Friday, February 27, 2009

Call for Papers: Management International Review

MIR – Management International Review
Focused Issue: International Integration And Coordination In Mnes - Implications For International Management
Guest Editors: Rudolf R. Sinkovics, Anthony S. Roath & S. Tamer Cavusgil

Management International Review publishes research-based articles that reflect significant advances in the key areas of International Management. Its target audience includes scholars in International Business Administration. MIR is a double-blind refereed journal that aims at the advancement and dissemination of applied research in the fields of International Management. The scope of the journal comprises International Business, Cross-cultural Management, and Comparative Management. The journal publishes research that builds or extends International Management Theory so that it can contribute to International Management Practice.

About the focused issue
MIR invites the submission of articles which fit the theme “International Integration and coordination in MNEs - Implications for International Management”. The International Business literature has a rich tradition of examining large multinational enterprises (MNEs) strategic development of structural and organizational issues associated with orchestrating their boundary spanning business activities (Ghoshal and Bartlett 1990). Traditionally, MNEs have developed structures that resembled federative rather than unitary organizations (Yamin and Forsgren 2006), implying that a significant degree of autonomy was retained for nationally focused subsidiaries (Birkinshaw and Hood 2000). However, globalization forces and environmental drivers, including increasing market liberalization and advances in information and communication technologies (Yamin and Sinkovics 2007) have changed the realities of conducting international business (Cavusgil, Knight, and Riesenberger 2008). There are now shifts in the strategies and structures of MNEs. The core thrust is on global integration of operational and functional activities (Buckley and Ghauri 2004) while managerial decision making, both on a strategic and operational level, is slowly shifting back to the level of company headquarters or regional centers (Rugman 2005).
Global dynamism is forcing global organizations to reassess their processes of integration and coordination while updating the tools necessary to accomplish these “tasks.” One of the primary results of these activities is a redefinition of firm boundaries, restructuring of the global supply chain (Buckley and Ghauri 2004) and a redefinition of headquarter power; a demonstration of what Yamin and Forsgren (2006) call the ‘demise of the federative MNE’.
In this call for papers we specifically look at contributions which highlight changes in the following operational areas; arguably, these areas represent “tools” or vehicles of integration and coordination in MNEs:
  • Global supply chain management
  • Global logistics
  • Global account management
  • Global teams and human resource practices
  • Global product development
  • Global branding
  • Global IT platforms and/or ICT systems

We are interested in how management processes (e.g., tools) associated with each of the aforementioned areas either facilitate or hinder global integration and coordination. In other words, how and to what extent have global teams (for example) changed the landscape of MNEs’ integration and coordination mechanisms given the dynamics of the international market? It will also be of significant value to contribute to the special issue theme by examining to what extent experiences in different geographic/cultural contexts are different (e.g., US/Japanese and EU firms). While we invite conceptual and theory-building papers, empirical studies are favored.

Submission information
All papers will be subjected to double-blind peer review.
Authors should follow MIR guidelines,
Authors should submit an electronic copy of their manuscript as a word-file which does not reveal their identity in the document (remove personal information from file properties in the tools-options-security tab).
Submit your papers via e-mail attachment to , or , ,

Submission deadline: November 30, 2009. However, earlier submissions are encouraged.
The review process will take approx. 4-5 months

About the Guest Editors
Rudolf R. Sinkovics
is Reader in International Business at Manchester Business School, U.K. He received his PhD from Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (WU-Wien), Austria. His research is on inter-organizational governance mechanisms and the role of ICT in firm internationalization and coordination. His work has been published in journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, and International Business Review.
Anthony S. Roath is Associate Professor in Marketing and Supply Chain Management. He received his PhD from Michigan State University and his primary research stream is focused on the structuring and management of global supply chains. His research has been disseminated in journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, International Business Review, or Business Horizons.
S. Tamer Cavusgil is AIB Fellow and PhD from the University of Wisconsin. Professor Cavusgil's teaching, research and administrative activities have focused on international business and marketing. His specific interests include the internationalization of the firm, global marketing strategy, and emerging markets. Currently, he is involved in projects which investigate common features of the MNCs, and governance issues in international marketing channels. Professor Cavusgil has authored more than a dozen books and over one hundred refereed journal articles. His work, published in such scholarly journals as the JAMS, JM, JIBS, JMR, and JBR is among the most cited contributions in international business and marketing. He has recently joined the faculty at Georgia State University as Fuller E. Callaway Professorial Chair and Director, Institute of International Business.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Call for Papers: International Journal of Strategic Alliances

A call for Papers for International Journal of Strategic Alliances.

Refik Culpan
, the Editor-in-Chief of a new journal, International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances (IJSBA) to be published by the Inderscience Publishers kindly invites researchers to submit papers on cooperative ventures and alliances. IJSBA aims to foster the creation and dissemination of knowledge on strategic business alliances from various perspectives including economic, organizational, and strategic management. It strives to establish an effective channel of communication between researchers, managers, consultants, policy makers, and others concerned individuals and institutions with the complex role of strategic alliances in business competition. It also intends to promote and exchange theoretical developments, research findings, and practices in the field of interfirm partnerships. The international dimension is emphasized to comprehend worldwide practices and cross cultural differences among nations and to learn from increasing use of such collaborative ventures in the global economy.

IJSBA is publishes original conceptual and research papers, review papers, case studies, book reviews, research notes, and commentaries. It will occasionally come out with special Issues devoted to important topics concerning strategic business alliances. It publishes articles that are blind reviewed by its editorial board members and other scholars in the related fields.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Joint venture strategies, management, and issues
  • Franchising strategies, management, and issues
  • Licensing strategies, practices, and issues
  • Network relationships and structures
  • Supplier relationships and issues
  • Outsourcing and subcontracting arrangements and issues
  • Strategic alliances in specific industries
  • Engaging cases of strategic alliances
  • Business collaboration in various functional areas
  • Key success factors in strategic alliances
  • Comparative studies in strategic alliances
  • Cross-cultural studies in strategic alliances

For more information on the journal and its author guidelines, you can visit its web site:
Refik Culpan email:

Prof. Refik Culpan, Editor-in-Chief
International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances

Call for Papers: The Global Commerce Forum

The Global Commerce Forum ( cordially invites you to submit:
· Papers (maximum 25 pages)
· Positioning, Case or Interactive Papers (Maximum 10 pages)
· Panels and Posters (Maximum 4 pages with a 100 word abstract)

To the following conferences:

The International Conference On Finance, Economics And Business Technologies
Theme: The Housing Market and the Global Economic Outlook
Date/Venue: June 12-13, 2009, Los Angeles, Marriott Downtown
Conference hotel rate: $139.00 per night plus tax.
Paper Submission Deadline: April 15, 2009

The International Conference On Business, Finance And Economics
Theme: Financial Crisis-Issues, Lessons and Solutions
Date/Venue: September 25-26, 2009, New York.
Conference hotel rate: $239 per night plus tax.
Paper Submission Deadline: July 15, 2009

The International Conference On Energy, Logistics And The EnvironmentTheme: the Oil Bubble Burst, Global Economic Downturn and Impact on Logistics and Alternative Energy Initiatives
Date/Venue: October 23-24, 2009, the Mirage Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Conference hotel rate: $145 per night plus tax.
Submission Deadline: July 15, 2009
Registration Fees
Global Commerce Forum Network Members $195.00
Students* $195.00
Early Bird Specials (before July 15) $299.00
Registration $350.00
* Proof of registration within the past year must accompany payment to get this fee.

Unable to attend the conference in person?

If you are unable to make the presentation in person, you will need to record a ten-minute-visual presentation. The presentation will be included on the program. You will also be notifies of the time that your presentation will play and should be available to respond to the audience questions via video or audio communication. All presentations visual and power point will later be available on the Global Commerce Web site.

Dr. Luka Powanga,
Regis University,
3333 Regis Blvd,
Denver, CO 80-226-1099.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Call-for Paper: Shanghai Forum 2009

Shanghai Forum 2009:Student Program

Shanghai Forum is an international academic forum hosted by Fudan University and sponsored by the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies. Under the general theme of “Economic Globalization and the Choice of Asia”, the Forum delves into building a platform for elites from the academic, political and business circles to exchange ideas and conduct multi-dimensional discussions on the major issues of world economy and international situation.

  1. Student Program of Shanghai Forum 2009
    Shanghai Forum 2009 will be held during May 11-12, 2009 at Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Upon then, about 300 guests of seven sub-forums shall be invited to the event and engage in in-depth discussions under the theme of “Economic Globalization and the Choice of Asia: Crisis, Cooperation and Development”.
    Meanwhile, the Forum initiates Student Program this year, in order to gather excellence of the young generations and to inspire their speculations on the role and responsibility they will take against the background of globalization. The participants of this Program are to be called-for worldwide. Once invited, they are going to attend activities along with other invitees of the Forum for 2 days. Moreover, they are also encouraged to propose the creative and unique ideas at a student roundtable centered on“New Thinking and Alternatives Facing the Financial Turmoil”.
    It is no wonder that not only the opportunities for discussing with world-renowned scholars, entrepreneurs and officials will be available, but a Young Leadership Union are going to be forged during the Forum.
  2. The Topic:
    Under the topic of “New Thinking and Alternatives Facing the Financial Turmoil”, the participants are going to exchange creative perspectives on current issues and situations regarding financial and economic globalization, global governance, credit security and social responsibility, etc.
    All presentation forms are applauded to show your personal views on the above topic, and all of your inspirations and suggestions for change and progress against the background of current challenges are welcomed to share as future leaders of the world.
  3. Tentative Schedule
    May 10, 2009 Registration
    May 11, 2009 Opening Ceremony and Sub-forum Discussions (As Observers
    May 12, 2009 Student Roundtable: “New Thinking and Alternatives Facing the Financial Turmoil" “Young Leadership Union” Special Activities: “Leadership and Social Responsibility"Closing Ceremony and City Tour (As Observers)
  4. Notice
    1. English is the working language;
    2. This program is specially designed for enrolled students at universities and colleges. For those who may concern, please submit a 600 abstract in MS-Word format to the Student Program Secretariat through before March 10, 2009. Please use “Submission to Student Program of Shanghai Forum 2009” as your e-mail subject. All the submission should be original;
    3. The screen consequences are to be unveiled around April 2, 2009. Full papers (or Flash, PPT documents) should be submitted to the Secretariat before May 1, 2009. For each accepted paper, only one author would be officially invited by the Forum. These invitees could attend all the scheduled activities listed above, and present their submitted papers at the student roundtable;
    4. The copyrights of each accepted paper is to be reserved by the Shanghai Forum Organizing Committee;
    5. The Excellence Awards voted by all of the participants will be conferred on during the Forum. Additionally, all the participants will also be invited to a TV program with presidents of world-class universities (to be confirmed);
    6. For the non-local invitees, who do not stay or study in Shanghai, they will be reimbursed for round-trip airfares between their residency city and Shanghai (The maximum reimbursement will be mentioned in the invitation). The Secretariat will also take care of their accommodations during the Forum. For Shanghai local invitees, including international exchange students who study in Shanghai, they should be responsible for their own accommodations and airfares (or other travel expenses). The Forum will offer free local ground transportation to and from its official activities.
  5. Contact Information
    Shanghai Forum Organizing Committee, Fudan University
    Add: 220 Handan Rd., Shanghai 200433, P. R. China

Call for Papers: Global Business and Organizational Excellence: A Review of Research & Best Practices

Global Business and Organizational Excellence: A Review of Research & Best Practices

A Publication of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Global Business and Organizational Excellence: A Review of Research and Best Practices (GBOE) is an international journal directed to executives, managers, and consultants in business, government, and nonprofit organizations, and to faculty and students of business and management. Authors should keep in mind the uniqueness of this journal in its focus on real-life, practical ways that organizations can achieve excellence. Articles should therefore detail best practices and be highly practitioner-oriented in order to fulfill these needs and expectations.

Mission Statement

Now located in Marseilles, France and New York, USA, the newly re-launched Global Business & Organizational Excellence: A Review of Research & Best Practices published six times a year, provides executives and managers in business and government, academicians, human resources specialists, and consultants with timely information on strategies and techniques that organizations around the world are using to excel – that is, to effectively enhance their performance and competitive position in a global economy – while meeting the needs of all their stakeholders, including their employees, customers, owners, and communities.

Rapidly increasing globalization has made it necessary for organizational leaders and scholars to more actively share best practices and research findings relevant to corporate success in all countries and cultures. GBOE encourages the development of such innovative ideas and new methods of management practices, with topical areas in all aspects of international business, including production, human resource management, marketing, and finance, as well as analysis of cross-cultural, economic, public policy, sociological, technological, and environmental issues as they pertain to business and organizational operations.

Editorial Guidelines For Authors

Content requirements: Manuscripts are considered for publication with the understanding that they represent original material and are offered exclusively and without fee to Global Business and Organizational Excellence. Articles must not have been published previously and may not simultaneously be submitted elsewhere. We seek material that will offer our readership new insights into, and new approaches to, organizational competitiveness, profitability, and work effectiveness, with topical areas including all aspects of international business.

Articles should be informative, analytical, and practical, but not highly technical. They should exhibit clarity, brevity, and pertinence, with short and clear titles. All accepted manuscripts are subject to editing. A brief – 50 words or less – biographical sketch of the author should accompany the article. The sketch should name the author’s position, company, or other professional organization, and field of expertise. A 100- to 125-word summary of the article should also be provided.

Submission requirements:
Global Business and Organizational Excellence publishes both general-interest articles and academically refereed articles.
All unsolicited general-interest manuscripts should be discussed with or sent to Jane G. Bensahel, Editor-in-Chief, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 212-852-0360 or
All unsolicited articles to be academically refereed should be discussed with or sent to Yahia Zoubir, Editor-in-Chief, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, +33 (0)4 91 827 347 or .

Articles should range from 3,000 - 7,500 words (12-30 pages in 12-point serif font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides, and with manuscript pages numbered). Articles and their accompanying exhibits may be submitted via e-mail. Alternatively, prospective authors should submit one hard copy of the manuscript, printed on one side only of 8-1/2”x11” or A4 paper, along with a CD-ROM containing (a) an electronic copy of the article, preferably as a Word document, (b) any tables, also in Word, and (c) all other exhibits in black/white, in .tiff or .eps format or as a PowerPoint file. Also, authors who have used any lengthy quotations must send photocopies of original sources so that we may confirm the absolute accuracy of the quotation.

Inquiries and indications of interest are most welcome.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Call for Papers: The Future of Asia-Pacific Business: Beyond the Crisis

The 2009 Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) conference will take place on 16th–18th April 2009, in Brisbane, Australia. The conference will be held at The University of Queensland, and the local organising committee includes representatives from The University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology and Griffith University.

The conference theme for ANZIBA 2009 is:

The Future of Asia-Pacific Business: Beyond the Crisis

The keynote speaker will be Professor Lars Håkanson, of the Copenhagen Business School. ANZIBA welcomes submissions in each of the following forms:
· Competitive Papers (up to 25 pages)
· Positioning, Case or Interactive Papers (up to 10 pages)
· Panels and Posters (500 word abstract)

All submissions will be subject to a double-blind review process, and will be evaluated using the following criteria: interest to ANZIBA members, analytical rigour, research methodology, innovativeness and importance of conclusions.

ANZiBA also welcomes submissions to the ANZIBA 2009 Research Students’ Colloquium, which will take place on Thursday, 16th April 2009, at Queensland University of Technology. Please see the final page of this file for details about this workshop.

Key Dates

Submission of papers and panel proposals: 5th January – 23rdth February 2009
Research Students’ Colloquium applications: 2nd March 2009
Acceptance notification: 24th February – 13th March 2009
Early bird registration deadline: 17th March 2009

Papers will be sent for review progressively, as they are received. Early submission is strongly encouraged. Earlier submissions will receive earlier decisions!

Conference Tracks
1. The Political, Institutional and Historical Context of Global Business
2. International Economics, Finance, Accounting and Taxation
3. Alliances and Inter-firm Relationships
4. Subsidiary Evolution and Strategy
5. Organisational Structure, Capabilities and Strategic Planning in the MNC
6. Learning, Knowledge and Innovation
7. The Location of FDI, Clusters and Inter-firm Spillovers
8. International Human Resource Management and Cross-cultural Management
9. Internationalisation Processes and International Marketing Strategies
10. Outsourcing, Offshoring and Supply Chain Management
11. Emerging Market Economies
12. International Entrepreneurship
13. Teaching International Business

Contact Details

Conference administration and paper submission
Programme enquiries: or
ANZIBA website

Friday, February 13, 2009

Call for Papers: Business Strategies and Technological Innovations For Sustainable Development

GBATA (Global Business and Technology Association)
Eleventh Annual International Conference
Prague, Czech Republic
July 7 – 11, 2009
Business Strategies and Technological Innovations For Sustainable Development: Creating Global Prosperity For Humanity

Co-Sponsored By:

  • School of Business, The State University of New York at Old Westbury, New York, USA
  • Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
  • University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
  • Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa
  • Faculty of Humanities &Faculty of Management Sciences,
  • Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa
  • Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Leiria, Portugal
  • Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • State University of Management & Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
  • IBM East Europe/Asia Ltd., Moscow, Russia
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • The Robins School of Business, University of Richmond, Virginia, USA
  • Coventry University, Coventry, UK
  • Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia
  • Monash University, Australia

Deadline for receipt of abstracts or papers: March 31, 2009
Submissions will be double-blind reviewed on a rolling basis to assure you a rapid decision to facilitate your funding and scheduling needs.

Conference theme:
We welcome submissions addressing the GBATA Eleventh Annual International Conference theme: Business Strategies and Technological Innovations for Sustainable Development: Creating Global Prosperity for Humanity.
The theme is designed to encourage submissions that take unique perspectives on the critical issues related to multicultural, economic, technological, social, legal, and regulatory challenges that public and private industries and organizations encounter.
The author must specify paper(s) by track number, list two track numbers if appropriate and up to four key words that describe the paper(s).
Authors may seek guidance on matching their work to a track b contacting Dr. Nejdet Delener, Conference Chair (E-mail: ).
The Conference will include contributed paper sessions, invited and plenary presentations, case studies, round tables, panels, workshops and forums. The accepted papers will be published in the Conference Readings Book.
The Conference will provide a unique international forum to facilitate the exchange of cutting-edge information through multi-disciplinary presentations.

TRACKS: Abstracts or Papers

  • I. Accounting
     Managerial Accounting
     Financial Accounting &Taxation
     Auditing
  • II. Economics
     Economic Development & Competitiveness
     International Trade
     World Trade Organization & Multinational TradingBlocs
     Transitional Economies
  • III. Finance & Banking
     Financial Institutions & Markets
     Corporate Finance & Investments
     Risk Management
     Banking and Financial Services
  • IV. Information Technology
     Technology and Networks
     Services Computing
     Management of Technology
     Data Mining
  • V. Marketing
     Buyer Behavior & Customer Relations Management
     Distribution, Supply Chain Management
     Integrated Marketing Communications, Branding & Pricing
     Marketing Strategy, Product Management & New Product Development
     Services Marketing
  • VI. Management
     Human Resources
     Operations Management & TQM
     Organizational Behavior, Development & Change
     Corporate Strategy & Culture
     Knowledge & Technology Management, Entrepreneurship
     Public & Nonprofit Organizations
  • VII. Law and Regulations
     Minimizing Illegality & Unethical Conduct in Business
     Negotiating & Deal Making
     Intellectual Property
  • VIII. Health Care Management
     Management of Health Care Providers
     Economics of Health Care Services
     Contemporary Strategies in Pharmaceutical Industry
  • IX. Tourism and Hospitality Management
     Hospitality Management, Leisure, & Tourism
     Marketing of Theme Parks & Tourism
     Lifestyle Services, Sports & Olympics
  • X. Interdisciplinary Studies
     Business Education and Teaching Innovation
     Cross-Cultural Studies
     E-Commerce and Technology
     Public Policy, Immigration, and Ethical Issues
     Global Poverty and Underemployment

SPECIAL TOPICS: Special Panels, Forums, and Symposiums
Attendees are also invited. Interested group should select a session chair. The session chair’s responsibility will be to organize the special topics session and inform conference chair, Dr. N. Delener.

Important Dates:
March 31, 2009 Deadline for receipt of submissions.
April 30, 2009 Notification of acceptance.
May 10, 2009 Deadline for early registration & submission of full papers for inclusion in Readings Book.
After May 10th, papers will not be included in Readings book.

Outstanding Paper Awards:
Several papers will be selected for competitive awards. Winning papers will be recognized for their distinction at the Conference and will also be considered for inclusion in the Journal of Global Business and Technology.
Eleventh Annual International Conference, Global Business and Technology Association

Guidelines for Submission (All submissions are refereed):

  • Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged (PDF format). E-mail your abstract, full paper, or panel proposal to the Conference Chair (E-mail: ).
  • A maximum of two papers can be presented by one person.
  • Abstracts should be a maximum of four pages, and the full paper should be a maximum of twenty double-spaced pages including references and exhibits. The more complete the paper, the better its chances of acceptance in the review process.

Submissions should include:

  • A separate title page which clearly indicates the name(s) of the presenting author(s) and other co-author(s),affiliation(s), complete mailing address(es), telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address(es) and title of the paper;
  • A track number; and
  • Up to four key words that describe the paper.
  • The text of the full paper, abstract or proposal must include the title, but should not include the name(s) of the author(s) as papers will be blind reviewed. Accepted papers will be included in the Conference Readings Book.
  • Submissions must not have been published, submitted or presented at other conferences.
  • Special scheduling requests (dates or times) must be made at time of paper submission.
  • Submissions should be e-mailed to the Conference Chair:
    Dr. N.J. Delener, Conference Chair
    Editor-in-Chief, JGBAT
    Dean, School of Business
    The State University of New York at OW
    PO Box 210 / 223 Store Hill Road
    Old Westbury, New York, 11568 USA
    Voice: +516-876-3408
    Direct: +516-876-3292
    Fax: +631-462-9578

Call for Papers: Economics and Management of Networks

EMNet 2009 - Sarajevo
4rd International Conference on Economics and Management of Networks
University of Sarajevo
School of Economics and Business

The fourth international conference on Economics and Management of Networks will be held at the School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo, from September 3 to September 5, 2009, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The purpose of the conference is to provide an international discussion forum for research in economics and management of networks. Theoretical, conceptual and empirical papers from all areas in economics and management of franchising, cooperatives, joint ventures, licensing, strategic alliances, venture capital relations, virtual networks and other hybrids are invited. In addition, a workshop on international corporate governance with special focus on Central and South Eastern European Countries will be organized.

  • Franchising and retail chains
  • Cooperatives
  • Joint ventures
  • Strategic alliances
  • Licensing
  • Venture capital relations
  • Virtual networks
  • Other hybrids

Special worrkshop:International corporate governance

Relevant topics that are related to these NETWORK FORMS include those listed below:

  • Theoretical Views on Networks
  • Ownership and Incentives
  • Organization Design and Decision Rights
  • Economics & Law and Regulation
  • Knowledge Management Issues
  • Strategic Management Issues
  • Outsourcing and Vertical Integration
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Industry Studies
  • International Business Studies
  • IT and Networks
  • Comparative Institutional Analysis
  • Marketing and Distribution Channel
  • International Market Entry Strategy
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Competition between Network Forms

Procedures for Submitting Papers
Authors who want to present a paper should submit an abstract (1-2 pages) and return the response form as soon as possible, but not later than March 1, 2009. Please e-mail the response form to:
Josef Windsperger, Associate Professor of Organization and Management (
University of Vienna
Center for Business Studies
Brünner Str. 72A-1210 Vienna, Austria
Fax: 00431-4277-38174; Phone: 00431-4277-38180
Besim Culahovic, Professor of Economics (
University of SarajevoSchool of Economics and Business
Trgoslobodenja – Alija Izetbegovic 171000
Sarajveo, Bosnia and Herzogovina
Fax: 00387 33 275 994; Phone: 00387 33 275 915

Conference Fees: 260 EUR
Researchers from non-EU Eastern European countries, less developed countries and PhD students are requested to pay 180 EUR.
An edited BOOK will be published at Springer Verlag in 2010. In addition, a special issue on Franchising and Retailing will be published in the Journal of Retailing.
The conference fee covers coffee breaks, lunch and conference dinner as well as one copy of the edited BOOK.
Conference information can be found at the conference web page:

Important Deadlines:

March 1, 2009
Abstract and registration form
MARCH 15, 2009
Confirmation of acceptance of the proposal
JUNE 15, 2009
Conference registration and payment of the conference fee
July 1, 2009
One copy of the paper through e-mail toJosef Windsperger (
AUGUST 15, 2009
Final program available (

Organizing Committee

Besim Culahovic (Chairman), School of Economics and Business, University of SarajevoJosef Windsperger, Center for Business Studies, University of Vienna
Scientific Committee

Benito Arruñada, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Paulo Azevedo, Fundação Getúlio Vargas – Escola de Economia de São Paulo, Brasil
Bouchaib Bahli, Danube University, Krems, Austria
Gerard Cliquet, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes, France
Besim Culahovic, School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo
Rajiv Dant, University of Oklahoma, USA
Antony Dnes, University of Hull, UK
Thomas Ehrmann, Universität Münster, Germany
Anna Grandori, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Marko Grünhagen, Eastern Illinois University, USA
George Hendrikse, Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL
Patrick Kaufmann, Boston University, USA
Claude Menard, Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne and University of Paris (Pantheon-Sorbonne), France
Tahir Nisar, University of Southhampton, Southhampton, UK
Seth Norton, Wheaton College, USA
Emmanuel Raynaud, Centre ATOM, Université de Paris 1 (Sorbonne), France
Bernard Simonin, Tufts University, Medford, USA
Andrew Terry, University of New South Wales, Australia
Veljko Trivun, School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo
Mika Tuunanen, University of Kuopio, Finland
Josef Windsperger, University of Vienna, Austria
Murad Wisniewski, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

Call for Papers: International Business and Economic Geography; The Multinational in Geographical Space

Journal of Economic Geography
Call for Papers
International Business and Economic Geography; The Multinational in Geographical Space

Guest editors: Ram Mudambi, Temple University, USA Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, University of Groningen, The Netherlands Philip McCann, University of Waikato, New Zealand

A firm’s location choice and its spatial antecedents and consequences are key issues in economic geography.
International business (IB) scholars have also been long interested in the issue of location. It is a pillar of the well-known Ownership-Location-Internalization (OLI) paradigm, recently re-emphasized by the current highest cited paper in the Journal of International Business Studies (Dunning, 1998).
However, while the regional science and economic geography literatures (notably the Uppsala school) have studied the sub-national geographical behavior of multinational enterprises (MNEs), they do not focus on the firm’s organizational characteristics. These literatures tend to highlight the crucial importance of space and proximity (Gertler, 2003). The role of the firm in space is rarely the main object of study (Beugelsdijk, 2007). For example, many economic geographers would argue that spatial proximity is important to generate knowledge spillovers, and are often willing to make the empirical assumption that co-location implies interaction. Conversely, IB scholars have a thorough knowledge of the firm, but a relatively underdeveloped view of geographic space (McCann and Mudambi, 2005). The IB literature rarely recognizes the fundamental distinction between geographic location and geographic ‘space’. For example, IB studies of multinationality routinely use measures like ‘number of countries’, in effect treating the US and Andorra as the same.
Despite the large literature on clusters, an MNE’s strategy and structure within the context of its spatial embeddedness has not received much attention. This is a crucial omission since studies that link regional characteristics to firm strategy based on macro data suffer from various forms of aggregation bias. For instance, regional scores of R&D expenditure do not tell us the whole story about firm level innovation. Thus, “the economics of territories reflect the ways in which they are ‘inserted’ into the organizational spaces of firms – either directly, as the geographic locus of particular functions, or indirectly, through customer-supplier relationships with other (local) firms (emphasis added)” (Dicken and Malmberg: 359). Hence, integrating a discussion of organizational issues with the characteristics of the sub-national region is important to better understand the interplay between the MNE and its spatial environment. The impact of the changing strategy of MNEs on global economic geography is now considered to be one of the ‘big questions’ in IB (Buckley and Ghauri, 2004; Mudambi, 2008).
This special issue of the Journal of Economic Geography constitutes an attempt to strike a balance between the emphasis on space in economic geography, and the focus on firm organization in IB. Our goal is to create a forum wherein we can increase the mutual awareness of IB and economic geography scholars. This should lead to a fruitful exchange of ideas, increasing the audience for both literatures. A significant call for just such an exchange of ideas has recently been made by John Dunning (Dunning, 2009). Indeed, this piece suggests several important research avenues of mutual interest to economic geography and international business scholars.

Moreover, in terms of impact and visibility the Journal of Economic Geography provides is the ideal setting for such a forum, with an ISI citation impact factor which is typically of the order of three and a ranking in the top five of all economics journals and the top three of all geography journals.

We hope that this Special Issue of the Journal of Economic Geography will contribute to an integration of the literatures in economic geography and international business and catalyze research on the relation between multinational enterprises and geographical space. More specifically, by including geographic space in the analysis of MNE behavior we aim to advance our understanding of the role of the MNE in a globalizing world. We welcome both theoretical and empirical contributions, and papers adopting either a single or Multi Level Analysis.

Illustrative topics are mentioned below:
  • The 'death of distance' and ‘spiky’ global innovation
  • The disaggregation of the value chain and the location of value creatio
  • The role of the MNE in (regional) cluster formation
  • Local partners and geographic space; spatially proximate vs. spatially distant local partners in large economies
  • Extra-organizational knowledge spillovers in industrial districts/clusters
  • Economic geography and the 'global factory'
  • Spatial antecedents and consequences of offshoring
  • The dynamics of the spatial distribution of economic activity

Timeline & submission guidelines
All paper submissions should conform to the Journal of Economic Geography’s standard guidelines for authors, details of which can be found at the JEG website:

The deadline for paper submission is June 30, 2009 and the issue is scheduled to appear in Spring 2010. Papers should be saved in Microsoft Word format and submitted to:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Call for Papers: Involving Indigenous and Minority Peoples in Internationalization

PACIBER 2009 Annual Meeting
July 3-6 2009
Queenstown, New Zealand
Call For Papers - Involving Indigenous and Minority Peoples in Internationalization

Submission deadline is March 31., 2009.

The PACIBER Research Committee encourages the submission of original research that
analyzes any of the issues associated with “Involving Minority Peoples in Internationalization” in the Asia Pacific Region. All Asia-Pacific countries have "minorities", which form separate languages or cultural groups.
The minorities include both indigenous (first nation) people and minority groups within a larger
cultural or social majority. The theme of this year’s PACIBER research stream is the positive and negative impact of foreign direct investment on "minorities". The theme includes the economic, social, political and cultural impact of foreign firms, encompassing topics such as tourism, micro-finance, entrepreneurship, natural resource exploitation, employment and gender. Papers that address the impact of FDI on native title (land rights), culture and social practices will be particularly welcome.

Up to eight papers will be presented at the annual PACIBER meeting in Queenstown, New Zealand, July 3 - 6, 2009. Some travel support is available.

All papers will be reviewed by the PACIBER Research Committee. Please submit an abstract of your paper via email to the PACIBER Secretariat ( ) by March 31, 2009.

Submission Guidelines
1. The cover page must include the name, address, telephone, fax and email contact information of the authors and identify the keycontact person.
2. The second page must include the title of the paper, and the abstract, but NOT the authors’ identities.
3. Papers must be double-spaced with margins of one inch (2.5 cm) and font size of no smaller than 11 points. The final paper must be no more than 30 pages, inclusive of tables, diagrams and references.
4. Standards regarding headings, citations, endnotes, abstract, etc. should follow JIBS requirements.

Call for Papers: Cross-Cultural Competence and Management: Knowledge Migration,

Cross-Cultural Competence and Management: Knowledge Migration, Communication and Value Change
Call for Papers
VIIIth IACCM Conference 2009 and CEMS Doctoral Seminar
24-26 June, 2009,
WU Vienna, Austria

Managing individuals and organizations successfully in turbulent and highly diverse contexts requires, among others, a better understanding of commonalities and differences of these contexts, their unique demands and their changes over time. In particular, knowledge and knowledge flows across various kinds of boundaries, interaction processes among and between different types of individual and collective actors and the role of basic assumptions and action-related values play a key role.
Against this backdrop, the 2009 conference of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management (IACCM; see invites papers related to conference theme.
Topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
  • Specific knowledge required for individual and organizational goal achievement in culturally mixed settings
  • Boundaries inhibiting and promoting knowledge flows
  • The role of knowledge migration for individual and organizational effectivenessDifferent forms of knowledge migration
  • Specifics of communication processes in turbulent and culturally mixed environments
  • The role of different forms of communication in knowledge migration processesNew media and communication in culturally mixed settings
  • The role of mass media in knowledge migration
  • Convergence, divergence or stasis?
  • Individual and collective values and their development over time
  • The relationship of values and cultureValue changes between generations -- myth, reality or...
  • Work related values of young graduates and their implications for organizations and societies

The two-day conference (25-26 June) welcomes papers from a broad range of theoretical and methodological positions and is open to empirical as well as conceptual contributions related to the issues of knowledge migration, communication and value change from the perspective of cross-cultural competence and management.

It explicitly encourages young researchers to submit papers.

Selected papers submitted to the conferences will be invited for publication in a special issue of the European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence & Management or of Cross Cultural Management: an International Journal.

Submission for conference presentation
Paper abstracts (maximum 500 words) before March 15, 2009
Full papers for accepted abstracts (8.000 words max) before May 15, 2009
Research Proposals, Posters or Full papers for accepted abstracts (8.000 words max) before May 15, 2009

Call for Papers: Cross Cultural Research Conference

14th Cross Cultural Research Conference
Will Be Held at the Casa Magna Marriott Resort, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
December 13-16, 2009

Submissions Deadline: June 15, 2009

About the Cross Cultural Research Conference:
The conference began in 1981 as the "Cross Cultural Research Symposium" in New Orleans at Tulane University under the direction of Professors Charles Keown and Arch Woodside. The conference was then held every 3 years in Honolulu until the 6th Symposium in Hong Kong, which marked the move to biannual conferences and also the internationalization of the conference. The conference will continue to alternate between Hawaii and a non-U.S. site on a biannual basis. The 2007 conference was hosted in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Competitive papers, as well as special session proposals, on current topics in cross cultural research and related areas are invited. The complete call for papers and downloads are at the conference website:

Submission Information:

Both empirical and theoretical papers on Cross-Cultural Consumer and Business Studies are invited. Preferences will be given to inter-country comparisons over intra-country studies. Topics may include:All aspects of cross-cultural consumer behavior:Comparative marketing studies (e.g., advertising strategies, organizational buyer behavior, services);Comparative management practices (e.g., industrial relations, human resource management, organizational behavior, operations and supply chain management; and Comparative business studies (e.g., international accounting, finance, and law).

Instructions to Contributors:
(1) Electronic submissions are due not later than June 15, 2009 (complete papers or 2000 word extended abstracts must be sent for review).
Notification of acceptance will be e-mailed out by September 1, 2009.
Although abstracts will be considered, a full-length version of the paper is preferred for review. Papers should not exceed 15, double spaced pages, including text, references, figures and tables. The first page of the manuscript should begin with the title only.
Author names should not be included in any part of the paper except the title page.
Journal of Consumer Research format and style should be used (especially for the reference section).
If you are not familiar with this format, please check with JCR's style sheet for details.
The title page should include (1) The Title; (2) Author(s) Name(s); (3) Organizational Affiliation(s); (4) Address(es); and (5) Telephone numbers.

Accepted papers are due no later than November 1, 2009 for publication in the proceedings.We reserve the right to refuse publication of any paper, at any time, based on the personal judgment of the proceedings editor, whether such judgment is based on academic worthiness, appropriateness of the content, or any other reason stated or unstated.
Papers should be submitted electronically, formatted under Microsoft Word (preferred). Style information and author checklists are available at
Click Here to Download Conference Registration Forms and Author Instructions

Special session proposals containing three papers each are due no later than August 1, 2009. 500-1000 word abstracts (with reference lists) of each paper as well as a session summary of similar size must be sent to the coordinator of the region of the session chair. The session chair should also provide a title sheet containing (1) Title of the session; (2) Chair’s Name; (3) Organizational Affiliation; (4) Address; and (5) Telephone numbers.The session summary and the abstracts will be reprinted in the proceedings, but full papers can replace the abstracts.

Registration and Conference Fees
Full papers, as well as corrections to session summaries and paper abstracts are due no later than November 1, 2009. Conference Registration Fee: $300 before October 15, 2009 ($375 after October 15). Registration fee includes proceedings, reception, 2 lunches and coffee breaks.
Please forward registration and fees to: Lenard HuffProfessor of MarketingBrigham Young University – Hawaii55-220 Kulanui St. Box 1956Laie, Hawaii, USA 96762-1294808-675-3392 (office)808-675-3582 (fax)

The organization is dedicated to advancing relevant knowledge and increasing the professional competence of individuals and institutions that value the integration of cross-cultural skills and the development of business activities for diverse cultures across the globe. The conference is a forum for the presentation and application of research and related scientific activities. The driving objective of the conference is to foster Cross-Cultural Consumer and Business studies.
The journal of Consumption, Markets and Culture has devoted a special issue to papers with a critical perspective. Negotiations are ongoing with other journals for publication of selected papers from the conference, following a second round of reviews.
The Journal of Business Research, the Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, and the Journal of International Consumer Marketing have in the past published special issues that feature conference papers.

Lenard Huff
Professor of Marketing
Brigham Young University – Hawaii
Chair of the Cross Cultural Research Conference

Call for Papers: Understanding Organizations in Complex, Uncertain and Emergent Environments

Asia Pacific Researchers in Organtization Studies (APROS)
Call for Papers APROS 2009,
Understanding Organizations in Complex, Emergent and Uncertain Environments
Monterrey, Mexico (December 6 - 9, 2009).

Call for Papers

Nascent concepts based on cultural hybridism, salient stakeholders, new humanism and pragmatism are emerging for theory building in management and organization studies. These new strands have particular relevance for studies of organizations in emergent economies because of the traditional management practices and organizational arrangements in these contexts, which have some degree of divergence from more rationalist assumptions and models. There are notable common themes across organizations in developing countries or transition economies, based on contexts of localism, traditionalism and patrimonial organization. Today, these economies are undergoing the ‘shock of the new’ as both externally sourced FDI and internally liberalizing economies opens them to wider rationalizations of modernity already institutionalized in the dominant global economies and societies. In this conference, we seek to build a coherent understanding of changes occurring in these organizations in these complex, emergent, and uncertain environments.

APROS 2009 welcomes novel theoretical frameworks and innovative research strategies in management and organization studies. We seek to understand today's distinct environment of economic, political and social instability, the role of enterprises as social institutions, the value of the individual within society, and the pragmatic character of governmental public policies, which require novel interdisciplinary views.

We also seek to move from a traditional research approach, which offers universalistic solutions that provide only partial understanding of organizations operating in these complex environments. We encourage submission of studies that could contribute to our understanding of the cultural hybridization process.

In emerging economies it is important to understand indigenous stakeholders’ demands, and singular stakeholders lacking in legitimacy or power, that might not exist in more ‘advanced’ societies.

We suggest perspectives founded on a new humanism and pragmatism to build our proposed novel theoretical approach.

• By new humanism we mean an approach that balances the individual and economic perspectives of organizations. In Latin America, the individual is valued as part of the collectivity: how typical is this of other emergent economies? How is the individual valued in specific emergent economies? How could we include diverse practices for developing human and social capital simultaneously?
• By pragmatism we refer to the view of “what is possible” in Latin America given the environmental complexity in which organizations have to function. If a pragmatic humanism can focus on the reality of Latin America’s political economy, what about other regions such as Asia, the Middle East, Western, Central and Eastern Europe?

The APROS 2009 conference seeks to develop knowledge from international, grounded, theoretical, case study, and ethnographic research strategies for understanding management and organizations in times of disorder. While we note the usefulness of existing general management theories being applied as functional universals to diverse regions, these theories need to be enriched with concepts or terms that are unique to environments with unstable structural characteristics because of their singular historical and cultural development.

Papers in any theoretical or substantive areas may be submitted to the organizing committee, care of:
Conference Streams:
  • • Accountability
  • • Embedded Cultural Models and Indigenous Practices: An Aesthetic Approach to a New Leadership Framework
  • • Hybridity & Power in Management and Organization Studies: The Post-colonial Reading Re-read • Strategy and Change: Living with Maps, Masks and Mirrors!
  • • Exploring the Complexities of Corporate Social Responsibility
  • • Organisational Coaching – Expressing New Organizational Forms, or Masking Old Management Practices?• Integrating Leadership and Governance in Complex, Emergent and Uncertain Environments
  • • The Rhythm of Organizing: Moving Bodies, Moving Organizations• Organizing Work in the Knowledge Economy
  • • Labyrinths of ‘Otherness’: Alternative Voices, Visual Accounts and Artistic Representations of Organizational Selves
  • • Managers and Management in Complex Environments Divergence, Convergence and Hybrids• Increasing Practical and Humanistic Approaches to Small Business Success through eCollaboration
  • • Sustaining Sustainability: Maintaining Balance
  • • Cultural Hybridization, Organizational Technologies, and Processes in Developing Countries
  • • Organizational Crime

Important Dates

Deadline for abstract (800 words) submission: March 31, 2009
Answer by the organizing committee and stream chair on acceptance or rejection of abstract: April 30, 2009
Deadline for Full Paper Submission: September 30, 2009

Anabella Davila, Ph. D.Professor of Organization Theory,
Director, Ph. D. in Business Administration and Management Program
Graduate School of Business Administration and Leadership,
Tecnologico de Monterrey,
Campus Monterrey,
Ph. +52-81-8625-6150
Fax. +52-81-8625-6098
Intercampus Connection 80-343-6150,

Call for Papers: Global E-Commerce

Journal of Electronic Commerce Research

Special Issue Editors:
Dr. Nitish Singh, St. Louis University,
Dr. Boris Bartikowski, Euromed School of Management, and
Dr. Hadi Alhorr, St. Louis University

Call for Papers for Special Issue of on Global E-Commerce

Deadline for Submission: June 15th 2009


Global e-commerce is expanding rapidly and several trillion dollars are being exchanged annually over the web. The global online population is also increasing substantially and by 2012, Jupiter Research (2008) estimates that there will be 1.8 billion Internet users worldwide. Another interesting trend in global Internet usage is that almost seventy percent of these users are now non-English speaking (Internet World Stats, 2008). So, besides English other languages like Chinese, Spanish, Japanese and French now have significant online usage. Thus web is increasingly becoming a diverse global marketplace with global business opportunities. To take advantage of the full potential of global e-commerce, companies need to tap global markets and consider expanding online not only in developed countries but also the emerging economies of China, Brazil, India and others.
However, there is a dearth of guiding frameworks and cutting edge research that can help companies tap global online markets by effective web globalization efforts. The goal of this special issue is to encourage scholarship in under-explored areas such as web globalization strategies, global search engine optimization, global online consumer segmentation and marketing issues, web site localization, web site cultural customization, and other areas related to effective conduct of global e-commerce.

Potential Manuscript Topics

Topics for this special issue can broadly explore subject matter related to facilitation of global e-commerce. As a guide the special issue welcomes submissions exploring the following topics:

  • Localization versus Standardization on the web
  • Geo-political issues related to global e-commerce
  • Socio-cultural issues related to global e-commerce
  • Web globalization strategies
  • International e-marketing strategies & search engine optimization
  • Global E-CRM issues
  • Global Content Management issues
  • Harnessing Global Collective Intelligence
  • Managing Global Virtual teams
  • Governmental and Legal factors related to global e-commerce
  • Global web site navigation and usability issues

Submission of Manuscripts

All submissions must be in English, should represent original work done by the authors, and must NOT have been published, accepted for publication, or be presently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the submission guidelines of Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR) that can be found in the journal web site: Reviews of the submitted manuscripts will proceed in accordance with JECR's editorial policy. Submissions should be by electronic transmission ONLY (using a Word file attachment). Submissions should be sent to:

Important Dates

June 15th 2009 Deadline for submission
Sept. 1st 2009 Preliminary notices to authors
Nov. 1st 2009 Deadline for re-submission of selected papers
Jan. 1st 2010 Final acceptance
Feb. 2010 Special issue to be published--

Nitish Singh
Assistant Professor of International Business,
St Louis UniversitySupercharge
Your Skills:
Program Leader: Executive Certificate in Web Globalization Management.
St Louis Univ.Email:

Call for Papers: International Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Approaches and strategies of successful immigrant entrepreneurs crossing national boundaries

International Business Review
Special Issue:
International Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Approaches and strategies of successful immigrant entrepreneurs crossing national boundaries

National economies opened to the world and became more integrated in the last 50 years. As also travel became easier and more affordable, people with different national backgrounds left their homes and went into industrialized countries as refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants (Cross 1992, Esping-Andersen 1993; Massey and Denton 1993). From the Chinese in greater Asia and Canada, to the Turks in Germany, from the Algerians in France to the Indians in Africa and New Zealand, the developed world became the final destination of populations with different socio-cultural or ethnic origins, which turned them into multi-cultural societies (Gorter et al. 1998).

Over the years, a significant shift in the work orientation towards self-employment took place among these ethnic groups (Delft et al. 2000, Masurel et al. 2002, Min 1987, Waldinger et al. 1990, Ward and Jenkins 1984; Kobrin and Speare, 1983; Lewandowski, 1980). Whereas most of them had been employed as laborers in earlier years, they started to be active as “ethnic entrepreneurs”. Instead of queuing for jobs with the locals, they created work opportunities for themselves and even became employers of other people as well.

Ethnic entrepreneurs are people who start their own business often through an individual connection with former immigrants (Butler and Green, 1997) through a set of regular patterns of interaction with them (Waldinger et al., 1990). Ethnic entrepreneurs significantly influence national economies.
According to the Ethnic Minority Business Forum (2003) for example, there are 66.000 ethnic minority owned businesses in London today, as well as around 93.000 self employed people from ethnic minority communities. These minority businesses employ well over half a million people. Also in other parts of the world, ethnic minorities have started to have a say in business; the ethnic Chinese for example have created large multi-divisional enterprises in the host societies of Southeast Asia. Ethnic businesses today contribute to the economy by increasing economic and cultural diversity, reducing unemployment among immigrants and raising living standards in ethnic groups.

One of the important questions is which factors effect migrants’ decisions to engage in entrepreneurial activities. The decision has been explained with either the Structural or the Cultural approach (Mavratsas, 1997). Whereas the Structural approach argues that the situation in the host country is a prime cause for migrants engagement in entrepreneurial activities (Cole, 1959), the Culturalist approach sees values and cultural elements as the essential determinants of entrepreneurial activity. Studies demonstrate, that these elements are similar in many aspects across different minority groups. A comparative examination of entrepreneurship among Maghrebian and Pakistani businesses for example shows, that motivation, markets and the importance of family labour are equally important. Studies also show that networks are determining factors in entrepreneurship success, as network connections help ethnic entrepreneurs raise money, invent technology, locate materials, get training and hire workers (Gabbay & Leenders, 1999).

Although studies on ethnic communities in business life have increased over the last years, these studies have dominantly considered labour migration and only limited attention has been given to entrepreneurial migration.
Whereas some works have dealt with this topic as well, most academic works on ethnic entrepreneurship have told the stories of particular minority groups in specific societies (e.g. Light and Bonachich, 1991; Silverman, 2001 Folk, 2007).

This special issue of International Business Review focuses on two gaps in the extant literature on ethnic entrepreneurship: First, unlike previous work, which tended to focus on one country or one region of the world, with this special issue we aim to cover a global scope with chapters on America, Europe, and Asia. It is our intention to provide a broad perspective on the nature and scope of entrepreneurship within ethnic groups and bring new insights and methods to the phenomenon of ethnic entrepreneurs. Second, most work until now has focused on the marketing related dimensions of the phenomenon. This special issue aims to provide a management related understanding of how international firms are organized to achieve their strategic goals. Combining essays, case studies and empirical studies from around the globe, we want to give a deeper understanding of the characteristics, motivation and orientation of ethnic entrepreneurs as well as their value systems, preferences, goals and management styles. It is our aim to understand the success stories of ethnic entrepreneurs in different environments putting special emphasis on the cultural, social and institutional resources that made these successes possible.

Guest Editors:
Prof. Dr. Tamer Çavuşgil (Georgia State University/USA) Dr. Dilek Zamantili Nayir (Marmara University/Turkey) Prof. Dr. Gerd-Michael Hellstern (University of Kassel/Germany) Prof. Dr. Tevfik Dalgic (University of Texas at Dallas/USA) Prof. Erin Cavusgil (University of Michigan Flint/USA)

Subject Coverage

Topics covered include, but are not limited to:

- Global trends in ethnic business
- The role of ethnic entrepreneurship in shaping the structure of modern economies
- The role of culture and cross cultural communication in ethnic businesses
- Strategy formulation in ethnic businesses
- The role of business-government relations
- The role of trust and cultural values
- Gender and generation differences
- Economic, political and social network structures in ethnic entrepreneurship
- Organizational culture in ethnic enterprises

We are looking to include both conceptual and empirical papers as well as case studies in this special issue. Papers with a multi-country, comparative perspective will be preferred.


September 30, 2009 Submission of manuscripts
January 15, 2010 Reviewer comments to authors
April 30, 2010 Submission of final articles
August 30, 2010 Final articles to the publisher

Notes for Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page at

Editors and Notes

Please send your submission in the form of an MS Word file attached to an e-mail to both:

Prof. Tamer Çavuşgil
The Institute of International Business - J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University,
35 Broad Street, Suite 1438, Atlanta Georgia 30303 USA


Dr. Dilek Zamantili Nayir
Marmara University - Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences Department of Business Administration in German language 81610 Anadoluhisari Istanbul Turkey

Call for Papers: Immigrant Effect And International Business Management

Journal of Asia Business Studies (JABS)
Special Issue: Immigrant Effect And International Business Management
Call for Papers

Guest Editors
Professor Rosalie Tung, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Dr Henry Chung, Massey University, New Zealand

The U.S. think tank, Hudson Institute, coined the term, “global workforce 2000”, to refer to the growing mobility of people worldwide. Countries that have received many immigrants from different parts of the world can benefit from the presence of these immigrant communities because of their special knowledge and connections with their country of origins (COO). The concept, “immigrant effect“, refers to the impact that an immigrant employer or employee has on the success of international business operations that pertain to the immigrant‘s COO.

To advance our understanding of the immigration effect, the Journal of Asia Business Studies (JABS), a premium peer-reviewed academic publication (, invites manuscripts that address issues related to the “immigrant effect”, international human resource management, internationalization, international trade, international marketing strategies, cross-cultural management and so on. In particular, we welcome papers that focus on the Asia-Pacific region. However, research that draws from data on other geographical areas is also welcome.

Possible topics for empirical and theoretical research papers include (but are not limited to):

• International human resource management and immigrant effect
• Internationalization and immigrant effect
• International marketing strategies and immigrant effect
• International entrepreneurship and immigrant effect
• International trade and immigrant effect
• International network and immigrant effect
• Cross-cultural management and immigrant effect
• Immigrant effect and performance

Manuscripts should be submitted as an e-mail attachment to Guest Editor, Dr. Henry Chung at by April 30, 2009.

Journal of Asia Business Studies is a vibrant peer-reviewed academic journal with a growing international influence. Its editorial board is comprised of accomplished scholars from prestigious institutions. Besides scholarly researches, the journal also publishes interviews with senior executives of well-known corporations. For example, the Journal has published interviews with the chairmen and founders of Adobe Inc., Asia Pacific Chairman of McKinsey and Morgan Stanley.

Information about manuscript styles, as well as the prestigious editorial board of JABS and the content of its current and past issues, can be found at .

Chung, H. F. L. (2004). An Empirical Investigation of Immigrant Effects: The Experience of Firms Operating in the Emerging Markets. International Business Review, Vol.13, No. 6, 705-728.

Johnston, W. B. (1991). Global Work Force 2000: The New World Labor Market. Harvard Business Review, March-April, 115-127.

The formal call is attached to this email as well as pasted below. Please email either co-editor if you have any questions. Have a wonderful semester, and we look very much forward to your papers!

Dr. Dilek Zamantili Nayir
Marmara University
Istanbul Turkey

Call for Papers: African Journal of Political Science and International Relations (AJPSIR)

African Journal of Political Science and International Relations (AJPSIR) is currently accepting manuscripts for publication. AJPSIR publishes rigorous theoretical reasoning and advanced empirical research in all areas of the subjects.
We welcome articles or proposals from all perspectives and on all subjects pertaining to Africa, Africa's relationship to the world, public policy, international relations, comparative politics, political methodology, political theory, political history and culture, global political economy, strategy and environment.
The journal will also address developments within the discipline. Each issue will normally contain a mixture of peer-reviewed research articles, reviews or essays using a variety of methodologies and approaches. Manuscripts must be sent as e-mail attachment to or AJPSIR editorial board makes an objective and quick decision on each manuscript and informs the corresponding author within four weeks of submission. If accepted, the article is published online in the next issue. AJPSIR is an open access journal and all articles published are available online without restriction to scientific researchers in the public and private sectors, government agencies, educators and the general public. The journal also provides a medium for documentation and archiving of research articles. AJPSIR papers are exposed to the widest possible readership.Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript within four weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next available issue.

Please visit to view our current issue.
Best regards,
Prof.James Wunsch
African Journal of Political Science and International Relations Academic Journals

Call for Papers: Emerging Challenges in the Western Hemisphere

The Center for the Study of Western Hemispheric Trade at the A.R. Sanchez, Jr. School of Business Texas A&M International University in conjunction with Tecnologico de Monterrey, campus Monterrey the Graduate School of Business Administration and Leadership (EGADE) and the Catedra de Investigacion Economia de la Frontera Norte and Universidad Regiomontana
14th Annual Conference “Emerging Challenges in the Western Hemisphere”
April 16-18, 2009
Monterrey, Mexico

You are cordially invited to submit papers for presentation at this conference, which brings together academic researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to discuss an array of topics affecting the western hemisphere as we facefurther integration of the Americas in the 21st century.

The conference is sponsored by the Center for the Study of Western Hemispheric Trade ( ), the Graduate School of Business Administration and Leadership(EGADE), and the Catedra de Investigacion Economia de la Frontera Norte. The 2009 conference will take place on the campus of the Monterrey Institute of Technology (Tec de Monterrey) and Universidad Regiomontana in Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.

Special Features:
1. Panel Presentations
2. Concurrent Academic Sessions
3. Papers on Emerging Challenges in the Western Hemisphere
4. Conference to take place at Tecnologico de Monterrey, campus Monterrey and Universidad Regiomontana.

Benefits of Participation:
• Distinguished papers will be considered for publication in Texas A&M International University’s International Trade Journal. A leading peer-reviewed academic journal now in its 22nd year.
• Opportunity to interact with peers from various countries and gain insight into emerging topics related to economics, finance, marketing, information technology and international business.

Important Dates:
• February 23, 2009 - Early registration deadline.
March 2, 2009 - Due date for all submissions, including complete papers to be considered for inclusion in electronic proceedings.
• March 2-18, 2009 - Review period.
March 20, 2009 - Notification date for acceptance of submission.

Papers are invited on any topic related to the general theme of Emerging Challenges in the Western Hemisphere with specific emphasis on:
• Energy
• Role of Governance in Financial Crisis
• Regional Dynamics of the U.S.-Mexico Border
• North American and Border Affairs
• International Trade and Logistics
• Security
• Environment and Trade
• Physical Infrastructure and Logistics
• Public - Private Partnerships
• Insoluble Financial Problems.
• Other topics on Western Hemispheric Trade

All participants must submit their work electronically to .
Graduate students and non-academic affiliates are welcome. Submissions imply that at least one author will register for the conference and be present at the time designated in the conference program. Research-in-progress will be accepted.
Please send a MS Word or WordPerfect file of either the complete paper or abstract (200 words maximum) by March 2, 2009 for inclusion in the conference. Complete papers may be considered for inclusion in a book of proceedings. Each submission must include a cover page containing only the title of the research with information about the author(s).

Registration Fees:
$215 U.S. Dollars - Early Registration: February 2-23, 2009
$250 U.S. Dollars - Registration February 24-March 20, 2009
$300 U.S. Dollars - Late Registration after March 20, 2009
Payable by Check, Money Order or Credit Card to Texas A&M International University

Further information:
For further information, please contact:
Amy Palacios, Conference Coordinator,
Center for the Study of Western HemisphericTrade,
Texas A&M International University, 5201 University Blvd. - Suite WHTC 222E, Laredo, Texas 78041, at or

Call for Papers: Critical Perspectives on International Business

Critical Perspectives on International Business (CPOIB) provides a forum for researchers and practitioners in such diverse fields as management, politics, economics and geography to examine approaches to management practice. It is the only journal that exclusively supports critically reflexive discussion of the nature and impact of international business activity from trans- and multi-disciplinary perspectives.

Although CPOIB was only launched in 2005, we have attracted key authors and a great deal of positive feedback from academics in the fields of international business, critical management studies, geography, economics, and other related disciplines. We are grateful to our Editorial Advisory Board and wider network of contacts for their help in this regard.
As we enter our fifth volume, we would like to encourage further submissions to be made via the journal’s new online submission site: .

CPOIB has published a number of popular special issues recently, including ‘Critical reflections on management and organization: a postcolonial perspective’, ‘The Internet and its paradoxical nature in international business’ and ‘Militarization and international business’. In April 2009, our ‘Reflections on the Global Financial Crisis’ will be one of the first scholarly commentaries to be published on these recent events.

We welcome additional special issue proposals. Please e-mail the editors, George Cairns and Joanne Roberts, in the first instance: and .

Further information, including journal scope and full author guidelines, can be found on the homepage: .

Kind regards
Dr Martyn LawrencePublisher
Critical perspectives on international business

Call for Papers: Market Entry and Operational Strategies of MNEs in Transition and Emerging Economies

Journal of East West Business
Call for Papers: Market Entry and Operational Strategies of MNEs in Transition and Emerging Economies

Special Issue Guest Co-editors
Mehmet Demirbag – University of Sheffield
Ekrem Tatoglu – Bahcesehir University

With institutional transformations in emerging economies of Central and Eastern Europe, South Eastern Europe, Russian Federation, the Baltic States, Commonwealth of Independent States as well as high growth emerging economies of South East Asia, Western MNEs increasingly started to play important roles in management of rapid transformation and change. While some of these countries have largely been successful in attracting MNEs to operate in their home markets, different approaches by some of the host governments and policy makers in some transitional and emerging countries have yielded various and in some cases limited success. These economies are not homogeneous, on the contrary, there appears to be more heterogeneity then homogeneity among these transitional and emerging economies.
Yet, some of the commentators tend to treat these countries within the same cluster.
The heterogeneity among these economies creates various advantages not only in terms of business potential for international operations and cross-border trade, but also for researchers to test recent theories and perspectives in international business area. The aim of this special issue therefore is to offer a conceptual and empirical survey of MNEs’ activities in East-West business context.

This special issue offers a rare and unique opportunity for scholars and practitioners engaged in research on MNEs’ activities in these countries to share their findings in such a scholarly outlet. The forum will provide insights into market entry and operational strategies of MNEs in East-West business context. Topics may include but are not limited to the following issues:
  • · Market entry strategies of MNEs in East-West business context,
  • International licensing and franchising,
  • Supply chain management by MNEs,
  • Mergers, acquisitions and post acquisition strategies of MNEs,
  • Marketing and branding strategies of MNEs,
  • Problems and challenges in developing trust in strategic business alliances,
  • Technology transfer or reverse technology transfer by MNEs,
  • Liability of foreignness and issues of corruption and ethics,
  • Outsourcing and procurement practices of MNEs,
  • Corporate governance, social responsibility and MNEs,
  • MNEs knowledge development and management strategies and reverse
    knowledge transfer,
  • Export/import and trade development,
  • Conceptualizations of FDI strategies by MNEs in contrast to other emerging

The special issue is open and competitive, and submitted papers will undergo the normal rigorous, double blind review process to ensure relevance and quality.
Submitted papers must be based on original work not under consideration by any other journal or outlet. Papers can be conceptual or empirical.

Deadline for manuscript submission is 30th of April 2009 to one of the following Special Issue

Guest Co-editors:
Mehmet Demirbag, Ph.D. Senior Lecturer in International Business
Management School
The University of Sheffield, 9 Mappin Street
Sheffield, S14DT, UK
Ekrem Tatoglu, Ph.D. Professor of International Business,
Chair of International Business and Trade,
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Bahcesehir University, Besiktas,
Istanbul, 34349, Turkey

The Journal of East-West Business is published by Taylor & Francis Group under the editorship of Erdener Kaynak.

For more information visit:
Publication details, including instructions for authors:

Call for Papers: Revue de la Régulation/Regulation Review

Revue de la Regulation provides a forum for regulationism related research and for studies that broach the regulationist framework.
The Revue de la Regulation is ranked in Econlit database and also in France AERES and CNRS scientific ranking.

The theoretical principles supporting regulationist analyses provide coherence to a body of XXth century institutional phenomena and dynamics of different forms of capitalism. These principles have heuristic properties that are useful for the analysis of contemporary economic and social recombinations that cannot otherwise be understood. Analyses are based on both historical and comparative approaches that integrate the variability of current economic systems worldwide and the mechanisms among them. Moreover, it is necessary to develop a political economy model that is embedded in social relations in order to understand reconfigurations of power balance between social groups and/or states and to analyze the complexity of institutions.
Given the scope and the diversity of these changes, a journal that assembles research within this intellectual current will facilitate the understanding of capitalism's transformations. Research relates both to the structural characterization of different forms of contemporary capitalism and to the analysis of mechanisms at work (for example, development of immaterial economics, changes in the organization of production methods, new forms of competition, financialization). Research may also relate to the identification of their consequences on society (transformation of inequalities, evolution of wages ) or to identify the impact of these evolutions on economic policies.

The objective of Regulation Review is twofold:
  • first, to promote comparison and exchanges on different aspects of this research and second, to bring together research results, which are all too often presented in a dispersed manner.
    The pursuit of the regulationist researches will further known fields of research, and introduce new problems and new fields of thought.
Therefore, the review's ambition is to take into account the most characteristic dimensions of contemporary changes, in particular:
  • * globalization and the constitution of new inter- and intra-state assemblies. This double movement will modify the power scale and its exercise, especially in regards to the traditional State-Nation;
  • * new forms of regulation which are set up at various levels (regional, State-Nation, but also new forms of sectorial or territorial regulations);
  • * factors likely to generate new forms of crises, particularly demographic and ecological questions;
  • * integration or marginalisation of countries in the southern hemisphere within contemporary capitalism;
  • * new prospects for non-standard micro-economics;
  • * dynamic models

From this point of view, a publication where no thought aspect will be dismissed a priori becomes necessary. Here, the debate on methods, data utilized and their modes of treatment will be continued and developed. Likewise, the dialogue with other disciplines which explore the transformations of our societies must be pursued.

Various types of texts will be published (after submission to the reading panel, RP, or editorial board, EB):

  • Scientific articles (RP with referee)
  • * Theoretical points
  • * Presentation of empirical research results
  • * Critical comments on a regulationist researches from another theoretical point of view View point: opinion - debates - notes related to economic current events (EB)
  • * Response to published articles (EB)
  • * Short proposal, research note (EB)
  • * New fields of research - intermediate research results (report, PhD..) Book and conference reports (EB) PhD presentation (EB)

Language for Submission : French; English.

Jean-Pierre Chanteau
Université Grenoble-II, LEPII-CNRS
Tel 04 76 56 35 90 / 04 76 82 54 31 (secret.: 04 76 82 85 96)


Call for Papers: Emerging Markets

International Journal of Technology and Globalisation (IJTG)
Call for Papers: Special issue on “Emerging Markets”

Guest Editors: Prof. Rajesh K Pillania, Management Development Institute, India.
Prof. Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad Eafit, Colombia.

Need and Significance of the Topic
With a high growth rate and still significant untapped potential, emerging markets are the growth engines of the world economy. Globalization and technology are two prime drivers of the global economy. Innovations have become popular again and globalization of research and development is taking place. Emerging markets are becoming source of low cost research and development initiatives on the one hand and at the same time these markets need technology for the developmental needs. How to face the changing realities of technology globalization requires substantial strategic thought, guidance and implementation. Contributions are invited on various aspects of technology globalization and emerging markets.

A Suggested List of Topical Areas: A list of suggested topics includes but is not limited to the following:
Ø Rise of Emerging Markets
Ø Globalization of R & D
Ø Technology for Emerging Markets
Ø Technology Transfer Issues in Emerging Markets
Ø Innovations in Emerging Markets
Ø Innovations Policy in Emerging Markets
Ø Innovations for Bottom of Pyramid Markets
Ø Future of Technology Globalization and Emerging Markets
The International Journal of Technology and Globalisation (IJTG) provide a refereed and authoritative source of analysis on the interactions between technological innovation and globalisation. It serves as an international forum for exchange of ideas and views on the global implications of technology for economic growth, sustainable development and international security. IJTG publishes original and practical contributions. These can be quantitative or qualitative, surveys, reviews or cases studies, or research notes up-to-date with current research in the field. Journal Webpage


Deadline for Submission of Papers July 30, 2009
Expected Publication Date December 2009

Contact information
Professor Rajesh K Pillania , E-Mail:

Call for Papers: 11th International conference of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development

11th International conference of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development (SGBED)

Call for papers:

Theme: "Striving for Competitive Advantage & Sustainability: New Challenges of Globalization"

Location: Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Dates: May 27-30
Final paper submission: February, 13, 2009

For more information the conference, please visit the conference

Dr. C. Jayachandran
Professor & Director
The Center for International Business
School of Business, Montclair State University Montclair, NJ 07043
Tel: 973 655 7523 Fax: 973 655 7715