Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Call for Papers: Multidisciplinary Business Review (MBR)

Objetivo y ámbito de MBR:

El objetivo de la revista Multidisciplinary Business Review (MBR) es publicar artículos académicos en el campo de los negocios, incluyendo todas las áreas de administración y gerencia como estrategias, operaciones y funciones de negocios, ética de los negocios y responsabilidad social. El propósito principal de la revista es servir como un medio de comunicación e intercambio de ideas, diseminación de resultados de investigación y otros aspectos investigativos entre los estudiosos y practicantes de los negocios.
MBR acepta artículos provenientes de todas las áreas propias de la administración. A manera de ejemplo se listan las siguientes:
  • • Estrategia y política de negocios
  • • Administración de conflictos
  • • Emprendimiento
  • • Negocios Internacionales
  • • Gestión de empresas familiares
  • • Cambio y desarrollo organizacional
  • • Teoría organizacional
  • • Gestión del conocimiento
  • • Gestión tributaria
  • • Educación de negocios
  • • Administración y cultura
  • • Comportamiento del consumidor
  • • Cultura organizacional
  • • Comportamiento organizacional
  • • Control de gestión
  • • Formulación y evaluación de proyectos
  • • Métodos de investigación
  • • Administración financiera
  • • Finanzas corporativas
  • • Gestión de tecnologías de información
  • • Gestión de recursos humanos
  • • Responsabilidad social empresarial
  • • Administración de operaciones
  • • Ética empresarial
  • • Sistemas de información
  • • Gobierno corporativo
  • • Mercado de capitales

La revista es multidisciplinaria e internacional por naturaleza, busca reflejar cómo se realizan las mejores prácticas en los negocios alrededor del mundo y cuan relevante es dicho conocimiento para aquellos que viven de los negocios. Se reciben artículos tanto de académicos como de directivos de negocios. La extensión del artículo no debe exceder 7000 palabras incluyendo texto, apéndices, referencias, tablas, figuras, fotos e ilustraciones. Artículos más extensos podrían ser considerados en forma excepcional si la importancia del tema tratado lo amerita.

Envío de Artículos:

Los artículos sometidos a la revista deben representar investigación o trabajo original que no haya sido publicado en revista alguna y que no haya sido sometido para publicación en algún otro medio. Todos los artículos sometidos a la revista serán arbitrados usando el sistema doble-ciego por árbitros externos. La decisión del editor de rechazar o aceptar un artículo para su publicación en la revista esta altamente influenciada por la retroalimentación de los árbitros.

Los artículos deben ser enviados en forma electrónica, en un solo documento MS Word, de acuerdo a las instrucciones del Website "MBR Manuscript Submission," a la dirección de email:

Instrucciones para Autores:

Instrucciones de preparación y envío de manuscritos:
El artículo puede estar escrito en cualquiera de los idiomas oficiales de la revista: inglés, español o portugués. Formatee todo el artículo usando Times Roman 11 puntos, paginas 8" x 11" numeradas y escritas a doble espacio y márgenes de 2.5 cm. Use sangría para cada nuevo párrafo. No use letras itálicas para expresiones en Latín como in vivo, et al., per se. Use puntos decimales, no comas. Use espacio para escribir miles (10 000 y mas) y Dólares Americanos para cifras monetarias, en este caso, si procede, debe indicar tipo de cambio utilizado cuando hay referencias a otras monedas. Las anotaciones matemáticas deben ser explicadas claramente en el texto. Las formulas deben ser enumeradas consecutivamente a lo largo del manuscrito como (1), (2), etc. alineadas con la margen derecha de la pagina. Los símbolos poco usuales y las letras Griegas deben ser identificados. En el caso de ecuaciones que no alcancen en una columna, indique los cortes apropiados. Asegúrese de editar todo el artículo en forma muy cuidadosa.

Página del Titulo (primera página)

El titulo del manuscrito debe ser breve e informativo. Los títulos son usados a menudo en sistemas que proveen información. Evite usar abreviaciones y formulas siempre que sea posible.
Para cada autor, provea una breve nota autobiografica incluyendo nombre completo, afiliación, dirección e-mail y toda la información necesaria para contactar al autor. Evite identificar al autor(es) en el manuscrito, sea directamente o por citación, a fin de asegurar su anonimato.
Después de la lista de autores, clasifique su manuscrito en una de las tres categorías:

  • Trabajo conceptual
  • Trabajo empírico – investigación
  • Trabajo empírico – estudio de caso

Si debe mencionarse reconocimientos y apoyos financieros, deben incluirse solamente en la primera página, la cual es removida antes de ser enviado el manuscrito a los árbitros a fin de asegurar objetividad. En la versión final, aceptada para publicación, dichas menciones deben ir antes de las Referencias.

  • Abstract o Resumen (segunda página)
  • El título del manuscrito y el abstract deben ser escritos en inglés y en uno de los siguientes idiomas: español o portugués. El abstract debe tener no más de 250 palabras, debe ser conciso, factual y estructurado bajo los siguientes 4-6 subtítulos:
  • Propósito
  • Metodología/aproximación
  • Hallazgos
  • Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación (si hace falta)
  • Implicaciones prácticas (si hace falta)
  • Originalidad/valor del manuscrito
  • Después del abstract, incluya un máximo de 6 palabras clave, evitando palabras genéricas y plurales, y conceptos múltiples. Evite usar palabras conectores como ‘y’, ‘o’, y abreviaciones que no están claramente establecidas en el campo de investigación apropiado.
  • Texto
    El artículo debe escribirse usando lenguaje no técnico. Los títulos y subtítulos deben ser breves, claramente definidos y no numerados. Los textos en trabajos de investigación usualmente incluyen las siguientes secciones: Introducción, revisión de la literatura o antecedentes teóricos los cuales pueden servir o no como bases para formular hipótesis, métodos de investigación, resultados y análisis, discusión, conclusiones, limitaciones e implicaciones de la investigación (si hubiere), implicaciones prácticas o gerenciales (si hubiere), y direcciones para investigaciones futuras.
    No use notas al pie de página ni notas al final del texto excepto cuando fueren absolutamente necesarias.
    Use apéndices, tablas, figuras, fotos e ilustraciones en forma mínima e inclúyalas en páginas individuales al final del artículo, excepto los apéndices que deben seguir al texto en páginas separadas. Numere las tablas, figuras, fotos, e ilustraciones consecutivamente en el orden de aparición en el texto, con números Arábigos (letras mayúsculas para los apéndices) y un título corto. En el texto, se debe mostrar la posición de la tabla, figura, foto o ilustración escribiendo en línea separada las palabras "Inserte Tabla 1 (o Figura 1 o Foto 1 o Ilustración 1)" Los datos presentados en las tablas no deben duplicar los resultados descritos en otras partes en el texto. Evite usar líneas verticales en las tablas. Ubique las notas de pie de tabla debajo de la tabla e indíquelas con letras minúsculas superscritas. Las figuras deben estar en blanco y negro con sombreado mínimo. Las fotos e ilustraciones deben entregarse en original blanco y negro de buena calidad e intensidad media con encabezamiento.
  • Las citas de referencia en el texto deben incluir el apellido del autor(es) y el año de publicación, separados por una coma, entre paréntesis, y colocados antes del signo de puntuación o corte lógico de la oración. Si necesita usar varias citas, sepárelas con punto y comas y lístelas alfabéticamente. Incluya el número de página solo si es necesario cuando se usa párrafos citados o citas textuales. Basta usar el año entre paréntesis si el nombre del autor ya fue mencionado en el texto. Si dos o mas trabajos del mismo autor pertenecen al mismo año, diferéncielos añadiendo una a, b, etc. después del año de publicación. Use et al. luego del apellido del primer autor por publicaciones hechas por cuatro o mas autores. Ejemplo: Los últimos hallazgos de Falcón (1996) han sido cuestionados por algunos (Rodríguez, 2005; Travis, 2004a; Travis, 2004b), pero son generalmente aceptados por otros (Lee & Jones, 2001; Luna, Tovar, & Ford, 2004). Otros investigadores (Hunt et al., 1999; Lopez, 2003) han encontrado que….
  • Referencias
    Asegúrese que toda referencia citada en el texto esta incluida también en la lista de referencias (y vice versa). Cualquier referencia citada en el abstract o resumen debe ser incluida en forma completa. Resultados no publicados y comunicaciones personales no deben ser incluidos en la lista de referencias, pero pueden ser mencionados en el texto. La citación de una referencia como "in press" implica que el item ha sido aceptado para su publicación.
    Las referencias deben listarse primero alfabéticamente y luego, si hace falta, cronológicamente, a doble-espacio, al final del texto en páginas separadas y sin sangría. Trabajos con el mismo autor y con dos, tres o cuatro coautores deben listarse alfabéticamente y no cronológicamente. Las referencias deben ser presentadas usando el siguiente formato:
    Revistas Académicas (Journals):
    Dominguez, L.V.& Brenes, W. (1997). The Internationalization of Latin American enterprises and market liberalization in the Americas: a vital linkage. Journal of Business Research, 38(1), 3-16.
    Nakata, C. & Sivakumar, K. (1996). National culture and new product development: an integrative review. Journal of Marketing, 60(January), 61-72.
    _____ & _____. (2001). Instituting the marketing concept in a multinational setting: the role of national culture. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 29(3), 255-275.
    Publicaciones en Serie y Periódicos:
    Campbell, M. (2005, Abril 6). Cheers! Con tequila. Expansion, pp. 99-104.
    Jarur, P. & Keller, N. (2006, Julio 10). América Latina se queda en carrera por liderazgo minero. El Mercurio, p. B1.
    Proceedings de Conferencias:
    Fraedrich, J.P., Ferrell O.C., & Jones, K. (1991). An empirical investigation into the ethical philosophies of managers. In Terry Childers et al. (Eds.), AMA Winter Educators’ Conference (pp. 463-468). Chicago: American Marketing Association.
    Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture’s Consequences:
    International differences in work related values. Beverly Hills, CAS: Sage.
    _____. (1991). Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind. London: McGraw-Hill.
    Schluter, R. (2000). Investigación en turismo y hoteleria. Buenos Aires: Centro de Investigación y Estudios Turísticos.
    Artículos en Libro Editado por Otro Autor(es):
    Gordon, I. (2000). Organizing for relationship marketing. In A. Parvatiyar (Ed.), Handbook of relationship marketing (pp. 505-523). London: Sage.
    Disertaciones Doctorales No Publicadas:
    Hincks, W. (2002). An evaluation of lawlike generalizations in relationship marketing: Methods and application. Unpublished Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg.
    Fuentes Electrónicas:
    Las páginas Web deben incluir el URL completo de la dirección electrónica de donde se obtuvo la información. Debe añadirse cualquier información adicional que se conozca (apellido del autor, fechas, titulo, referencia a una fuente de publicación, etc.). Las páginas Web pueden ser listadas separadamente (e.g., después de la lista de referencias) en sección diferente, si se quiere, o pueden ser incluidas en la lista de referencias.
    Forrester Research. (2003). Global online exports to soar to $1.4 Trillion in 2004. Retrieved from,1769,433,FF.html.
    Neuman, B.C. (1995). Security, payment, and privacy for network commerce. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 23(8), 1523-31. Retrieved from

Envío de Artículos Revisados

Un artículo aceptado condicionalmente bajo el requisito de hacer cambios menores o mayores puede ser sometido de nuevo a arbitraje como artículo revisado. La revisión de un artículo debe tener en cuenta las observaciones que tanto el editor como los árbitros hayan provisto en vistas a mejorar el artículo y su contribución al cuerpo de conocimientos objetivo. Ambos, el nuevo artículo y las Notas a los Árbitros que acompañan al artículo revisado deben reflejar dichas mejoras. Es posible que puedan necesitarse dos o más rondas de arbitraje hasta alcanzar la meta de un artículo publicable.

Envío Final del artículo

Una vez aceptado para su publicación, la versión final del artículo debe ser enviado de forma electrónica al e-mail del editor, en dos archivos separados, a saber:
Documento MS Word, siguiendo literalmente las instrucciones expuestas en esta guía para los autores,y
Formato PDF. En esta versión se muestra el artículo in extenso con inclusión en los espacios respectivos de tablas, figuras, fotos o ilustraciones.
El autor(es) deben asegurarse de que el artículo está completo, gramaticalmente correcto y sin errores de ortografía y tipográficos. Pruebas de imprenta pueden ser ofrecidas antes de la publicación.
El envío por e-mail de la versión final debe estar acompañado del formulario de Copyright del Artículo llenado y firmado por el autor(es), que está disponible en la página Web del MBR. ( )

Rojas Méndez, Ph.D.
Carleton University, Canadá
Editor Asociado:
Sergio Olavarrieta Soto, Ph.D.
Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
Comité Editorial:
Constanza Bianchi Monasterio, Ph.D.
University of Queensland, Australia
Roberto Contreras Marín, Ph.D.
Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Chile
Christian Felzensztein Jimenez, Ph.D.
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile
Claudia E. Halabi Kanacri, Ph.D.
Universidad Diego Portales, Chile
Erdener Kaynak, Ph.D.
Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.
Carlos Maquiera Villanueva, Ph.D.
Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile
Liliana Pedraja Rejas, Ph.D.
Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile
José Salas Ávila, Ph.D.
Universidad de Talca, Chile
Martin Schaffernicht, Ph.D.
Universidad de Talca, Chile
Arturo Vasquez Párraga, Ph.D.
University of Texas, Pan Am, U.S.A.
Alex Medina Giacomozzi, Ph.D.
Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile

Call for Papers: Journal of International Marketing

The Journal of International Marketing announces a
Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Innovation in the Global Marketplace.”

Innovation has become increasingly important to marketing academics and practitioners as firms operate in a larger number of markets and organic growth becomes the watchword in the executive suite. The specific goals of this special issue are to present new insights into the concepts of innovation, innovation management, and the innovation-customer linkage that is relevant to marketing scholars and practitioners concerned with the challenges of innovation in global markets.

This issue intends to extend the current understanding of innovation in the field of marketing. Manuscripts may be theoretical or empirical. This special issue seeks to publish leading research on innovation in global markets from the perspectives of strategy, modeling and consumer behavior. A primary criterion for assessing fit with “Innovation in the Global Marketplace” is that manuscripts enhance the field of marketing’s understanding of innovation issues in the global context using rigorous theoretical and or empirical method.

Potential topics of interest would, but are not limited to:

· Product and service innovation challenges in the global marketplace
· Employment of technology in innovation for enhancing global market effectiveness
· Global and/or cross-national diffusion of innovations (product, service and/or process)
· Effectively coordinating innovation activities across borders
· Process innovation for global marketing effectiveness
· Globalizing organizational process innovations for enhancing marketing capabilities
· Innovating markets for strategic global growth
· Challenges to entrepreneurial innovation across markets
· Cross-cultural or cross-national consumer responses to product and service innovations
· Role of mergers and acquisitions in global innovation
· Product- and service-innovation alignment with corporate sustainability efforts
· Linkages among innovation, branding, and product line proliferation in global efforts

Deadline for Submission: February 8, 2010.

Submitted manuscripts should follow the format indicated in the submission guidelines at:

Manuscripts should be submitted at: All manuscripts will be entered into the review process beginning February 9, 2010.

Questions pertaining to the special issue should be directed to:

David A. Griffith
Editor, Journal of International Marketing
The John W. Byington Endowed Chair in Global Marketing
Department of Marketing
The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management
Michigan State University
N370 North Business Complex
East Lansing, MI 48824-1122, USA
Tel: 517.432.6429
Fax: 517.432.1112

Monday, May 18, 2009

Call for Papers: 10th Annual Conference International Academy of E-business

Call for Papers 10th Annual Conference International Academy of E-Business
San Francisco - April 1 to 4, 201
Sir Francis Drake Hotel, 450 Powell StreetSan Francisco, California

Proposal/Paper Submission deadline:
November 6, 2009 Sobmit a brief (250 words) proposal to: and cc to: with subject headline: "PROPOSAL 2010" Full details @ & Dear Colleagues: Hope you are enjoying your summer break.. As you may know, the recent conference in Hawaii was a huge success. There were stimulating presentations and discussions on a variety of topics. We had participants and presentations from the U. S., Canada, Australia, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and some other parts of the world. Also, once again, congratulations to all the winners of top outstanding papers at the 2009 conference. (Included below is A LIST OF THE WINNERS.) Our next 2010 Annual Conference will be in San Francisco. This city has been indicated as the most preferred venue. Some details are outlined above. The submission and selection policies and procedures are further outlined on our two websites. On behalf of the International Academy of E-Business, we'd like to invite you to attend the 2010 Confererence and perhaps submit a proposal for paper, panel or workshop presentation on any topics on e-business. We particularly invite topics on technologies and their contribution to economic growth and development. Here are some items of interest:

  1. 1. November 6, 2009 -- Proposal Submission deadline. Please submit each proposal separately -- about 250 words for papers, workshops, seminars, etc... to and (cc to: ) with Subject line "Proposal 2008.".
  2. The IAEB conference will be at Sir Francis Drake Hotel ( ) - a luxury hotel at the Union Square in San Francisco, close to major attractions including China Town, Fisherman's Wharf, Ferry Building. The Academy has negotiated excellent, unbelievable, WOW rates: @$109 for single/couple per night.
  3. 3. For undergraduate student competition, please contact Professor Nitish Singh of St. Louis University @
  4. .. Once again, the Academy plans to identify and honor top five outstanding conference papers..
  5. . As in the past, all conference submissions will be considered for publication in the E-Business Review, Volume X, (ISSN1550-7793) Furthermore, authors will be invited to submit for consideration an expanded version of their paper for publication in the Journal of E-Business; (ISSN 1542-0846); this expanded version or revision should be based on the comments and suggestions received at the conference. Please note that both of these publications are peer-reviewed (refereed) and highly acclaimed. Papers will be considered for other publications (readings book, other collaborative journals), too.
  6. . Please let your colleagues and acquaintances and anyone else that may be interested in e-business know about our organization, its mission and activities. There are no membership dues. Everyone is invited to get involved in some ways. If you know somebody well qualified to serve on the Editorial Board as a reviewer of papers and articles, please invite them; all they have to do is to send an e-mail to - preferably with the subject heading "Reviewer- Editorial Board".and a brief vitae.
  7. Some useful links and e-mails: and (the Academy's websites for detailed information); (the Academy's office contact for general information, etc.); (for conference proposal submissionss and cc to: ); (journal of e-business published articles); (conference hotel/venue/accommodations); (student competition)

Once again, we wish you a very pleasant summer break. Please don't forget to make your plans for the San Francisco conference. In addition to a variety of intellectual and scholarly activities, you will have an opportunity to enjoy outstanding environment and entertainment.

Warm regards,
Vinay Kothari
Planning CommitteeInternational Academy of E-Business

Monday, May 11, 2009

Call for Papers: Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

July 16th-18th, 2009


The first Annual Conference for the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in 2008 (AIE2008) was a great success. There were 350 paper submissions from thirty seven countries. The published Conference Proceedings were collected in ISTP (Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings).

The 2009 AIE annual conference will be held in Beijing on July 16 -18th. The ex-chairman of American Management Association (AMA) Andrew Van de Ven will give a keynote speech in the Opening Ceremony.

The Best Paper Awards will be sponsored by Intel Foundation. Three excellent articles will be selected by the paper review committee, and one of them will be awarded "The Intel Best Paper Award”.

Intel “The Intel Best Paper Award” one article US$1,000
“The Excellent Paper Award” two articles award certificate


School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
National Entrepreneurship Research Centre, Tsinghua University
Research Center for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University
Sanjaya Lall Programme on Technology for Development (SLPTMD), University of Oxford



The conference focuses on discussions mainly covering the following topics of interest but is not limited to:

1. Innovative and entrepreneurial strategies for firms in global markets
2. Globalization: Challenges and opportunities for firms in emerging markets
3. Industrial focus in innovation and entrepreneurship
4. Management of organizational change
5. Management of technological innovations
6. Patenting and licensing management
7. Service innovation
8. New business creation process
9. Technology-based venturing
10. Venture capital and entrepreneurship
11. Creation and management of family business
12. Entrepreneurial finance
13. Explaining differences in entrepreneurship activities in different countries
14. Entrepreneurship environment and policy
15. Innovation clusters and Science Park
16. Management innovation
17. Corporate venture
18. Creating and sustaining successful growth
19. Business model
20. International entrepreneurship

Submission of Papers:

Authors should submit abstract of the paper and all of the abstracts and the full papers
should be included in a individual file. E-mail to Conference Organization Committee at

Submission Date:

Submission of Abstract: May 20th, 2009
Notification of Acceptance: May 30th, 2009
Submission of Full Paper: June 20th, 2009
For further details will be introduced the AIE website soon: or or
School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
Tel: 86-10-62789757;Fax: 86-10-62784544

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Call for Papers: Is there a China or India Model?

The State and the Internationalisation of Business:
Is There a China or India Model?
29-30 October 2009
Edinburgh University, U.K
A conference to be held jointly between the Confucius Institute for Scotland and the University of Edinburgh Business School

The governments of China and India have pursued significantly different economic development paths over the last twenty years, yet each has continued to assign a key role to state ownership of large sectors of the economy and privatisation has been pursued cautiously. Although both governments have recognised the need for reducing state control, many large state enterprises continue to operate though many now have minority private shareholdings. Large privately-owned and often family-controlled business groups have remained important players in India’s political economy since independence. The private sector, while growing fast in China, is much less influential in the policy making arena than large state and local government-controlled businesses whose links to provincial and city governments are both economic and political.

Although China gradually opened its doors to foreign direct investment (FDI) from 1978, it began to actively pursue FDI from 1992. Local government was incentivised by the centre to compete to attract FDI and was provided with effective tools with which to promote inward investment. India only started serious macroeconomic liberalisation from 1991 yet at a micro-level, protectionist sentiment remained resilient in the business community and bureaucracy. Eventually, competition between Indian states, mostly in the south, for FDI and domestic investment led to a general shift in the business climate. Once the economic benefits of expanding private investment were obvious in the southern states, adopting business-friendly policies rapidly became the new orthodoxy.

Going into the current global financial crisis, both China and India have substantial foreign exchange reserves, yet retain dissimilar economic structures. Foreign trade accounted for more than 60 percent of Chinese GDP, double Indian foreign trade’s proportion of GDP. India’s non-traditional exports are dominated by the IT and IT-enabled services sector, while China’s exports are manufacturing-led and highly diversified. Trade tariffs are low in China and still relatively high in India. Wide regional disparities in wealth exist in both countries. Almost all sectors are now open to FDI in India and China yet protecting domestic business interests is still a strong political impulse in both China and India. Flows of outward foreign direct investment began to build up in 2008 but have since peaked as elsewhere.

The conference seeks to answer some of the key questions about the similarities and differences in the internationalisation paths of China and India and to consider to the long term resilience of their economies. Is China developing an outward-oriented, collectivist growth strategy that is always going to be very different from India? Can this be reconciled with domestic politics? Is India’s preference for a domestic-oriented, large business house-driven political economy compatible with mass democracy, increasing trade dependency and foreign direct investment? Will China and India’s paths converge or diverge? Topics to be covered include:

  • The relationship between government, business and political processes at national and provincial/state level
  • The role of the state in managing external trade and investment relationships
  • The role of provincial/state-level institutions in encouraging inward FDI and private domestic investment
  • Impact of the changing structure of domestic industries and enterprises on foreign investment
  • Motives and strategies behind outward foreign direct investment from China and India
  • Knowledge transfer from foreign investors at home and abroad
  • Progress with business climate reform compared
  • Corporate governance and environmental protection
  • Domestic market development as an alternative to exporting for India and China
  • The future position of China and India in the world economy: Are there common features of China or India’s development path?

Call for Papers
Papers are invited that address any of the topics above. The organisers are particularly interested in papers that offer a comparative perspective on China and India’s internationalisation path.

The conference will be held in the Confucius Institute for Scotland in the University of Edinburgh. Some financial support for paper presenters is available through the Confucius Institute.

Important Dates

Deadline of abstract: 30th June 2009
Deadline for full paper submission: 31 August 2009
Please send your abstract, preferably by e-mail to Prof. John Henley at and Dr Ling Liu at

Monday, May 4, 2009

Call for Papers: Consumer behavior and marketing strategies of enterprises in the European market

Consumer behavior and marketing strategies of enterprises in the European market
During the last decade of the 20th and at the beginning of the 21st century many changes have occurred on European market. The inclusion of new CEE countries into the process of the European integration combined with intensification process of liberalization of commodity and service turnover as well as a free flow of technology, people and, above all, capital have had a stimulating effect on the development of economies in these countries as well as in “old” member states. Thanks to systematic structural and ownership changes, many of state monopolies operating on CEE markets have been replaced with a diversified structure of private companies. European market has been also witnessed to successful operation of foreign firms, especially from USA or Asia.
All those changes have significant influence on European firms strategies and other marketing activities. Each of these companies is trying to gain a competitive advantage over the others through development of the market offer, implementation of permanent innovation processes and organization of large-scale promotional activities.
These activities are not of neutral character to consumer behaviors, as they force consumers to take many adaptable decisions. All these activities, however, call for knowledge about marketing strategies of companies and different market institutions as well as about consumers, their behaviors and factors conditioning and differentiating such behaviors on European market.

Theoretical discussions, empirical research and case studies are sought which address two main topics:
  • • Consumer behavior on European market
  • • Marketing strategies of companies on European market
  • Also papers related to other topics are welcome.


Publication will be published as monograph (with ISBN number) by Publishing House of Karol Adamiecki University of Economics in Katowice.


Prof. dr. Mario Glowik Dr hab. Sławomir Smyczek


01.07.2009 – submission of title of paper (with short abstract)
25.07.2009 – notification of accepted papers
01.10.2009 – submission of final paper for publication
Abstract and final paper should be sent as e-mail attachment (Microsoft Word document) to or to
Please provide complete mailing address and e-mail address on all of your correspondence

• Prepare paper in English on A4 paper with 1,5 space
• Use 12 pt Time New Roman (please, no fancy script type)
• The length of papers should not exceed 20 pages including references, tables, appendices etc. • Use only footnotes, list of all references in alphabetical order placed at the end of paper
• All paragraphs should be indented, don’t skip line between paragraphs
• All headings must be with left margin and in bold type
• First page should contain title of paper, author’s name and affiliation (name and full address of institution)


For further information, please email
With best regards,
Slawomir Smyczek and Mario Glowik
Karol Adamiecki University of Economics in Katowice
Ul. 1 Maja 5040-287 Katowice, Poland

Call for Papers: The New World Order the Crisis

Joint Academic Conference of University of Adelaide and University of Indonesia:
The 4th International Conference on Business and Management Research
“The New World Order After the Crisis”
Thursday, 22-24 November 2009

We invite the academic research community for an intimate conference in the serene setting in Bali. The conference will provide an opportunity to exchange research ideas and philosophies, as well as a chance to re-establish relationships with one and another.

The 4th International Conference on Business and Management Research is envisioned to focus on the new face of global business, as well as, reflect on issues that were critical for the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). Academics will be provided with an opportunity to be able to present and discuss their papers in the areas of Finance, Accounting, International Business, Economics, Marketing, Management and MIS (Management Information Systems). We also encourage academics to submit cross-disciplinary research in the above areas.

The conference is also proud to host keynote speaker to present their views on the Global Financial Crisis.

Opening Keynote Address: “The Future of Derivative Products and Leveraging”
By Professor Ralf Zurbrugg
Chair of Finance, The Business School, University of Adelaide

Professor Zurbrugg will discuss the role of leveraging and derivative products in partly explaining the current financial crisis. The GFC will also be examined in a historical context and the question will be asked of what the future holds for derivatives.

Selected papers will considered to be published in a special edition of “Indonesian Capital Market Review” edited by guest editor Prof. David Michayluk (University of Technology, Sydney) and co-editor of “International Journal of Managerial Finance”, and Members of Editors Indonesian Capital Market Review : Vincent Chang (Peking University HSBC School of Business), Piyadasa Edirisuriya (Monash University), Jyoti Gupta (ESCP-EAP), Piman Limpaphayon (Chulalongkorn University), Francois M Login (ESSEC), Ingo Walter (New York University) and others.

A Best Paper Award will be sponsored by the “International Journal of Managerial Finance”.
All research papers will also be considered to be published in “The South East Asian Journal of Management”

Submission Full Paper/ Abstract : 30 June 2009
Notification of Acceptance : 11 July 2009
Full papers for accepted abstracts : 22 October 2009
Registration : 1 July – 30 October 2009
Conference Date : 22-24 November 2009

Registration Payment Details
Early Bird Registration (prior to 21st July 2009) USD 195
Registration after the 21st July, 2009 USD 250
Research Student USD 100

Organizing Committee
Rofikoh Rokhim, University of Indonesia and Bisnis Indonesia Daily

Steering Committee
Siti Adiprigandari Adiwoso Suprapto, Department of Management FEUI

Call for Papers: Reality and Prospects. Waqf Laws & Management

International Conference on Waqf Laws & Management
Reality and Prospects

20th – 22nd October 2009/
1st – 3rd Dhu’l-Qa’dah 1430

For the last 1400 years, the Islamic philanthropic device known as Waqf, permits settlement in perpetuity of property (movable and immovable, including money in cash) for religious and charitable purposes and helping the poor, both Muslims and non – Muslims. A very large number of awqaf have been created all over the world for the preservation of religious and charitable institutions and for the educational and economic development of the community. Thus awqaf have become a valuable asset of the Muslim community all over the world.

Awqaf must be governed properly and their assets should be managed professionally. However, unfortunately, majority of awqaf have been the victim of neglect, mismanagement and misappropriation. It is either due to weak legal infra-structure which regulates them or it is because of ill-planning and defective management. Therefore, a proper legal infrastructure and professional management techniques appear as essential pre-requisites for the revitalization of awqaf.

None of the awqaf conferences held during recent years (Harvard – 2006, 2008; South Africa – 2007; Singapore – 2008; Kuwait – 2008; Iran – 2008) concentrated on either law or management. Their themes ranged from origin to nationalization and from investment to civilization aspects. All of these are important, but so also the legal and management aspects of waqf, which are equally important and of fundamental significance. The proposed conference tries to fill this gap by making legal regulation and management strategies of waqf as the theme of the conference.

The conference will bring together experts in waqf laws and management from Muslim and Muslim minority countries to help formulate effective legal measures and sound management policies for an effective waqf management.

Theme of the conference

‘Towards Effective Legal Regulation and Professional Management of Awqaf’.


There are long standing problems and issues in awqaf governance whose solutions need to be found during the conference deliberations. The problems and issues that deserve serious deliberations are as follows but not limited to:

· The contents of an ideal waqf legislation, keeping in view the variations and differences in social structure and ethnic composition in various countries;
· Determining the extent to which State may have some control over awqaf, both legally and strategically;
· To examine the effect of other laws on awqaf. For example, the effect of land reform laws on waqf in various countries, that of income tax laws, that of rent control laws and so on;
· Identifying the best Islamic management model for awqaf, keeping in view the demand for democratization and ethical corporate governance;
· The possibility of inducting representatives of ulama and mutawallis for able leadership in the governance process of awqaf.


· To revive waqf institutions through better legal regulation and management efficiency.
· To become part and parcel of a global effort to revive awqaf institution so that these may once again occupy their past status of being the most frequently used mode of Muslim philanthropy.
· To explore the possibility of a model Waqf Law which may identify certain core issues like survey, audit, management policies and organization structure, etc. which every waqf legislation should strive to have.
· To promote networking among the experts in waqf laws, Islamic and management of various countries.
· To exchange information regarding waqf laws and management in various countries with a view of bench marking the best practices.
· To promote and fund more researches on waqf issues, particularly in the areas of law and Islamic management.

Call for Papers / Participation
The organizers invite those who have either academic interest in waqf matters or those who are connected with awqaf as government or quasi-government officials, or administrators of awqaf to present papers or participate in this important conference. The paper should relate to any aspect of law and management of waqf, written in the usual academic style of providing foot-notes, full reference of sources relied upon and APA style bibliography if possible. The abstract should be in not more than 250 words, using Times New Roman font size 12, clearly giving the title of the paper, author’s name, designation, address, e-mail address and telephone number. The abstract and paper should be sent through e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word.
Please submit your abstracts to the following address:
International Institute for Muslim Unity
Level 2 Administration Building
International Islamic University Malaysia
P.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Phone: 00-603-6196 5435
Fax: 00-603-6196 4340
Email :
Website :

Important Dates

Deadline for Abstract : 15th May, 2009
Deadline for Full Papers : 15th August, 2009
Note: Any late submission will be subjected to the decision of the organizing committee.


The conference will be held at the Cultural Activity Centre (CAC), International Islamic University Malaysia in Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Conference Languages


Flight details:

Taking into account the current financial constraints, the conference will not be able to sponsor the tickets and accommodation of the participants. However, the organizers will be pleased to assist those who are willing to book for accommodation at Renaissance Hotel on their own cost. For more information on Renaissance Hotel, please visit their website at:

Registration Fees:

1- Malaysian Participants : RM 800
2- Students from Malaysian Universities : RM 150
3- International Participants : USD 400
4- International Students : USD 150

The fees will cover:

1- Three meals during the conference days.
2- Conference Materials (Bags, Abstract Book, CD).

Payment can be made by cheque or bank draft and payable to: ‘Management Centre, IIUM’

Bank’s details;
Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad, UIA Branch
Account No.: 140 70000008 717
Swift Code: BMMBMYKL
Overseas Correspondence Agent: CITIBANKNEWYORK

* Early Bird’s registration (with full payment made before 15 May 2009) is entitled for 10% discount.* 3 or more registrations from the same organization are entitled for 15% discount.

Registration Form

1. If you plan to present a paper, please fill in this form and fax/mail it to the International Institute for Muslim Unity before 15 May 2009.
2. If you plan to attend as participant only, please fill in this form and fax/mail it to the International Institute for Muslim Unity latest by 15 September 2009.
(You will receive a confirmation of your registration/submission of paper by fax or mail.)

Name : ……………………………………………………………………….
(Prof./Assoc. Prof/Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms.)

Institution : ……………………………………………………………………….
Address : ……………………………………………………………………….
Phone No (office) ………………………… Mobile ……………………………
Fax No …………………………

I wish to : Attend the conference as participant
Attend and present a paper
Title of paper …………………………………………………………..

Method of payment:

Payment for registration must be made latest by 15 September 2009. Payment can be made by cheque or bank draft and payable to: ‘Management Centre, IIUM’

Bank’s details:

Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad, IIUM Branch
Account No.: 1407-0000008-71-7
Swift Code: BMMBMYKL
Overseas Correspondence Agent: CITIBANKNEWYORK

* Early Bird’s registration (with full payment made before 15 May 2009) is entitled for 10% discount.
* 3 or more registrations from the same organization are entitled for 15% discount.

Please fax/send the registration form to;

International Institute for Muslim Unity
Level 2, Administration Building
International Islamic University Malaysia
P.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Fax : 00-603-61964340
Email : or

For any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact;

1. Pn. Shahrizad Bt. Sa-idul Haj Tel: 6-03-61965435
2. Miss Zuhainy Mat Deris Tel: 6-03-61965764