Sunday, February 22, 2009

Call for Papers: Global Business and Organizational Excellence: A Review of Research & Best Practices

Global Business and Organizational Excellence: A Review of Research & Best Practices

A Publication of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Global Business and Organizational Excellence: A Review of Research and Best Practices (GBOE) is an international journal directed to executives, managers, and consultants in business, government, and nonprofit organizations, and to faculty and students of business and management. Authors should keep in mind the uniqueness of this journal in its focus on real-life, practical ways that organizations can achieve excellence. Articles should therefore detail best practices and be highly practitioner-oriented in order to fulfill these needs and expectations.

Mission Statement

Now located in Marseilles, France and New York, USA, the newly re-launched Global Business & Organizational Excellence: A Review of Research & Best Practices published six times a year, provides executives and managers in business and government, academicians, human resources specialists, and consultants with timely information on strategies and techniques that organizations around the world are using to excel – that is, to effectively enhance their performance and competitive position in a global economy – while meeting the needs of all their stakeholders, including their employees, customers, owners, and communities.

Rapidly increasing globalization has made it necessary for organizational leaders and scholars to more actively share best practices and research findings relevant to corporate success in all countries and cultures. GBOE encourages the development of such innovative ideas and new methods of management practices, with topical areas in all aspects of international business, including production, human resource management, marketing, and finance, as well as analysis of cross-cultural, economic, public policy, sociological, technological, and environmental issues as they pertain to business and organizational operations.

Editorial Guidelines For Authors

Content requirements: Manuscripts are considered for publication with the understanding that they represent original material and are offered exclusively and without fee to Global Business and Organizational Excellence. Articles must not have been published previously and may not simultaneously be submitted elsewhere. We seek material that will offer our readership new insights into, and new approaches to, organizational competitiveness, profitability, and work effectiveness, with topical areas including all aspects of international business.

Articles should be informative, analytical, and practical, but not highly technical. They should exhibit clarity, brevity, and pertinence, with short and clear titles. All accepted manuscripts are subject to editing. A brief – 50 words or less – biographical sketch of the author should accompany the article. The sketch should name the author’s position, company, or other professional organization, and field of expertise. A 100- to 125-word summary of the article should also be provided.

Submission requirements:
Global Business and Organizational Excellence publishes both general-interest articles and academically refereed articles.
All unsolicited general-interest manuscripts should be discussed with or sent to Jane G. Bensahel, Editor-in-Chief, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 212-852-0360 or
All unsolicited articles to be academically refereed should be discussed with or sent to Yahia Zoubir, Editor-in-Chief, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, +33 (0)4 91 827 347 or .

Articles should range from 3,000 - 7,500 words (12-30 pages in 12-point serif font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides, and with manuscript pages numbered). Articles and their accompanying exhibits may be submitted via e-mail. Alternatively, prospective authors should submit one hard copy of the manuscript, printed on one side only of 8-1/2”x11” or A4 paper, along with a CD-ROM containing (a) an electronic copy of the article, preferably as a Word document, (b) any tables, also in Word, and (c) all other exhibits in black/white, in .tiff or .eps format or as a PowerPoint file. Also, authors who have used any lengthy quotations must send photocopies of original sources so that we may confirm the absolute accuracy of the quotation.

Inquiries and indications of interest are most welcome.

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