitive liberalization of the Asian economies in their trade
and investment regimes has resulted in greater economic integration, since 1990s. Undoubtedly,
with rising purchasing power of the expanding middle class, massive infrastructural development, and the expansion in intra-regional trade and investment, Asia is emerging as an independent centre for growth in the global economy.
The international Conference would be an endeavour to present a forum adored by galaxy of
eminent speakers and/or experts from business academia, corporate and policy developers, where deliberations will focus on ASIA's critical role in the Development and Growth of Global
We are in the process of inviting research papers on the theme, Asia: The Engine for
Development & Growth of Global Economy. All research papers and/or case studies related to
the stated theme and sub themes (please refer Sub Themes – IC 2010 as mentioned below) can be submitted for selection. The sub themes are suggested topics, but not a limitation on your
innovative thinking process.
We are looking forward to:
  • Empirical analysis in the area of sub themes
  • Research papers analyzing recent developments, opportunities and recent measures in the
    area related to theme
  • Case Study Analysis within the purview of the theme
  • Review of recent book(s) related to the theme

Key dates for AEDGE 2010:
􀂃 Abstract and /or Paper submission: Dec 20, 2010
􀂃 Notification to authors: Dec 30, 2010
􀂃 Full Paper submission: Jan 20, 2010
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to contribute your valuable research paper(s)
for the success of the conference. We would highly appreciate if you also could kindly recommend to your colleagues, industry associates and/ or research scholars to submit their papers. The accepted research papers/case study(s) will be published in the International Academic Journal to be launched during the AEDGE 2010.
Please send your contributions to:_
Only electronic submissions will be accepted.

For the success of the International Conference, your intellectual support is solicited. You are
welcome to write to me for further information, in case you need any.
On behalf of AEDGE 2010 Coordination Committee, we extend our sincere gratitude for
considering AEDGE 2010 as a forum for intellectual exchanges on Asian economic leadership.
Sincerely Yours,
Prof. Tamojit Ghosh Roy,
Principal Convener IC 2010 +91 9819774744

Manuscripts not conforming to the following specifications will be automatically rejected.
• Papers must be double‐spaced and with a 30 mm margin on all sides. This also applies to the
abstract, tables, figure captions and the list of references each of which should be typed on
separate sheets.
• The title of the paper must be brief and contain words useful for indexing. Serial titles are to be
• The names with initials of authors and the address of the institution where the work was carried
out must be given.
• The address for communication with telephone & fax numbers as well as email, should be given.
• Papers must have an abstract (typed on a separate page) of not more than 200 words
summarizing the significant results reported.
• The paper must be divided into sections preferably starting with 'Introduction' and ending with
• All measurements should be given in SI units.
• Avoid numbers at the beginning of a sentence, but if you have to use them, spell them.
• Words and phrases not of English origin and not in common use (e.g., in vitro, in situ) are printed
in italics and should therefore be underlined.
• All tables must be numbered consecutively in numerals in the order of appearance in the text.
• Tables should be self‐contained and have a descriptive title.
• All figures should be numbered consecutively in numerals in the order of appearance in the text.
Original figures could be send as a high resolution jpeg image (300‐400 dpi)Photographs
(standard passport size) should be sharp and of high resolution of 300‐400 dpi
• References should be given as followso
Lewis B. R. and Mitchell, W. (1990)’Defining and measuring the quality of customer
service’, Marketing Intelligence Planning, 8:6, 11‐17
o Parsuraman, A. Zeithaml, V.A. and Berry, L.L. (1988) ‘SERVQUAL: a multiple‐item scale
for measuring customer perception of Service quality,’ Journal of Retailing, 64: Spring,

Sub Themes – International Conference 2010

  • Global Resurgence & Growth – The Asian Experience: Impacts, Lessons, and Strategies
  • Global Economic Crisis and Resurgence in Asia – Key Issues
  • Country Specific Strategies to Combat Global Imbalances: China Japan Korea Malaysia Thailand Indonesia Singapore Hong Kong Sri Lanka India, etc.
  • Asian Roadmap to Global Dominance
  • Industrial Restructuring – Mergers, Takeovers and Demergers
  • Infrastructure Development and Economic Growth
  • New Regional Architecture
  • Industrial Collaborations
  • Macroeconomic and Financial Co-operation in Asia
  • Economic Growth Models – Merits and Demerits
  • SWOT Analysis of Asia’s Export-led Model
  • Trade Liberalization
  • Foreign Direct Investment in the Key Sectors
  • Fiscal and Credit Policies affecting Regional Trade
  • Regional Policies - Impact on Financial Innovation and in Fostering Globalization
  • Intra Regional Trade – Decoupling from West – Crisis & Policy Challenges
  • Integration Process in ASEAN’s Fast Track Sectors
  • New Reserve Currency in Asia?
  • New Trade Architecture
  • Regional Power Grid
  • Climate & Energy Issues
  • Alternate Energy Prospects and Pitfalls (Hydropower/ Wind Energy)
  • Changing Landscape of Agribusiness
  • Rural Consumption Patterns
  • Emerging BFSI Sector
  • Re-modelling Banking Sector
  • Expansion of Automotive Sector
  • Economic Reform and Cooperation in the IT and Manufacturing Sectors
  • Stabilising Strategies in the Asian IT sector
  • Growth of BPO/ITeS sector in Asia
  • Growth in Pharma Sector - Clinical Research – Alternative Medicine
  • Expansion in the Tourism Industry
  • Emerging Sectors – Media & Entertainment
  • Reshaping Rural Marketing: en-cashing the Potential
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and the inclusive growth
  • Cross Boundaries – Working Culture
  • Cross Boundaries – Logistics & Supply Chain Management
  • Marketing Image of Asia as an Investment Destination – Brand Building Strategies
  • Corporate Governance Reforms
  • Implications of the New Political and Economic Leadership
  • Human Capital Formation: Cooperation in the Research and Education Sector

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Call for Papers: The Role of Leadership, Responsibility, and Ethics: Behavioral Issues of Implementing CSR

26th EGOS Colloquium, July 1–3, 2010
Center for Globalization and Governance
Faculdade de Economia. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Lisbon, Portugal

The Role of Leadership, Responsibility, and Ethics: Behavioral Issues of Implementing CSR


The process of globalization has increasingly changed the relationship of business and society, undermining the paradigmatic assumption of a neat separation between the public and the economic sphere. This can be seen in the emergence of transnational social and environmental problems, like human rights, corruption or global warming, that cannot be sufficiently addressed by national regulation and the welfare institutions of the nation state alone. Modernity’s nation state is increasingly overstrained in trying to moderate the outcomes of the economical, political and social systems. With its enforcement powers territorially bound the nation state continuously loses its political steering capability. Under these conditions multinational corporations have become addressees of public concern, due to their role as potential source of relief or as factual wrong-doers. In response business has increasingly engaged in activities that traditionally were considered to be part of governmental responsibilities.

This new role of corporations has been acknowledged in the literature on Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Citizenship and Business Ethics. This stream of research emphasizes structural aspects and is primarily focused on the business-society macro-level of analysis (Matten & Crane 2005; Palazzo & Scherer 2006; Scherer & Palazzo 2007). Given the important role of leadership for the direction and the depth of an organization's CSR engagement, it can be expected that the profound changes on the macro-level of society will have an impact on the role and responsibilities of organizational leaders. However, the implementation of corporate responsibility, the crucial role of leadership and of individual behavior have not yet been sufficiently addressed and have only recently been revived through works on moral values, personal responsibility, and the role of CEQs (Brown & Trevino 2006; Doh & Stumpf 2005; Maak & Pless 2006; Trevino, Weaver, & Reynolds 2006).

The task for this workshop is to discuss the consequences and implications of the new, enlarged role of the business firm for leadership and individual behaviour. In particular, we want to address the need of leaders and leadership theory to acknowledge public demands for responsible conduct of global business firms. We specifically invite papers which take a critical perspective on the emerging role of leadership responsibility in the multinational firm.

We would like to see the workshop group advance the discussion in two main directions that address the philosophical, theoretical, and practical domains:

1. Implications for leadership theory building

Possible topics might include (but are not restricted to) the following:

  • What role does leadership play in a globalizing world?
  • What are descriptive, instrumental, or normative implications for leadership (theory)?
  • Do leaders have an extended responsibility beyond maximizing profits?
  • How can the current leadership debate, especially research, on value-based transformational leadership be linked with the global CSR debate?
  • What implications would a growing political role of organizations have for its leaders/for leadership?
  • How can (responsible) leaders build legitimacy for their organization in a globalizing world?
  • How can responsible leadership contribute to social innovations or social entrepreneurship?

2. Implementing CSR: Behavioral issues

Papers here might address questions such as the following:

  • How can CSR be implemented successfully in organizations?
  • What is the impact of leadership on the CSR engagement and performance of a corporation?
  • How do leaders make sense of their emerging global decision-making context with its broader societal expectations?
  • Why do leaders engage in social responsible actions or behaviors?
  • What are the relationships between CSR, leadership, ethical decision making, ethical climate, and other aspects dealing with ethics and morality in organizations?
  • We invite both theoretical and empirical contributions that help us to better understand the role of leadership responsibility in a globalized world. Papers that argue across the potentially relevant disciplines (organization studies, leadership studies, business ethics & CSR, international management, legal studies, political theory, etc.) would be particularly welcome.

EGOS has a long tradition of providing a forum for exchange and discussion rather than presentation of papers only. Therefore, the conference is organized in workshop form, which implies that every participant spends the conference in the subgroup where his/her paper is presented. Half the time is dedicated to paper presentation while the other half is free for discussion within the group. Therefore it is also a prerequisite that participants of the subgroup are familiar with all papers presented. The papers will be accessible on the conference website one month in advance. This workshop format allows for an intense, three-days immersion in a particular area of research and provides opportunities for profound exchange and learning within a group of international scholars. Further information can be found on the conference website: .

The tentative schedule for submissions to the conference is as follows:

January 10, 2010: Deadline for short papers of 3000 words, to be submitted to the EGOS website (please see )
March 1, 2010: Notification of acceptance of papers
June 1, 2010: Full papers to be uploaded to the EGOS website
Please check the EGOS website for up-to-date information on deadlines and procedures. Abstracts and papers will be available on the EGOS website ( Any inquiry concerning sub-theme # 41 should be directed to the following address:

Prof. Dr. Andreas Georg Scherer
IOU/University of Zurich
Tel: +41 (0) 44 634 5300

Prof. Dr. Andreas Georg Scherer
Chair of Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm
Director of IOU / Institute of Organization and Administrative Science
University of Zurich, Universitätsstrasse 84, CH-8006 Zürich
Phone: +41 (0)44-634 5302, 5300 (secretary), fax: +41 (0)44-634 5301
Email: , homepage:

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Call for Papers: International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (IJSA)

The International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (IJSA) is an open access journal that provides rapid publication (monthly) of articles in all areas of the subject.
The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately one month after acceptance. All articles published in IJSA will be peer-reviewed.
Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript within three weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next available issue.
Types of paper
Regular Articles: These should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient details for others to verify the work. The length of a full paper should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly.
Short Communications: A Short Communication is suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques or apparatus. The style of main sections need not conform to that of full-length papers. Short communications are 2 to 4 printed pages (about 6 to 12 manuscript pages) in length.
Reviews: Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Reviews should be concise and no longer than 4-6 printed pages (about 12 to 18 manuscript pages). Reviews manuscripts are also peer-reviewed.
See Instructions for Authors

Call for Papers: International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (IJSA)

The International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (IJSA) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published that will be monthly by Academic Journals (IJSA) is dedicated to increasing the depth of the subject across disciplines with the ultimate aim of expanding knowledge of the subject.
Call for Papers IJSA will cover all areas of the subject. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence, and will publish: ·
  • Original articles in basic and applied research·
  • Case studies·
  • Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays

We invite you to submit your manuscript(s) to for publication. Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within four weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue. Instruction for authors and other details are available on our website; IJSA is an Open Access Journal One key request of researchers across the world is unrestricted access to research publications. Open access gives a worldwide audience larger than that of any subscription-based journal and thus increases the visibility and impact of published works. It also enhances indexing, retrieval power and eliminates the need for permissions to reproduce and distribute content. IJSA is fully committed to the Open Access Initiative and will provide free access to all articles as soon as they are published.

Best regards,
Emeje Cynthia
Editorial Assistant
International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (IJSA)

Call for Papers: African Journal of Marketing Management

The AFRICAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT (AJMM) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published that will be monthly by Academic Journals (
AJMM is dedicated to increasing the depth of the subject across disciplines with the ultimate aim of expanding knowledge of the subject. Call for Papers AJMM will cover all areas of the subject.

The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence, and will publish: ·
  • Original articles in basic and applied research·
  • Case studies·
  • Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays

We invite you to submit your manuscript(s) to for publication. Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within four weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue. Instruction for authors and other details are available on our website; AJMM is an Open Access Journal One key request of researchers across the world is unrestricted access to research publications. Open access gives a worldwide audience larger than that of any subscription-based journal and thus increases the visibility and impact of published works. It also enhances indexing, retrieval power and eliminates the need for permissions to reproduce and distribute content. AJMM is fully committed to the Open Access Initiative and will provide free access to all articles as soon as they are published.
Best regards,
Emeje Cynthia
Editorial Assistant
Academic Journals