Thursday, December 17, 2009

Call for Papers: AIB-LAT Annual Conference 2010

Some of the questions that we will explore at the upcoming AIB-LAT 2010 Conference are:

  • What are the dilemmas facing MNCs in Latin America? What are the region’s real long-term opportunities and how can companies adjust their objectives and practices to these?
  • What are the differences and specific strategy needs for MNC’s operating in Latin America and for Multilatinas?
  • What are the causes of disinvestment in the region and how can this be avoided?

We cordially invite you to share your experience in this field of research, by submitting empirical and conceptual papers or symposium presentations explicitly related to these topics. The official language of the conference will be English and track themes will be based on submissions.

Dr. Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra (Scientific Committee Chair)
Dr. José de la Torre
Dr. Joseph Ganitsky
Dr. Afonso Fleury
Dr. Belmiro Joao
Dr. Renato Cotta de Mello
Dr. Karin Fladmoe-Lindquist
Dr. Marcos Amatucci,
Dr. Dirk Michael Boehe
Dr. Lou Anne Barclay
Dr. Angela da Rocha
Dr. João Leitão
Dr. Arnoldo J. de Hoyos
Dr. Suzana Rodrigues
Dr. Ronaldo Parente

Abstract Submission (December 31, 2009): For this submission, we invite abstracts describing the presentation that you intend to make at the AIB-LAT Annual Meeting in 2010. The abstract submission for oral presentations should include the following: title, name of author(s), email address, institution, mailing address, and a 500-800 word abstract. The abstract submission for symposium presentations should include the following: title of the symposium, name of author(s), email address, institution, mailing address, a 500-800 word abstract for the objective(s) of the symposium, and a 500-800 word abstract for each paper or presentation included in the symposium.
Submissions can be sent through the submission system at the following address:

Authors of accepted abstract submissions will be notified by
February 10, and asked to submit their full papers before March 8, 2010.

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